Drugs Flashcards
Controlled drug
Misuse of drugs Act 1975
Any substance, preparation, mixture or artical specified or described in schedule 1, 2, or 3 of MODA 1975. Includes any temporary class drug and any controlled drug analogue.
Controlled drug analogue
MODA 1975
Classified at class C controlled drugs.
A substance with a very similar chemical structure, which therefore poses a similar risk to the user on analysis, not the controlled drug so would be an analogue.
Class A
MODA 1975
Magic mushrooms (psilocybine)
Class b
MODA 1975
Cannabis resin oil
MDMA (ecstasy)
Class C
MODA 1975
Cannabis fruit, plant, seed
Presumptive amounts
8 types of drugs
Herion 0.5
Cocaine 0.5
LSD 2.5 milligrams or 25 flakes, tablets
Meth 5 grams
MDMA 5 grams
Cannabis resin 5 grams
Cannabis extract 5 grams
Cannabis plant 5 grams
Section 6(1)(a)
MODA 1975
Drug dealing (import/export any controlled drug)
Section 6(1)(a)
Drug dealing (import/export any controlled drug)
MODA 1975
Import into or export from NZ
Any controlled drug
Section 6(1)(b)
Drug dealing (produce / Manufacture any controlled drug)
Section 6(1)(c)
Drug dealing (supplying any class A or B controlled drug)
MODA 1975
Supply or administer or offer to supply or administer or otherwise deal in.
Any class A or class B controlled drug.
To any other person.
Section 6(1)(c)
Drug dealing (supplying any class A or class B controlled drug)
Section 6(1)(c)
Drug dealing (supplying any class A or class B controlled drug)
Supply or administer, or offer to supply or administer, or otherwise deal in.
Any class A or class B controlled drug
To any other person.
Section 6(1)(d)
Drug dealing (supplying any class C controlled drug to person under 18)
Section 6(1)(d) Drug dealing (supplying any class C controlled drug to person under 18)
Supply or administer or offer to supply or administer or otherwise deal in
Any class C controlled drug
To a person under 18 years of age.
Guilty knowledge.
The crown must prove not only that the defendants conduct in some way contributed to the importation but also prove the defendants’ guilty knowledge.
Guilty Knoledge.
K - knew about the offense
K - knew the substance was a controlled drug
I intended to commit offense
Saxton v Police
To import includes to introduce or bring in from aboard or to cause to be brought in from a foreign country.
R v Hancox
Importation is a process and does not cease as the vessel crosses NZs border.
Importing continues while goods are in transit from the time the goods enter NZ and up until they have become available to the recipient.
Two types of clan lab investigations
Unplanned entry
Planned entry
Three processes or stage relating to clan labs
Extraction (drug or precursor removed from raw materials)
Conversion (drug changed to more desirable form)
Synthesis (raw materials combined to produce desired drugs)
90 second rule
This rule assumes that if offenders are present and moving inside the clan lab, then the atmosphere will sustain life. If assumes that the IET may safely enter and extract suspects for a period of up to 90 seconds.
What to do in an unplanned entry into a clan lab
1) immediately remove persons of interest from the premises.
2) isolate the site and maintain a safety perimeter
3) Preserve the crime scene
4) Notify duty inspector or NCO, NCLRT, fire service, ambulance.
5) Seek advice from NCLRT and fire service about decontamination procedures.
6) Occupants of address and staff who entered to remain separated until decontamination issues have been addressed
7) seek medical advice if experience any adverse effects.
Who can call a landslide in a clan lab?
Any member of the initial entry team
What are 7 Clan lab safety considerations when entering
Leave the area immediately. Safety is paramount.
Never touch, taste, or smell any chemicals or equipment.
Do not attempt to stop a chemical reaction or turn off electrical devices.
Do not shut off the water supply to the house.
Do not smoke in or near the clan lab.
Do not use tools, radio, cell phones, torches, or devices that produce sparks or friction.
Do not re-enter the premises.
Signs of a clan lab (Exterior)
Chemical, odors commingle from building.
Exhaust fans running at odd times.
Frequent visitors at odd hours.
Windows blackened, curtains drawn.
Occupants unfriendly appear secretive.
Expensive security and surveillance gear.
Access denied to landlords, neighbors.
Rubbish containing large amounts of cold medication containers or packaging.
Bottle,plastic container, and boxes with tables removed.
Signs of clan lab (interior)
Laboratory glassware, equipment, documents.
Containers with clear liquids in them.
Containers with two layered liquids in.
Used coffee filters containing white or brown substance.
Baking dishes or similar containing white crystal substance.
Presence of hot plates near chemicals.
Considerations when profiling the addressee of a controlled delivery.
Previous owners
Real person or false name
Connections to delivery address
Relevant convictions, noting, associations
Photographs (casual, formal, surveillance)
Bank accounts - large deposits, overseas transfers