Drug Therapy Flashcards
The following are three categories of factors that can affect a person’s response to drug therapy.
1 Pharmacologic factors
2 Disease-related factors
3 Patient-related factors
Pharmacologic Factors that can affect a person’s response to drug therapy.
Combination versus
single agent
Dose intensity
Dose density
Dose reduction/delay
Drug-drug interactions
Disease-Related Factors that can affect a person’s response to drug therapy.
Tumor burden
Rate of tumor growth
Doubling time
Hormone receptor status
Drug resistance
Patient-Related Factors that can affect a person’s response to drug therapy.
Performance status
Hepatic/renal/gastrointestinal function
Body size
Combination Therapy
Combining multiple types of drugs can increase the maximum cell kill and provide broader coverage to overcome resistant cell lines. These drugs should be used at optimum schedules and doses and given at consistent intervals for maximum benefit.
The following are characteristics of drugs that are often used in combination therapy:
Are active as a single agent
Have different mechanisms of action that are synergistic
Have different dose-limiting toxicities
Have different patterns of resistance
How does chemotherapy stop the growth and division of cells?
Chemotherapy targets the phases of the cell cycle to stop the growth and division of cells, ultimately leading to cell death.
Chemotherapy agents can be cell cycle-specific or nonspecific.
How do cell cycle-specific agents exhibit their effect on the cell?
Cell cycle-specific agents exhibit their effect on the cell during a certain phase of the cell cycle. These agents are usually not effective during the resting phase (G0). These drugs are also best administered in frequent, divided doses, or as a continuous infusion to increase the amount of time the cancerous cells are exposed to the chemotherapy agent during the specific phase of the cell cycle.
How do cell cycle-nonspecific agents exhibit their effect on the cell?
Cell cycle-nonspecific agents work on the cell in any phase, including the resting phase. The drug is taken into the cell and may linger until the cell attempts to divide, causing cell death at that time. This means that apoptosis of the cell may not occur immediately. These drugs are often given intermittently to allow normal cells time to repair. Increased doses of these drugs increase the number of cells killed, which increases toxicities.
How is bone marrow affected by chemotherapy?
The bone marrow is the space within bones where blood cells are made, including platelets, red blood cells (RBCs), and white blood cells (WBCs). The bone marrow is an area of the body with rapid turnover of the cells and is affected more profoundly by chemotherapy, causing suppression of the creation of new cells in the bone marrow. As a result, the patient can become deficient in one or several of these cell types.
How are WBCs affected by chemotherapy?
WBCs help to protect the body from foreign invaders and coordinate the immune system. Chemotherapy can cause a decrease in neutrophils, the most common granulocytic WBC, which can lead to neutropenia and leave the patient at an increased risk for serious infection.
How are platelets affected by chemotherapy?
Platelets help blood to clot. Chemotherapy may cause a decrease in platelets, known as thrombocytopenia. This increases the patient’s risk of bruising and bleeding, even during everyday activities like shaving.
How are RBCs affected by chemotherapy?
RBCs carry oxygen throughout the body. Chemotherapy may cause a decrease in RBCs, causing anemia, which may lead to fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, dizziness, cold intolerance, and shortness of breath.
Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)
CINV can result in the following:
Changes in electrolyte balance
Aspiration pneumonia
Inability to eat or drink
Fear of receiving future chemotherapy treatments
Acute CINV
Occurs within the first 24 hours of treatment; however, it can often be managed or even prevented. This is predominantly the result of the peripheral pathway.
Delayed CINV
Occurs 24 hours or more after the chemotherapy treatment. The mechanism is different than acute nausea and vomiting; it is often under-recognized and under-managed. It is predominantly the result of the central pathway.
Breakthrough CINV
Occurs despite the use of antiemetic medication.
Anticipation CINV
A conditioned response to the sights, sounds, or smells remembered from past experiences of severe nausea and vomiting.
Chemotherapy drugs, both oral and IV, are scored based on the likelihood the agent will cause nausea and vomiting. This is called the emetogenic potential. What are the scores?
