Drug Therapy Of Heart Failure Flashcards
Treatment of diastolic heart failure
BB, verapamil, diuretics (in volume overload), ACEI (to prevent remodeling)
Compare compensated & decompensated heart failure
- Inability of heart to pump blood results in dec blood pressure whicha ativates renin-angiotensin system & adrenergic, leading to VC & inc Aldisterone w salt & water retention, inc HR & ventricular hypertrophy, thus compensated heart failure.
- Persistent activation of adrenergic & renin-angiotensin systems causing inc after & preload on diseased heart , leading ventricular dilation & inc O2 consumption with constant supply, damage of cardiac myocytes. Inc EDV & EDP with dec COP, thus it is decompensated HF.
Mention drugs used to dec preload in AHF & CHF
CHF, ACEI, ARBs, nitrates, loop diuretics
AHF, nitroprusside, nitrates, loop diuretics
Mention drugs used to dec afterload in AHF & CHF
CHF, hydralazine, ACEI, ARBs
AHF, nitroprusside
Mention drugs which inc contractility in AHF
Mention drugs which protect heart & dec mortality in CHF
Beta bloccker (MBC) Spironolactone/eplerenone (ACEI/ARBs/ARNI)
Compare hydralazine & nitrates
H: causes arteriodilatation, dec afterload, inc COP, improved symptoms of low COP.
N: cause venodilation, dec preload & venous return, dec psystemuc, pulmonary conhpgestion, improve congestive symptoms.
Describe mechanism of action of ACEI
Inhibit ACE which converst ang I to ang II and breaks down bradykinin
Leading to dec ang II & inc bradykinin w inc in vasodilator PG & NO
Mention advantages if ACEI
- Vasodilatation in both arteries (inc COP) and veins (dec venous congestion)
- Inhibition of aldosterone secretion ( Na & water loss, K retention)
- Prevent ventricular hypertrophy & cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction
- Dec central & peripheral NE thus it blunts sympathetic reflexes, dec BP with no reflex tachycardia
Mention drug acting on tissue ACE & having dual elimination
Advantages of ACEI
- Improve exercise tolerance & congestive symptoms
- Renoprotective esp in diabetics
- Dec CVS mortality
- Does no induce tachycardia/salt & water retention
Mention indications of ACEI
- Hypertension
- Heart failure (all cases of LV dysfunction)
- Myocardial infarction
- Nephropathy
GR: ACEI is used in AMI
- Dec aldosterone-induced remodelling & prevent heart failure
- Dec sudden death (dec arrhythmia 2ry to hypokalemia & symp overactivity
Mention members of ACEI which are NOT prodrugs
Lisinopril can be used in ….
Liver disease
Only ACE used in emergeny
Enalaprilat (given IV)
ACEI need dose adjustment in ……
Renal disease
Most common side effect of ACEI & most serious one.
Chronic dry cough (common)
Angioedema (rare but fatal)
Both due to accumulation of bradykinin
Mention less common adverse effects of ACEI
- 1st dose hypotension
- Hyperkalemia
- Hypersensitivty
Mention serious side effects of ACEI
Renal impairment in high renin states (parients on diuretics, bilateral renal stenosis)
Fetotoxic & teratogenic
Bone marrow depression
Describe mechansim of action of ARBs
Block AT1 receptor which mediates most of the pathological CVS effects of Ang II
Spare AT2 receptor, VD & anti-proliferative effects
Advantages if ARBs over ACE
- No dry cough, no BK production (angioedema still occurs)
- Antagonize Ang II produced by ACE & non ACE pathways
- Avoid hormonal escape (inc renin) with prolonged ACEI use
- Inc AgII activity on AT2, VD & antiproliferative effects
Mention mechanism of action & disadvantages of hydralazine
K channel opener, hyperpolarization, prevent Ca influx causing arteriodilatation
Dis: rapid tolerance due to sympathetic & renin-angiotensin systems activation leading to salt & wtaer retention & inc HR
Mention inidcations of hydralazine
- Heart failure with nitrates (alternative to ACEI)
2. HYPERTENSION (IV in eclampsia)
Describe mechanism of action of nitroprusside & its indication
NO donor, in cGMP, VD by inhibiting Ca influx in wall of bv
Ind: most hypertensive emergencies (hypertensive encephalopathy), acute severe HF esp if associated with severe rise in BP
Describe toxicity of nitroprusside
- Severe hypotension & myocardial infarction (due to reflex tachycardia)
- Cyanide & thocyanate toxicity
- Thiocyanate toxicity: CNS side effects & delayed hypo-thyroidism
GR: Diuretics are used in HF
Dec plasma volume and venous return (preload), dec pulmonary congestion (improve orthopnea & nocturnal dyspnea), dec peripheral (ankle) edema.
