Drunk as a Skunk Flashcards
Line that defines the interior or exterior orientation of the force in relation to the enemy or that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related in time and space to an objective(s)
Lines of Operations
Operations are actions taken to design, build, secure, operate, maintain, and sustain DoD communications systems and networks in a way that creates and preserves data CIA, as well as user/entity authentication and non-repudiation
DoDIN Operations
Preserve ability to utilize friendly cyberspace capabilities and protect data networks, net-centric capabilities
Outmaneuvering adversaries taking or about to take offensive actions against defended networks, or otherwise responding to internal and external cyberspace threats
DCO types consist of these 3 things:
Internal defensive measures
DCO Response Actions
Name 2 properties of OCO
Must be authorized via executive order
and requires deconfliction in accordance with current policies
Name 5 goals of OCO
Joint planning identifies ___ ____ the ___ (who) can integrate with other instruments of national power to achieve those national objectives
military capabilities
Effective planning provides leadership with :
Options that offer the highest probability for success
7 steps to joint planning process
Planning initiation
Mission analysis
Course of action development
COA analysis and wargaming
COA comparison
COA approval
Plan or order development
In reference to joint planning process-
Analyses of operational environment or developing or immediate crises may result in the __, __, or ___ directing military planning through a plannin directive
Pres, SecDef, or CJCS
Tasks assigned to a subordinate commander in a planning directive
Specified tasks
Additional tasks the commander must accomplish, typically in order to accomplish the specified and essential tasks, support another command or otherwise accomplish relevant to the operation
Implied tasks
Tasks that the command must execute successfully to attain the desired end state defined in the planning directive
Essential tasks
Elements of info the commander identifies as being critical to timely decision making
Commander’s critical information requirement
key component of mission analysis -
A “must do” placed on the command by a higher command that dictates an action
key component of mission analysis -
A “cannot do” placed on the command by a higher command that prohibits an action
key component of mission analysis -
Info known to be true such as verified locations of friendly and adversary force dispositions
key component of mission analysis -
Provides a supposition about the current situation or future course of events, presumed to be true in the absence of facts
key component of mission analysis -
Describes the mission in terms of the elements of who, what, when, where, and why
Mission statement
7 types of Special Access Programs
Operations and support
4 functional combatant commands
6 geographic combatant commands
Combatant command that conducts global ops to deter strategic attacks against the US
Responsible for command of US nuclear capabilities, space ops, global surveillance and recon, intel, comms, comps, global missile defense and combatting WMDs
Subordinate unified command tree for USCYBERCOM
Plus the 133 cyber mission force teams assigned to the above commands
Facilitate development of cyberspace requirements and coordinate, integrate, and deconflict CO into the command’s planning process
Provide CCMDs an interface and reachback capability to USCYBERCOM
Cyber Support Element
4 Authorities under CYBERCOM
Combatant command (COCOM)
Operational Control (OPCON)
Tactical Control (TACON)
Provides full authority for a CCDR to perform those functions of command over assigned forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations, joint training (or in the case of USSOCOM) training of assigned forces) and logistics necessary to accomplish the missions assigned to the command
Vested only in the commanders of CCMDs by Title 10, USC, section 164 and cannot be delegated or transferred
Combatant command
Command authority that may be exercised by commands at any echelon at or below the level of CCMD and may be delegated within the command
Does not include authoritative direction for logistics or matters of admin, discipline, internal organization or unit training
Operational control
Limited to the detailed direction and control of movements and maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish assigned missions or tasks assigned by the commander
Is able to be delegated from a lesser authority than OPCON and may be delegated to and exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of CCMD.
Provides the authority to give direction for military operations and the control of designated forces.
Tactical Control (TACON)
Relationship is established by a common superior commander between subordinate commanders when one organization should aid, protect, complement, or sustain another force.
may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the CCMD level.
The designation of supporting relationships is important as it conveys priorities to commanders and staffs that are planning or executing joint operations.
3 levels of warfare
Prudent idea or set of ideas for employing the instruments of national power in a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater and multinational objectives.
A nation often determines the national guidance that addresses strategic objectives in support of strategic end states and develops and uses national resources to achieve them.
Links strategy and tactics by establishing operational objectives needed to achieve the military end states and strategic objectives.
Focused on planning and execution using operational art.
The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other.
Battles and engagements are planned and executed to achieve military objectives.
generally employ various tactics to achieve their military objectives.
Name the 6 joint staff sections
J-1. Manpower and Personnel
J-2. Intelligence
J-3. Operations
J-4. Logistics
J-5. Plans
J-6. Communications
Issued by the CJCS and/or commander.
Is a planning directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military Course of Action (COA).
If the order contains the deployment of forces, SecDef’s authorization is required.
Is a directive that provides essential guidance and directs the initiation of plan development before the directing authority approves a military COA.
PLANORD (planning order)
Is a directive to implement an approved military CONOPS
Only the President and SecDefhave the authority to approve and direct the initiation of military operations.
The CJCS, by the authority of and at the direction of the President or SecDef, may subsequently issue an EXORD to initiate military operations.
Execution Order (EXORD)
Provides overarching guidance and outlines associated objectives, desired effects necessary for mission completion.
Task Order (TASKORD)
Is a directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.
Operation Order (OPORD)
OPORD format
5 items
Admin & logistics
Command & communication
Published semiannually.
Overarching document addressing CDR AFCYBER’s foundational strategy.
Guides the employment of full-spectrum cyber capabilities.
Cyberspace Operations Plan (CyOP)
Published weekly.
Provides overarching guidance for planning, execution, and assessment of cyberspace operations
Cyberspace Operations directive (CyOD)
Published Daily.
Operational type orders issued to perform specific actions at specific time frames in support of AF and Joint requirements.
Provides mission identification number, mission priority, tasked unit(s), time over target/terrain, AO information and any additional mission comments.
Used for tactical planning
Air Force cyber tasking order (AFCTO)
Published as required.
Codify procedures and processes for operations directed in the CTO.
Detail special considerations and/or special items of interest.
624 OC publishes standing versions of these, weekly versions of these, and exercise and operation-specific versions of these
Special instructions (SPINS)
A window of opportunity and direction for a tactical commander to conduct tactical operations.
Time bounded (start by/finish by) to give a tactical commander the authorized and suspended timing available to plan and execute missions.
Must be approved by the 624 OC.
Vulnerability window
The exact timing directed by the tasking authority specified in the tasking order to execute a mission.
Based on the available vulnerability window (can be an enduring or time-sensitive requirement) and must be planned and tasked within the vulnerability window
Time over target/terrain (TOT)
Constitutes the actions individual cyberspace forces take to accomplish a tasked mission.
The base unit for a mission is a single tactical mission conducted by a single tasked cyberspace force.
Cyberspace forces begin a single mission when they come on station and complete a single mission when the operators come off station.