Drugs Flashcards
Fluoxetine MOA
Block 5HT reuptake transporter
- downregulate 5HT1a inhibitor autoreceptor in weeks
- ↓ B-adrenergic and 5HT2 receptors
- Changes in transcription factors CREB/BDNF
Adverse effects of Fluxoetine
- Nausea (5HT gut)
- Sexual dysfucntion
- Anxiety (initial)
- Drug interactions (CYP)
- 5HT syndrome (poor CYP metabolizers + other drugs that increases 5HT)
- Suicide ideation - teenagers/children (fluxoetine approved for peds)
Adverse effects of Paroxetine
Weight gain
Most potent CYP inhibitor
Citalopram adaverse
Block SERT and NET
Side effect
- Anxiety (↑ initally)
- Sexual dysfunction
- CV: Arrhtymias, HTN
- Serotonin syndrome
- Seizure
Amitryptaline/clomiparmine MOA
- Block NET > SERT
- Dlayed anti-depression asssoc with downreg of B-adrenergic
- Antagonist of cholinergic muscarinic/hstamine receptors
Amitriptyline/Clomipramine adverse effects
- Antimuscarinic: Dry mouth, blurry vision, constipation, urinary retention
- Antihistamine: Wt gain, sedation, drowsiness
- Cardiac: arrhythmias
- Convulsions
- Coma/stupor
Bupropion MOA
- Block DAT and NET
- nicotinic cholinergic antagonist (↓ craving
Bupropion Adverse
Weight loss
Major 2D6 inhibitor (increase SSRI dose)
Advantage: no sexual dysfunction, no sedation
Mirtazapine MOA
- Presynaptic a2 antagonist → ↑NE, 5HT
- 5HT2a and 6HT1a antagonist
Mirtazapine Side effect
- Antihistamine: Sedative, weight gain, vestibular (dizziness/vertigo)
Trazodone MOA
- 5HT2 and 5HT1a autoreceptor antagonist
- Block SERT (weak)
- Blocks a1 (side effect)
Trazadone Adverse
- Antihistamine: sedative, weight gain
- A1 antagonist effect: orthostatic hypotension, priapism, nasal congestion
Phenelzine/selegiline MOA
- Phenelzine: inhibit MOA-A
- Selegiline: inhibit MOA-B
- inhbit enzyme metabolizing NE and 5HT
Phenelzine/selegiline Adverse
- HTN crisis with other sympathomimetics (tyramine)
- Serotonin syndrome
- CNS agitation
- Stroke/seizure
Lithium MOA
Uncompetitive inhibitor of inositol monophosphate (regenerate inositol)
- slow neurotransmitter receptors coupled to PLC 2nd msger system
- ↓ PKC
- Inhibit glycogen syntase kinase (GSK3)
Lithium adverse
- Weight gain
- Polydipsia/polyuria (nephrogenic DI - interfere with ADH)
- Hypothyroidism
- Tremor
Neurotox - Delirum, memory loss, encephalopathy - CV: Hx of afrrhythmia/CV disease)
Lithium contraindication
Renal failure (completely renal excreted)
Valproate MOA
- Blocks neuronal votage-gated Na+ channel
- Enhance GABA activity
- inhibit GSK3 and ↓ PKC
- Alter Ca2+ current NMDA receptor function
Valproate adverse
- Hepatotox
- Pancreatitis
- Hair loss
- Weight gain
- Teratogen (OCP)
Lamotrigine MOA
- Anticonvulsant block neuronal Na+ channel
- Weak VGCC
- ↓glutamate release
Lamotrigene Adverse
- Dizziness
- Diplopia
- Potent VGSC blocker
Aplastic anemia/agranulocytosis (monthly blood work)
Suicide idealation (especially w/ biopolar
CYP3A4 autoinducer
Atypical antipsychotics block D2
High affinity for 5HT2
Morphine MOA
Activates MOR → Gi → ↓cAMP → inhibit VGCC and ↑K+ efflux
- Presynpatic and post-synpatic inhibition of excitatory glutamergic neurotransmission
Activates KOR/DOR
- Hydrophilic: Slow onset/long duration
- Class: phenanthrene
Morphine adverse
- Miosis
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Respiratory depression
- Pain suppression
- Histamine release (itch)
- Increased ICP
- Nausea
- Euphoria
- Sedation/Slowed GI
Hydromorphone MOA
- higher potency than morphine
- more lipid soluble: faster onset
- Class: phenanthrene
Hydromorphone use
Less histamine release → better for asthmatics
Fentanyl MOA
- More potent than morphine
- Class: Phenylpiperddine
Metabolism of remifentanil
Metabolized by plasma esterase (not liver)