DSDM Flashcards
What is DSDM?
DSDM is a proven framework for agile project management and delivery, helping to deliver results quickly and effectively. It concentrates on strategic goals and incremental delivery of real business benefits while keeping control of time, cost, risk** and **quality.
What are the DSDM values? (4 total)
- People and Interactions over Processes and Tools
- Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
- Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
- Responding to Change over Following a Plan
What are the 8 DSDM principles?
- Focus on the business need
- Deliver on time
- Collaborate
- Never compromise quality
- Build incrementally from firm foundations
- Develop iteratively
- Communicate continuously and clearly
- Demonstrate control
To fulfil ‘Focus on the business need’ principle what do teams need to?
- Understand the true business priorities
- Establish a sound business case
- Seek continuous business sponsorship and commitment throughout the project
To fulfil ‘Deliver on time’ principle what does teams need to?
- Timebox the work into short delivery Sprints
- Focus on business priorities
- Always hit deadlines
To fulfil ‘Collaborate’ principle teams need to?
- Involve the right stakeholders, at the right time, throughout the project
- Ensure that team members are empowered to take decisions on behalf of those they represent
- Actively involve the business representatives, especially the Product Owner
- Build a one-team culture
What is meant with ‘Never compromise quality’?
The level of quality of the solution to be delivered should be agreed at the start. All work should be aimed at achieving that level of quality. No more and no less.
To fulfil ‘Never compromise quality’ principle what do teams nee to? (5 total)
- Set the level of quality before development starts (for example with a ‘Definition of Done’)
- Ensure that quality does not become a variable
- Design, document and test appropriately
- Build in quality by constant review
- Test early and continuously
To fulfil ‘Build incrementally from firm foundations’ principle teams need to? (4 total)
- Do enough design up front to create strong foundations
- Strive for early delivery of business benefit where possible
- Accept that most detail emerges later rather than sooner
- Evolve more precise estimates as the project progresses
To fulfill ‘Develop iteratively’ principle teams need to? (5 total)
- Be creative, experiment, learn, evolve
- Embrace change - the solution will evolve as the team learns more about it
- Take an iterative approach to building all products
- Continually confirm the correct solution is being build
- Converge on an accurate solution
To fulfil ‘Communicate continuously and clearly’ principle teams will? (7 total)
- Hold Scrum (short stand-up team meetings) each working day
- Employ rich communication techniques, such as modelling and prototyping
- Present iterations of the evolving solution early and ofter (as a minimum, the end of each Sprint)
- Keep documentation lean and timely
- Manage stakeholder expectations throughout the project
- Encourage informal, face to face communication at all levels
- use Facilitated Workshops wherever appropriate
To fulfil ‘ Demonstrate control’ ScrumTeam and the Project Manager will? (6 total)
- Use an appropriate level of formality
- Be able to demonstrate that the project is in control at all times
- Manage proactively
- Make plans and progress visible to all
- Measure progress through focus on delivery of products (rather than completed activities)
- Evaluate continuing viability of the project, based on the business objectives
What are the 8 artefacts of the Agile Project Framework?
- Term of Reference
- Business Foundations
- Solution Foundations
- Management Foundations
- Delivery Control
- Quality Assurance
- Project Review
- Benefits Assessment
What is a Business Case?
Describes essential business considerations that justify the project, and then are used to assess the viability of the project moving forwards.
What is a Solution Architecture Definition?
Provices an overview and architectual framework for both business and technical aspects of the potential solution. This wil evolve as the project proceeds.
What is a Development Approach Definition?
Defines the standards and practices to be adhered to and provides guidance on how the solution should be evolved as the project proceeds.
What is a Delivery/Release plan?
Provides an initial high-level schedule of Sprints, Releases and other activities for development, testing and deployment of the solution.
For larger projects a single high-level Delivery Plan will deal with coordination of the efforts of multiple Scrum teams. This plan is constantly reviewed and revised as the project progresses to reflect the latest business demands and predicted outcomes in terms of timescales and delivered scope.
What is a Delivery Approach Definition?
Describes the approach to the set-up and management of various aspects of the project, including how the project will be organised and governed. It also describes the approach to managing Change, Configuration, Communication and Risk.
What is a Technical Quality Review Record?
Where useful, this artefact provides a recordd of essential technical review and testing activities and any traceability to resolution required for issues and defects.
What is a Business Quality Review Record?
Holds any records related to business review and acceptance of the solution as it evolves, as well as formal acceptance of it’s fitness for purpose and readiness to be deploued from a business perspective.
What does MoSCoW stands for?
- Must Have
- Should Have
- Could Have
- Won’t Have
What are the timeboxed event of a DSDM Sprint? (6 total)
- Kick-off
- Sprint Planning & Investigation (10% of effort)
- Product Refinement (70-80% of effort)
- Spint Consolidation (10-20% of effort)
- Sprint Review
- Retrospective