Drugs Acting on the Central and Peripheral Nervous System Flashcards
Afferent Fibers
-nerve axons that run from peripheral receptors INTO the CNS.
Efferent Fibers
-nerve axons that carry nerve impulses FROM the CNS to the periphery to stimulate muscles or glands.
Action Potentials
-sudden change in electrical charge of a nerve cell membrane; the electrical signal by which neurons send information.
-opening of the Na+ channels in a nerve membrane to allow the influx of positive Na+ ions, reversing the membrane charge from negative to positive.
-return of a membrane to a resting state, with more Na+ ions outside the membrane and a relatively negative charge inside the membrane.
Nerve Synapse
-junction between a nerve and an effector; consists of the presynaptic nerve ending, a space called the synaptic cleft, and the postsynaptic cell.
-chemical produced by a nerve and released when the nerve is stimulated; reacts with a specific receptor site to cause a reaction.
- Acetylcholine: communicates between nerves and muscles.
- Catecholamines (Norepinephrine and epinephrine): released by nerves in the sympathetic brance of the autonomic nervous system and are classived as hormones when released from cells in adrenal medulla.
- Dopamine: found in high concentrations in certain areas of the brain, is involved in the coordination of impulses and responses, both motor and intellectual.
- Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): found in the brain, inhibits nerve activity and is important in preventing overexcitability or stimulation such as seizure activity.
- Serotonin: found in limbic system, important in arousal and sleep, as well as preventing depression and promoting motivation.
-most primitive area of the brain, the brainstem; consists of the pons and medulla, which control basic, vital functions and arousal, and the cerebellum, which controls motor functions that regulate balance.
-the middle area of the brain; it consists of the hypothalamus and thalamus and includes the limbic system.
Limbic System
-area in the midbrain that is rich in epinephrine, norepineprhine, and serotonin and seems to control emotions.
-upper level of the brain; consists of the 2 cerebral hemispheres, where thinking and coordination of sensory and motor activity occur.
Drugs Acting on the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
- Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Agents
- Antidepressant Agents
- Psychotherapeutic Agents
- Antiseizure Agents
- Antiparkinsonism Agents
- Muscle Relaxants
- Narcotics, Narcotic Antagonists, and Antimigraine Agents
- General and Local Anesthetic Agents
- Neuromuscular Junction Blocking Agents
Antiseizure Agents
- Drugs for Treating Generalized Seizures
a. Hydantoins
b. Barbiturates and Barbiturate-Like Drugs
c. Benzodiazepines
d. Succinimides
e. Drugs that Modulate the Inhibitory Neurotransmitter
GABA - Drugs for Treating Partial Seizures
-sudden discharge of excessive electrical energy from nerve cells in the brain
-tonic-clonic muscular reaction to excessive electrical energy arising from nerve cells in the brain.
-collection of various syndromes, all of which are characterized by seizures.
Generalized Seizure
- seizure that begins in one area of the brain and rapidly spreads throughout both hemispheres.
- 5 types: tonic-clonic, absence, myoclonic, febrile, jacksonian, psychomotor, status epilepticus.
Partial Seizure
- also called focal seizures; seizures involving one area of the brain that do not spread throughout the entire organ.
- may be simple or complex.