Drugs Flashcards
Chemical structure of thiopentone
General: Derivative of barbituric acid (cyclic compound formed by condensation of urea and malonic acid) which itself lacks CNS activity.
Pharmacological activity derived by substitutes at the C2 atom
- oxybarbiturates (phenobarbitone) possess 02 on C2 atom - less lipid soluble which slows onset and decreases potency but prolongs duration of action
- thiobarbiturates (thiopentone) possess sulphur on C2 atom. More lipid soluble and increases potency + rate of onset and action
Thiopentone is a thiobarbiturate which contains sulphur at C2 atom. It has two isomers of which S is 2x more potent
Formulation of STP
Contains pale yellow, water soluble powder for reconstitution. Powder contains:
1) Na+ salt of STP as a racemic mixture - generally diluted to 2.5% (25mg/mL) in NaCL (higher conc causes pain on injection)
2) Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) which reacts with H20 to produce NaHCO3 and NaOH to produce an alkaline solution (pH 10.5) that solubilises STP in water and makes it stable in solution. Alkalinity decreases solubility with other drugs though
Mechanism of action of STP
Potentiate the effects of GABA on GABA A receptors in the brain.
- bind to the alpha subunit and directly activate the receptor
- Also bind to the beta subunit and increase duration of GABA a receptor activated Cl- channel opening
Pharmacokinetics of STP
IV bolus has:
- rapid onset due to high lipid solubility, rapid effect site equilibration and large portion of unionised drug at physiological pH.
- Rapid offset mainly due to rapid redistribution to peripheral tissues
Absorption: Only IV
Distribution: Vd ~2.5L/kg. Highly lipid soluble due to sulphur on C2 atom. High protein binding. pKA 7.6 so about 60% unionised at physiological pH (increases in acidosis)
Metabolism and excretion: Low clearance rate 3-4mL/kg/min.
Metabolism - hepatic CYP450 to inactive metabolites.
Excretion - <1% excreted unchanged in the urine
Clinical uses of STP
Induction of anaesthesia (3-7mg/kg)
Treat increased ICP - NB CMR02 decreases more than perfusion so get cerebral protection
Pharmacodynamics of STP
- Sedation to GA with rapid effects but residual CNS effects lasting hours (hangover)
- Decreased CBF due to decreased CMR02. Leads to fall in ICP but CPP generally increased as ICP falls more than MAP
- EEG - dose dependent decrease in EEG activity. Gradual change from alpha pattern (awake) to delta and omega waves then to burst suppression and finally isoelectric at high doses (can therefore be used as anti-convulsant)
- HR increase due to intact BRR and SNS output
- CO - dose dependent decrease due to direct myocardial depression (negative inotrope)
- -> at induction doses fall in CO is minimal due to intact BRR however this mechanism ineffective with b-blockers, hypovolaemia or IHD/CHF
- BP - dose dependent decrease due to SVR (mild due to BRR)
- CMR02 - increased demand / consumption
- Dose dependent decrease in MV (both TV and RR)
- increase resting PaC02 and decreased ventilatory response to C02 and 02
- UAW reflexes depressed only at higher doses
- HPV intact
- reduced HBF (decreased CO)
- Decreased RBF, GFR, UO
- No effect on uterus
- Does NOT trigger MH
Issues with injection of STP
Pain on injection (esp conc >2.5%)
Extravascular injection very painful and can cause nasty tissue necrosis.
Intra-arterial injection - STP can precipitate at physiological pH - if injected intra-arterial these crystals can block small vessels and cause severe pain and ischaemia
Adverse effects of STP
Acute porphyria crisis (barbituric acid enzyme induction can lead to increased haem production)
Allergic reactions + mild histamine release
Tolerance - to sedation occurs earlier than to anticonvulsant and toxic effects. Can decrease therapeutic index. Tolerance can increase required dose up to 6x.
Abuse potential - dependence and withdrawal can occur with prolonged use
Immunosuppression - can occur with prolonged use.
Propofol chemical and formulation
Alkyl phenyl derivative (2, 6 diisopropylphenol)
Propofol is highly lipid soluble and thus requires a lipid vehicle for emulsification in solution. As a result it is prepared as a white ‘oil-in-water’ solution.
