DSA 5: Approach to the Hepatobiliary Patient (Acute Hepatitis / Liver Disease) Flashcards
How does acute (fulminant) liver failure (ALF) present?
1) Massive hepatic necrosis
2) Impaired consciousness
3) Occurs within 8 weeks of onset
What is the primary etiology of acute (fulminant) liver failure?
Acetaminophen overdose
What drugs can cause AST/ALT elevations but rarely cause true hepatitis or ALF?
What are the leading causes of death associated with ALF?
Cerebral edema (brainstem compression) and sepsis
What causes the deep coma associated with ALF?
Hepatic encephalopathy
What happens to the liver during ALF?
What happens to bilirubin levels?
What happens to PT?
1) Shrinks
2) Rises
3) Prolongs
What occurs when ALF presents with an INR of greater than 1.5?
Life threatening coagulation abnormalities
How should ALF be treated?
1) Liver transfer
2) N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) in Acetaminophen OD
What are the main causes of acute hepatitis?
1) Viral
2) Drugs
3) Ischemia
What is seen on PE for acute hepatitis?
1) RUQ tenderness
2) Jaundice
3) Stools may be acholic
What type of virus is hepatitis A?
Single-stranded RNA
What is the duration of HAV?
What is the most common risk factor for HAV?
International travel
What is the route of transmission for HAV?
What labs are elevated for HAV?
2) Bilirubin and Alkaline phosphatase
What forms of anti-HAV are detectable in serum soon after onset?
IgM and IgG
Detection of IgM anti-HAV is an excellent test for diagnosing?
IgG anti-HAV (in the absence of IgM anti-HAV) indicates?
1) Ongoing acute hepatitis A
2) Previous exposure to HAV and immunity
Can HAV become chronic?
What type of virus is HBV?
Partially double-stranded DNA
HBV may be associated with what cutaneous symptom?
Polyarteritis nodosa
What are routes of transmission for HBV?
1) IV drug use
2) Sexual contact
3) Perinatal (mother to baby)
Perinatal transmission of HBV is endemic in what areas of the world?
1) Sub-Saharan Africa
2) Southeast Asia
When may HBsAg-positive mothers transmit HBV?
There is a risk as high as 90% of what occuring in these infants?
1) At delivery
2) Chronic infection
What labs are seen markedly elevated early in the course of HBV (higher than HAV infection)?
Can HBV become chronic?
Yes, 5-10% of cases
What complications can arise from HBV?
1) Cirrhosis (especially if HDV superinfection)
2) Hepatocellular carcinoma
How is HBV prevented before exposure?
3 doses of vaccine
What is the window period of acute HBV infection between?
HBsAg disappearing and HBsAb appearing
In terms of serology, what is present during the window period of HBV?
In terms of serology, what is present during acute infection of HBV?
1) HBsAg
2) HBcAb IgM
3) HbeAg
In terms of serology, what is present during prior infection of HBV?
1) HBsAb
2) HBcAb IgG
In terms of serology, what is present during chronic inactive infection of HBV?
1) HBsAg
2) HBcAb IgG
In terms of serology, what is present during chronic active infection of HBV?
1) HBsAg
2) HBcAb IgM
3) HBcAb IgG
4) HBeAg
In terms of serology, what is present when a person is immunized for HBV?
What type of virus is hepatitis D?
Defective RNA virus that requires HBV
What is the relationship that HDV has with HBV?
Either co-infects with HBV or superinfects a chronic HBV carrier
What is seen on labs for HDV?
How is HDV prevented?
Hepatitis B vaccine
What type of virus is hepatitis C?
Single stranded RNA
What form of HCV is most common?
What are some risk factors for HCV?
1) Transfusions
2) IV drug use
3) Intranasal drug use (cocaine)
Coinfection with HCV is found in at least 30% of?
HIV-infected persons
Covert transmission of HCV during what activity has been reported?
Bloody fisticuffs
What is found on labs for HCV?
Which is the most sensitive indicator of HCV infection?
1) HCV Ab in serum
2) HCV RNA (most sensitive)
What indicates recovery from prior HCV infection especially in people with genotype CC?
Anti-HCV in serum without HCV RNA
What vaccine is used for HCV?
There is no vaccine to HCV but patients with chronic liver disease should be vaccinated against HAV and HBV
What are potential complications of HCV?
1) Cirrhosis
2) Hepatocellular carcinoma
3) HIV co-infections
4) Mixed cryoglobulinemia
What is the recommended screening for HCV?
Everyone over the age of 18 should be screened for it at least once in their lifetime
What type of virus is hepatitis E?
ssRNA hepevirus
What population have an increased risk for HEV?
Immunocompromised patients
How is HEV transmitted?
1) Fecal oral
2) Waterborne epidemic
3) Spread by swine
What labs are seen with HEV?
1) IgM or IgG HEV Ab
2) PCR for HEV RNA
Does HEV present as acute or chronic?
While HEV does not have a carrier state, in what patients have there been instances of chronic HEV with progression to cirrhosis?
Transplant patients treated with tacrolimus
What population does HEV have the highest mortatliy rate in?
Pregnant women
What is the most common drug that causes toxic hepatitis?
What do you use to treat acetaminophen OD?
What is the critical amount of time you should administer the treatment?
1) N-acetylcysteine aka NAC
2) Within 8 hours of ingestion
Occlusion of flow to hepatic vein leads to what condition?
Budd-Chiari syndrome
What factors predispose patients to hepatic vein obstruction?
Hypercoagulable states such as polycythemia vera
What is the screening test of choice for Budd-Chiari syndrome?
What can be seen on imaging?
A direct venography will show?
Liver biopsy will show?
1) Contrast enhanced US
2) Prominent caudate liver lobe
3) IVC webs
4) Nutmeg liver
What is a potential complication of Budd Chiari Syndrome?
Hepatocellular carcinoma
What is the most common cause of jaundice in pregancy?
Viral hepatitis
What condition may be life threatening for pregnant women and is characterized by hyperreflexia and convulsions?
Subclinical hepatic disease may be the primary manifestation of preeclampsia, as part of what syndrome?
HELLP syndrome:
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets
What is characterized by the onset of pruritus in the third trimester?
Cholestasis of pregnancy