Drugs And Alcohol Flashcards
a drug that causes the nervous system to become more active so that a person feels
more energy and mental excitement
A drug that relieves pain
loss of feeling in a person’s body or part of the body through the use of drugs
any of various drugs that are used to calm people or to make them sleep
any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp and are psychoactive
Carbon monoxide
a poisonous gas that is formed when carbon is not completely burned and especially when gasoline is burned in car engines
substance that can cause cancer
a serious disease of the liver that can be caused by drinking too much alcohol
a powerful drug that is used in medicine to stop pain or is taken illegally for pleasure, derived from the coca plant.
Crystal meth
highly concentrated meth amphetamine which is a highly addictive stimulant effecting dopamine levels in the brain causing a high that lasts 8 to 12 hours.
to cause (someone) to stop using drugs or alcohol by providing special help and treatment
neurotransmitter that is responsible for pleasure impulses in the brain
DXM (dextromethorphan)
active ingredient in cough medicine that is sometimes over used to create impairment
illegal drug that causes extreme feelings of pleasure and increased sensory perception.
disease in which the lungs become stretched (alveolar sacs) and breathing becomes difficult
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
A highly variable group of birth defects including mental retardation, deficient growth, and malformations of the skull and face that tends to occur in the offspring of women who consume large amounts of alcohol during pregnancy
illegal barbiturate that causes severe neurological symptoms and amnesia and is use by sexual predators as a date rape drug
is a depressant of the central nervous system, and that is used illicitly to produce sedative and euphoric effects and is a known date rape drug that some also use recreationally to cause impairment.
the concentrated resin from the flowering tops of the female hemp plant of the genus Cannabis (C. sativa) that is smoked, chewed, or drunk for its intoxicating effect
any of various often toxic volatile substances (as spray paint, glue, or paint thinner) whose fumes are sometimes inhaled for their euphoric effect
a general anesthetic that is administered intravenously or intramuscularly and that is used illicitly usually by being inhaled in powdered form especially for the dreamlike or hallucinogenic state it produces (slang special K)
semisynthetic illicit organic compound derived from ergot (fungus) that induces extreme sensory distortions, altered perceptions of reality, and intense emotional states, that may also produce delusions or paranoia, and that may sometimes cause panic reactions in response to the effects experienced
(3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): (ecstasy) a synthetic amphetamine used illicitly for its mood-enhancing and hallucinogenic properties
a synthetic addictive narcotic drug used for the relief of pain and as a substitute narcotic in the treatment of heroin addiction—called also amidone
a drug (amphetamine that is given to people who suffer from attention deficit disorder
powerful drug made from opium that is used to reduce pain
opiate) a drug (as opium or morphine) that in moderate doses dulls the senses, relieves pain, and induces profound sleep but in excessive doses causes stupor, coma, or convulsions
a poisonous and highly addictive alkaloid that is the chief active ingredient in tobacco and that is used as an insecticide
PCP (phencyclidine):
used chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride especially as a veterinary anesthetic and sometimes illicitly as a psychedelic drug —called also angel dust, PCP
a hallucinogenic drug containing mescaline that is derived from peyote buttons and used especially in the religious ceremonies of some American Indian peoples
having an effect on how the mind works
drug that calms or relaxes someone
your body’s ability to become adjusted to something (such as a drug) so that its effects are experienced less strongly