Drugs for Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, & Constipation (Segars) Flashcards
What are the main families of drugs for treatment of diarrhea?
- Prostaglandin Inhibitors
- Opioid Agonists
- Serotonin (5-HT3) Antagonists
- Chloride Channel Inhibitors
What drugs are Opioid Agonists (Anti-propulsives)?
- Loperamide
- Diphenoxylate
- Eluxadoline
This Opioid Agonist is chemically-related to opioids but does NOT exhibit analgesic/opiate-like effects, or appear to produce physical dependence.
Loperamide does have an FDA-issued drug safety communication, which is it can cause ________ toxicities leading to death.
What is the mechanism of action for Loperamide?
Directly acts on circular and longitudinal muscles of intestinal wall, which interferes with peristalsis and slows motility
What are the side effects of Loperamide?
Classic anticholinergic effects
This Opioid Agonist is a synthetic opiate agonist, and is much more closely related to them. Opioid effects are only seen at very high doses.
For Diphenoxylate, a small quantity of ________ is added to discourage deliberate abuse or over-dosage.
What is the mechanism of action for Diphenoxylate?
– Exerts effects locally and centrally on GI smooth muscle cells.
– Inhibits GI motility and slows excess GI propulsion.
What are the side effects of Diphenoxylate?
Classic anticholinergic effects
This Opioid Agonist acts as an agonist at mu and kappa receptors in GI, resulting in slowed peristalsis and delays digestion.
This Opioid Agonist acts as an antagonist at delta opioid receptors in GI, resulting in decreased secretions in the stomach, pancreas, and biliary tract.
Eluxadoline is not for any and all patients with diarrhea, it’s specific for…
What is it very important to watch while a patient is on Eluxadoline?
Watch hepatic and liver enzymes!
Eluxadoline can cause hepatic and pancreatic toxicity due to increased enzymes. Pancreatitis is also a high-risk in patients without a _________. Deaths have occurred due to this (FDA warning).
What are the CNS side effects related to Eluxadoline?
- Sedation
- Euphoria
- Impaired cognition
What are the contraindications for use of Eluxadoline?
- Biliary duct obstruction
- Alcoholism
- Hx of pancreatitis
- Severe hepatic impairment
Eluxadoline therapy should be stopped if severe __________ develops and lasts 4+ days.
What is the Serotonin (5-HT3) Antagonist specific for the use of diarrhea?
***Remember, Serotonin Antagonists end in -setron!
Alosetron is not very commonly used on the market, but it works by selectively blocking GI-based _______ receptors. This antagonism modulates regulation of visceral pain, colonic transit, and GI secretions.
This medication is used for chronic, severe IBS-D that is not responsive to other conventional therapies. Commonly used in women.
Severe Diarrhea-predominant IBS includes diarrhea, and one or more of the following…
- Frequent/severe abdominal pain
- Frequent bowel urgency or fecal incontinence
- Restriction of daily activities due to IBS
***Anatomical or biochemical GI abnormalities must be excluded before prescribing!
The major side effect of Alosetron is a black box warning for…
Ischemic Colitis
Due to the black box warning of ischemic colitis for the medication Alosetron, what are the requirements for its use?
– Physicians must enroll in prescribing program
– Patients and physicians must sign a risk-benefit statement and agree to adhere to therapy plans
– Additional self-training and testing by physicians to learn to appropriately diagnose IBS is required
– No refills without a follow-up exam by the prescriber
While on Alosetron, if a patient develops severe _________ the physician must D/C its use immediately.
What is the drug that is a Prostaglandin Inhibitor and used to treat diarrhea?
What is the drug that is a Chloride Channel Inhibitor and used for treatment of diarrhea?
This drug is derived from the dark red sap of the Croton lechleri tree (botanical pharmaceutical).
What is the mechanism of action for Crofelemer?
Inhibits chloride ion secretion by blocking cAMP-stimulated CFTR and calcium-activated chloride channels (CaCC).
***These channels regulate fluid secretion by intestinal epithelial cells. Can also be a treatment for cholera!
This medication is used for non-infectious diarrhea in HIV/AIDS pts (for pts on anti-retroviral therapy).