Dry Eye Flashcards
Dry Eye definition
Multifactorial disease of the ocular surface characterized by a loss of homeostasis of the tear film, and accompanied by ocular symptoms, in which tear film instability and hyperosmolarity, ocular surface inflammation and damage, and neurosensory abnormalities play etiological roles.
Tear film instability
Excessive depletion of aqueous component of tears, mainly due to evaporation.
Result of tear film instability
Tears can become concentrated and lose their function. Ocular surface is left unprotected and is exposed to harsh environment.
Osmolarity in tears
Measure of solute content in the tear film. NaCl makes up the majority of solutes in the tear layer.
Hyperosmolar tears are salty/conc. tears.
Hyperosmolar tears
Create a toxic environment around the epithelial cells of ocular surface, causing dehydration, shrinkage and eventually, their death.
Normal health tears components- long list
Electrolytes: Na, K, Cl, Ca,
Proteins: Lysosyme, Lactoferris, lipcalin, EGF,
Cytokines: IL-1, TNA- alpha, IL- IRA, TGF, Mucin 1, Mucn4, Mucin SAC
IGA, IGG, IGM, polar phospholipids.
Hyperosmolarity- Core mech of DED
Tear hyperosmolarity can damanage the epithelial cells directly or can initiate inflammatory events that result in damage to epithelial cells, surface microvilli, barrier function, the glycocalyx, and goblet cells.
Ocular surface inflammation is initiated by
Increase tear osmolarity, expressed through elevated pro inflammatory markers. MMP 9, IL 1Ra, IL8, etc…
Neurosensory abnormalities
Free corneal nerve endings between the superficial epithelial cells of the ocular surface - makes the vulnerable to rpt damage from environmental exposure (Inc tear evap, hyperomolarity, and inc pro inflammatory markers).
Corneal nerve damage ___ to longstanding DED is a recognized phenomenon.
Neurosensory element is thought to be involved with cases where ocular pain symptoms ______ outweigh the clinic signs.
Dry Eye Vicious Cycle broad
Tear film instability -> Tear cell hyperosmolarity - > Apoptosis of conjunctiva and cornea -> Inflammation (Neurogenic, lacrimal gland) -> Tear film insta.
Dry eye Cycle MGD
Tear film instability -> Flora changes -> Esterase/lipase release toxins -> Eyelid inflammation -> Lipid changes -> Tear film instability
Dry Eye Vicious cycle detailed
Tear film instability -> Tear cell hyperosmolarity - > Cell damage -> Apoptosis of conjunctiva and cornea -> Nerve stimulation -> Inflammation (Neurogenic, lacrimal gland) -> Cytokine release MMP activation - > Goblet cells loss -> Tear film insta.
Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye
DE from autoimmune, disorders of lacrimal functional unit, etc…