DSA - Trees Flashcards
What is a Tree?
- Very Flexible and powerful data structure
- Involves connect NODES like LL
- Has a Hierarchal structure unlike linear structure of LL
Define Root:
-Node that has no incoming edges (HAS NO PARENTS)
- Unique node at the base of the tree (TOP)
Give 4 example of Types of Trees
- Unary Tree ==> (0-1 Children) ≈ LL
- Binary Tree ==> (0-2 Children)
- Ternary Tree ==> (0-3 Children)
- Quad Tree ==> (0-4 Children)
Define Leaf:
-Node that has no outgoing edges (HAS NO CHILD NODES)
Define Height:
-Length of longest path from root to leaf
Define Size:
No. of Nodes
Define Edge:
The Link that connects nodes
What is Height & Size of tree with 1 node?
Height = 0
Size = 1
What is Height & Size of tree with no node?
Height = -1
Size = 0
Name the 3 Tree Implementation Options :
- Sibling List
- Array
Explain Basic implementation?
A Doubly Linked List that has a field value and right and left child pointer
- Prev Pointer points to left child
- Next Pointer points to right child
Explain Sibling list Implementation?
Similar to basic in that it is a Doubly Linked List however, the Prev pointer points to left child and the Next pointer point to the sibling of the left child
(This node should be right child of the parent)
Explain Array Implementation?
Binary Trees
Binary Trees use this Array layout where index 1 is the root and the children of node at index i is 2i & (2i)+1
33 is root
10 & 30 are 33’s Children
21 & 1 are 30’s Children
Define Binary Tree ADT
Each Parent has only 2 Child Nodes
What does constructor EmptyTree()?
Returns an empty tree
What does constructor MakeTree(V,L,r)?
Returns a new tree, where root node has value V, left subtree l & right subtree r
What does the accessor isEmpty(t)?
Returns tree if list is empty, otherwise False
What does root(t) do?
Returns the root node value of the tree
What does left(t) do?
Returns the left subtree of the tree
What does right(t) do?
Returns the right subtree of the tree
CODE to Create a Tree?
CODE to Reverse a Tree Order?
reverseTree(t) {
if( isEmpty(t)
return (t)
return (MakeTree(root(t)),
What does FLATTEN do to the Tree?
Turns the tree into a list (maybe Linked List)
Usually Starting with Left subtree, Root , Right subtree
CODE to Flatten?
flatten(t) {
if Tree.isEmpty(t)
return EmptyList
return append(flatten(left(t)),
MakeTree(root(t), flatten(right(t)))))
What Defines a Quad Tree?
- Has 4 Children
- Only Leaf Node holds values
- Internal Nodes Have 4 Children
What is useful about Quad Tree?
Representing 2D data, like images (image compression)
What does the Constructor baseQT do?
Returns a single leaf node quad tree with a value
What does MakeQT(luqt,ruqt,llqt,rlqt) do?
Returns a new quad tree, built for 4 sub-quad trees
What does accessor isValue(qt)do?
returns true if qt is a value node quad Tree
rotate(qt) {
if( isValue(qt) )
return qt
return makeQT( rotate(rl(qt)),
rotate(lu(qt))) }
What does the Code to Rotate DO?
90 degree Rotation
Define Binary Search Tree:
- Holds value in such a way that we can quickly search/ insert elements so that we can find them
- VALUES in Left subtree are smaller than the root
- VALUES in Right subtree are larger than the root
- The subtrees are also BST
What happens when a BST is flattened?
The values are returned in ORDER
CODE for Insertion in BST:
insert(v,bst) {
if( isEmpty(bst))
return MakeTree (v, EmptyTree, EmptyTree)
else if ( v < root(bst))
return MakeTree( root(bst), insert(v,left(bst)),
else if (v > root(bst))
return MakeTree(root(bst), left(bst),
else error(“ERROR;_value_already_in_tree”)
What is the problem with the Insertion Code?
Method is insufficient as it requires us to make a new copy of BTS with additional values
What is the CODE for Searching a BST Recursively ?
isIn( value v, tree t) {
if( isEmpty(t) )
return false
else if (v == root)
return true
else if (v < root(t))
return isIn(v, left(t)) // searches recursively on either
else // Right/Left Node depending on if
return isIn(v, right(t)) // it is Smaller / Larger