1) Propofol (1 or 2%)
2) soybean oil (10%) (oil phase)
3) Emulsifying agents - glycerol (2.25%), purified egg phosphatide or egg lecithin
4) Preservative / anti-microbial
- either sodium metabisulfite (pH 4.5-6.5) with generic propofol or
- disodium edenate with NaOH (pH 7-8.5) with dripivam
5) Water
Mechanism of action of propofol
Potentiates the inhibitory effects of GABA on GABAa receptor in the CNS
- acts at a specific receptor separate from the binding site of GABA on the alpha subunit to decrease rate of dissociation of GABA from the receptor - prolonged opening of Cl- channel
Pharmacokinetics of propofol
When given as IV bolus:
- rapid onset due to high lipid solubility, short effect site equilibration time, entirely unionised at physiological pH
- rapid offset due to rapid redistribution
- Short CSHT due to high clearance
Absoprtion: IV only
Distribution: large Vd (largest of all induction agents) (about 4L/Kg). 98% protein bound. Short distribution half life (1-4min)
Metabolism and excretion: Very high clearance (30-60mL/kg/min) which exceeds HBF (very high HER). Two routes of clearance
1) Hepatic clearance - oxidative metabolism by CYP450 to 4-hydroxy-propofol (33% active) which is then metabolised to inactive compounds
2) Extra hepatic clearance - pulmonary first pass metabolism (taken up and metabolised by pulmonary CYP450), renal metabolism via glucuronidate
- 0.3% renally excreted unchnaged, rest of inactive metabolites excreted in urine.
NB hepatic and renal dysfunction does not impair clearance
Clinical uses of propofol
1) Induction of GA - bolus 1.5-2.5mg/kg (higher for children due to increased clearance and large vd, lower for elderly due to decreased clearance and smaller vd)
2) Maintanence of GA - easily titratable. Short CSHT
3) IV sedation
4) anti-convulsant
5) Anti-emetic
6) Anti-puritic effect
Pharmacodynamic effects of propofol
- conscious sedation through to GA. Amnesic but no analgesia
- Decreased CBF due to decreased CMR02. Decreased ICP
- CPP may decrease due to hypotensive effects (decreased MAP > ICP
EEG dose dependent decrease. Can be used as anti-convulsant
HR - generally unchanged due to depression of BRR. Can cause significant bradycardia and even asystole due to disinhibited vagal outflow (loss of BRR and SNS).
CO - dose dependent decrease (negative inotropy and myocardial depression due to decreased intracellular Calcium)
BP - dose dependent decrease due to fall in SVR and CO
- Dose dependent decrease in MV (decrease both TV and RR)
- Increased resting PaC02 and decreased response to C02 and 02
- AW - bronchodilation. Depresses UAW reflexes - risk of aspiration
- HPV intact
- anti-emetic
- anti-pruritic
- Not a trigger for MH or porphyric crisis
Adverse effects of propofol
1) Pain on injection (as a result of the emulsifying agents)
2) Low risk of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis - rarely due to additives. Mainly on first exposure to propofol due to previous sensitisation to phenyl and diisopropyl groups on other drugs
3) Propofol infusion syndrome - prolonged infusion. Fat overload syndrome, metabolic acidosis, rhabdo
4) Excitatory phenomena - can mimic seizures on induction or emergence
5) Addictive and abusive potential
6) Bacterial growth
Etomidate chemical and formulation
Carboxylated imidazole containing compound (allows it to be water soluble at acidic pH and lipid soluble at physiological pH).
Two isomers - R is 5x more potent
Clear, colourless solution of pH 6.9. Contains
- etomidate 0.2% (racemic mixture)
- either propylene glycol (35%) or fat emulsion
- water
Etomidate mechansim of action
Potentiates the inhibitory effects of GABA on GABAa receptors by enhancing the affinity of GABA for these receptors.
Etomidate pharmacokinetics
IV bolus has rapid onset due to moderate lipid solubilitiy, ,moderate effect site equilibration time but entirely unionised at physiological pH.
Rapid offset due to rapid redistribution.
Absorption: IV only
Distribution: second largest Vd (2.5-4.5L/kg). pKA 4.2 (weak base) - 99% unionised at physiological pH. 75% protein bound. Short distribution half life
Metabolism and elimination: Clearance rate 10-20mL/Kg/min.
Metabolism - hydrolysis of ethyl ester side chains by hepatic and plasma esterases into inactive metabolites
Excretion - 97% excreted as inactive metabolites (85% urine, 12% bile). Only 3% excreted unchanged
- longer CSHT than propofol
Clinical uses of etomidate
Alternate for induction and maintenance of GA for patient with unstable CVS. Induction dose 0.2-0.4mg/kg
- benefits of being CVS stable with rapid onset and offset and relatively short CSHT
- has some serious adverse effects though including suppression of adrenocortical function, increased PONV, proconvulsant and porphyric crisis
Pharmacodynamic effects of etomidate
- Conscious sedation and amnesia to GA. No analgesia
- CBF decreased due to decreased CMR02. ICP decreased due to decreased CBF.