Mention advantages of spironolactone in HF
Dec mortality by 30%, dec Na retention and worsening of edema
Minimize diuretic induced hypokalemia, dec arrhythmia & sudden death
Dec myocardial hypertrophy & fibrosis induced by local aldosterone
Mention orecautions of using spironolactone in HF
Use cautiously to avoid hyoerkalemia esp if combined w ACEI or in patients with renal impairment
Mention drawbacks of chronic sympathetic stimulation
- Induce tachycardia & inc O2 demand
- Inc infarct size and propensity of cardiac remodelling MI
- Increase effect of RAAS on heart
- Persistent stimulation: myocyte hypertrophy, apoptosis, cardiac dilatation & ven thinning
- Inc cytokines as TNF & Interleukins, hypertrophy & apoptosis & fibrosis with ven wall stiffness
Mention effects of carvedilol on HF
Inc EF
Improve symptoms
Slow disease progression
Dec hospitalization & mortality
Mention the beneficial effects of BB in HF
Dec HR, improve coronary filling
Dec afterload, inc COP
Cardioprotection against adrenergic & Ag II-induced arrhythmia, myocardial damage & apoptosis
Improve LV remodeling
Resensitize downregulated B1 receptors in long standing cases, thus improve cardiac contractility
Mention mechanism of action of bipyrimidine
Inhibit PDE-3, inc cAMP:
Inc cardiac contractility & COP
VD, dec afterload (PR) & preload (pulmonary congestion)
Mention adverse effects of inodilators
Describe mechansim of action of digoxin
- Inhibit Na/K/ATPase pump, thus Na conc increases IC, dec Ca outflux, so Ca IC conc increases Ca release from SR, +ve inotropic effect.
- Indirect vagal stimulation, -ve chrono & dromotrpoic effects. Also reduce sympathetic tone 2ry to inc COP.
Describe mechanical effects of digoxin
- Inc COP
- Dec EDV & ESV
- Reduce cardiac size
- Reduce sympathetic tone, dec pre & afterload
- Diuretic effect due to inc COP & aldosterone antagonism
- Mobilize edema fluid
Describe direct electrical effects of digoxin
Inc Ca IC, spontaneous delayed afterdepolarization, risk of extrasystole & vent tachycardia (dec ERP in cardiomyocytes)
Mention effect of vagal stimulation of digoxin
- Dec HR in AF
- Overdose may lead to bradycardia & AV block
- Trun Af to AF by dec APR & ERP
Mention indications of digoxin
- Systolic HF
- HF + AF
- Chronic AF
Mention drugs combines w digoxin in chronic AF
- BB & verapamil to control ventricular rate
2. Before procainamide to control to countract atropine like action
Describe pharmacokinetics of dugoxin
2/3 absorbed rest is broken down by intestinal flora
2/3 is bound to plasma protein
2/3 is excreted in urine rest in stool
T1/2 is 36 hrs
Describe pharmacokinetic interactions of digoxin
Erythromycin , inc absorption
Antiarrhythmics, dec renal excretion & displace it from tissue & plasma proteins
Describe pharmacodynamic interactions of digoxin
Diuretics, hypercalcemia, sympathomimetics (tachyarrhythmias)
BB & CCB, comlete heart block
Mention CIs of digoxin
- Acute MI & rheumatic carditis
- Ventricular tachycardia (precipitates AF)
- Sick sinus syndrome
- Incomplete hert block
Describe manifestations of digitalis toxicity
- GIT upset
- Cardaic arrhythmias (tachyarrhythmias or sinus bradycardia/heart block)
- CNS manifestations
- Gynecomastia
Steps of treatment of treatment of digitalis toxicity
- Stop digitalis & K losing diuretics
- KCl ,CI in heart block
- Lidocaine/phenytoin
- Stropine in bradycardia/heart block
- Digibind in fatal toxicity
Mention effect of digoxin of ECG
- Prolonged PR interval
- Shortened QRS & QT interval, dec APD & ERP
- Depressed ST, flat or inverted T wave
Mention mechansim & side effect of nestiritide
Increase cGMP with VD of arteries & veins
Side effects: hypotension
Mention class of drugs of sacubitril
Neprilysin inhibitor
…… is an alternative if BB are CI
Mention benefits of natruitic peptide
VD, inc GFR, reduced renin from kidneys
Mention role of tolvaptan in HF
ADH antagonist, excretion of electrolyte-free water, correct dilutional hyponatremia secondary to ADH inc in HF.