Drugs And Firearms Definitions And Case Law Flashcards
Bring or cause to be bought into New Zealand (Sexton v Police)
Import case law
Saxton v Police: Import includes to bring in or cause to be bought in from a foreign country
R v Hancox: Importation involves active conduct. It also does not cease once entering NZ, but carries on until it reaches the destination
Definitions for controlled drugs of SPAM, CDA and KKI
Substance, preparation, article specified or mixture
Controlled drug analouge
Knowledge (of offence), knowledge (SPAM or CDA a controlled drug) and intent (to commit the offence)
Controlled substance classes, schedules and examples
Class A = Schedule 1 (meth, cocaine, psilocybin, heroine)
Class B = Schedule 2 (GBL, MDMA, hash oil)
Class C = Schedule 3 (cannabis)
Guilty knowledge case law
R v Strawbridge: knowledge the substance is a controlled drug is presumed, unless evidence to the contrary provided on the balance of probabilities
Usable quantity case law
Police v Emerali: drug dealing must involve a usable ammount, does not extend to minute and useless residue of the substance
R v Rua
Produce and manufacture cover the creation of controlled drugs by some process which changes an original substance into a particular drug
Offence of produced/Manufacture is complete when drug created even if not in a usable form
Create into existence from raw materials
Combine components or raw materials to create a new substance
R v Donald
Supply includes the distribution of jointly owned property between its co-owners
R v Knox
Unlawful possession of a controlled drug for safekeeping with intent to return it to its original owner is intent to supply
R v Wildbore
A passive custodian who relenquishes cusrody of a drug to another has intent to supply
Direct or cause drug to be taken into the system of another
“Offers” actus reus and mens rea
-Communicate the offer (actus reus)
- Intention the other person believes is genuine (mens rea)- see R v Brown
Offers case law
R v During: Offer is a intimation by a person to another that he is ready on request to supply
R v Brown: Offering includes offering:
- a drug they have
- a drug they will produce
- a drug they mistakenly think they can supply
- deceitful knowing they will not supply
Otherwise deals with
Dealing not covered elsewhere in this section
Sell definition
Exchange for a valuable consideration
Supply is deemed to be selling until proven otherwise for selling to over 18 year old.
Intent and possession case law
R v Collister and R v Cox
Things always present under controlled drug
SPAM or CDA, Guilty knowledge (KKI), R v Strawbridge and Police v Emerali
R v Maginnis
Supply is more than phsycial control. It is to give to someone else for their own purposes