- CPP maintained due to minimal fall in MAP
- EEG - same as other agents. Dose-dependent decrease in EEG.
- HR - minimal change at induction doses (BRR intact but minimal change in MAP anyway)
- CO - minimal change at induction doses
- BP - dose dependent decrease mainly due to decrease SVR
- Does not blunt haemodynamic response to AW instrumentation
- Cardiac MR02 and delivery stable
- Dose dependent decrease in MV (TV and RR)
- Blunted response to PaC02 and 02 with increased resting PaC02
- No effect on AW smooth muscle. UAW reflexes depressed
- HPV intact
Adverse effects of etomidate
1) Pain on injection (only with propylene glycol, not lipid solution)
2) Adrenocortical suppression:
- Dose dependent inhibition of 11-B hydroxylase and 17-A hydroxylase which blocks cholesterol conversion to cortisol and aldosterone. Single IV dose has little effect in a fit/healthy patient but poses an issue if unwell with suppressed cortical function (septic, shock etc) or wtih repeated dosing / infusion
3) Can precipitate porphryic crisis
4) Allergy and histamine rare
5) Increased PONV
6) Excitatory and proconvulsant activity
Ketamine chemical and formulation
arylcyclohexamine which is a derivative pf phenylcyclidine. Two isomers R and S. The S isomer is:
- 2-3x more potent, provides more intense analgesia
- has more rapid metabolism (and hence recovery)
- Has fewer side effects (esp cardiac depression, salivation, emergence)
- possesses ischaemic preconditioning
Available as a clear, colourless solution (pH3.5-5.5)
- Ketamine (10/50/100mg/mL) either racemic preparation or S+ enantiomer only
- preservative - bencethonium chloride (50/100mg solutions only)
- water
Ketamine mechanism of action
Main mechanism = non-competitive antagonist at NMDA receptors
- NMDA receptor is an excitatory pentameric ligand gated receptor with a central cation channel. Receptor binding by glutamate (and glycine (a co-agonist)) activates the receptor displacing a magnesium plug and allowing influx of cations causing depolarisation of the neuron
- ketamine binds to the phenycyclidine site (therefore non-compeitive) and inhibits activation by glutamate
Minor mechanism - also acts on other receptors
- Potentiates effects of GABA on GABAa
- Antagonises mACHr
- acts on opioid receptors
- inhibits monoamine receptors
- acts via na+ channel and L=type calcium channel (LA effects)
Pharmacokinetics of ketamine
When given as an IV bolus rapid onset due to very high lipid solubility and low portion of protein binding.
Rapid offset due to rapid redistribution
Absorption: PO oral bioavailability 20% (high first pass metabolism). IM - large doses need to be given due to first pass metabolism.
Distribution: Vd 2.5-3.5L/kg, pKA 7.5. Low protein binding (25%)
Metabolism and excretion: clearance rate 16-18mL/kg/min
- High HER (1.0) - hepatic CYP450 demethylates ketamine to norketamine (30% active) and has prolonged analgesic effects which is then metabolised to inactive metabolites.
Excretion - <4% excreted unchanged renally. 96% excreted as inactive metabolites
Uses of ketamine
1) Induction and maintenance of GA
- produces dissociative anaesthesia characterised by apparent wakeful state with eyes open, slow nystagmus, purposeful movements but non-communicative. Rapid onset (slower IM 2-4min).
- dose 1-2mg/kg (IM 5-10mg/kg).
- Useful for certain cases where indirect CVS effects are beneficial in patients with compromised CVS function and can reduce inotropic support requirements. Asthmatic patients due to bronchodilatory effects - can be used in status asthmaticus (0.5mg/kg). Brief procedures where analgesia is required. Pre-med for children or special needs
2) Analgesia
- dissociates the thalamus from the limbic cortex and prevents relaying of pain sensation from RAS to the limbic cortex for proceessing. Also inhibits spinal cord sensitisation to pain by blocking activation of peripheral NMDA receptors.
- Useful for post op and chronic pain. Can help with tourniquet pain.
- Dose 0.2-0.5mg/kg +/- infusion
3) Pre-op sedative. Oral 6mg/kg, IM 5-10mg/kg. Peak effect 15-30min