Drying of Foods Flashcards
Removal of water from food by non-conventional energy sources like sunlight and wind.
Drying (Sun Drying)
Removal of water from food under controlled conditions (T, relative humidity, air flow).
Oldest and simplest method of dehydrating food.
Sun Drying
30 C (86 F)
Placing food in the shade instead of sun. Good option for leafy greens, herbs and spices.
Air Drying
Powered by the sun, dehydrates food w/o electricity. Similar to a tabletop greenhouse.
Solar Dehydrators
Oven can dry foods at what T?
60 C
140 F
*oven drying can take around 6-10hrs
Most efficient and convenient drying method. Equipped w timer and T gauge w fans to evenly distribute heat.
Electric dehydrators
Drying can COMPLETELY inactivate enzymes. (t or f)
FALSE. Drying slows down but DOES NOT COMPLETELY inactivate enzymes.
Food Selection for Drying: Fruits
fully ripe
heavy for its size
Where can you use overripe or bruised fruits?
as fruit leathers
Food Selection for Drying: Vegetables
just mature
This decreases browning during processing and storing and lowers losses of flavor and of vitamins A and C.
Pretreating fruits
involves preparing a solution of water and a sulfiting agent and then soaking the cut fruit in the solution.
This keeps veggies from browning, becoming bitter or developing off flavors. It also cleans and softens veggies making them easier to rehydrate later.
Drying time for fruit:___ hours
Drying time for veggies:____ hours
Drying time for fruit:6 - 36 hours
Drying time for veggies: 3 - 16 hours
Veggies are sufficiently dry when they are ________ or __________.
brittle or leathery
Fruits are sufficiently dry if: ___________ and ___________ and have no pockets of moisture
pliable and leather-like
Herbs are sufficiently dry when: __________
Labeling of dried fruits and veggies include __________, ____________, and _______.
type of food, pretreatment step, and date
Ideal storage area for dried food
cool, dark, dry
Most common type of spoilage during storage at room T
Mold Growth
Dried meat, 75% lighter than fresh
A method of drying food by freezing it then putting frozen food in a vacuum.
Freeze drying
ice to vapor process