High Risk Agents
Cause nausea and vomiting in more than 90% of people who do not receive antiemetic medications
Moderate Risk Agents Cause nausea and vomiting in 30%–90% of people who do not receive antiemetic drugs
Low Risk Agents
Cause nausea and vomiting in 10%–30% of people who do not receive antiemetic drugs
Cause nausea and vomiting in less than 10% of people who do not receive antiemetic drugs
What is alopecia
Alopecia, or hair loss, can have a significant psychosocial impact on patients with cancer and serves as a constant reminder that they have cancer. Alopecia is often considered one of the “hallmark” symptoms that patients often associate with chemotherapy. Alopecia is not a side effect of all chemotherapy agents.
The degree of hair loss can range from slight thinning of hair to complete hair loss. The scalp hair is affected more than body hair. Hair loss generally starts to appear 7-10 days after chemotherapy begins, and the severity can depend on the drug, drug dosage, and schedule.
As hair loss occurs, the scalp can be very sensitive to touch, even painful. The scalp becomes more susceptible to weather conditions and sun exposure. Hair loss can be reversible, although the hair may be a different color and texture when it grows back.
What is neurotoxicity?
Neurotoxicity is when damage to the nervous system occurs. Damage to the nervous system can be temporary or permanent. If temporary, it can take a significant time to return to baseline.
Central neurotoxicity
Damage occurs to the brain or spinal cord, which manifests as more systemic symptoms like dizziness or gait changes.
Peripheral neurotoxicity
Damage occurs to the peripheral nerves, which manifests within the periphery and can appear as numbness, tingling, or pain in the hands and feet.
Some chemotherapy agents can cause damage to the heart, or cardiotoxicity. Cardiotoxicity could occur as follows:
Damage to the muscle of the heart, which causes the heart to be less efficient when pumping (like congestive heart failure), resulting in oxygen not being delivered to tissues of the body; this may lead to shortness of breath and fatigue. This is most often seen in high cumulative drug doses.
Acute changes that may occur in the heart rate or rhythm
Renal toxicity occurs when there is damage to the kidneys. This damage can be temporary or permanent. Renal toxicity can result in a fluid and electrolyte imbalance. A patient’s kidney function will be monitored throughout treatment via blood testing and monitoring urine output, weight, and fluid status.
Renal toxicity can manifest as follows:
Precipitation, where molecules of the drug become unstable and separate, causing crystals or particles to form that are difficult for the kidney to excrete
Direct damage to the kidney by the drug
How does targeted therapy work?
Unlike chemotherapy that targets the DNA within the cancer cell, targeted therapies have an effect on selective molecular pathways. The targets for these agents are genetic changes within cancer cells that control how the cells divide, grow, or spread.
Not all tumors have known targets or have targets with approved drugs. Patients would need testing prior to treatment to determine if their specific cancer has any treatable targets. Targets can vary even within the same cancer type. For example, some types of breast cancer can be treated with targeted agents, and others cannot.
How do small-molecule inhibitors work?
Small-molecule drugs can penetrate the cell membrane and affect targets inside a cell. Small-molecule inhibitors are generally designed to interfere with enzymatic activity of the target protein.
The following are several types of small-molecule inhibitor drugs used for cancer treatment:
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)
Proteosome inhibitors
Matrix metalloproteinases
Heat shock protein inhibitors
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs)
Protein kinases are simply enzymes that modify other proteins and play an important role as secondary messengers. Intracellular signal transduction inhibitors, such as TKIs, stop messages that tell the cells to divide and grow from reaching the nucleus.
Tyrosine kinase genes are found on the majority of human chromosomes, making them a good potential target because of their abundance. Although normal cells have receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), most RTKs identified in oncology have low activity or expression in normal tissue and are hyperactivated or upregulated in cancerous cells, reducing the impact of TKIs on normal cells.
What are the side effects of TKIs?
TKIs frequently lead to rash, fluid retention, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue, depending on the receptor to which they bind.
What are mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors
mTOR inhibitors are another type of small molecule. These inhibitors prevent mTOR from activating signaling pathways involved in angiogenesis and cell growth. Although mTOR is found in normal cells, it is highly active in some cancers, including kidney cancer.
What are the side effects of mTOR inhibitors?
mTOR inhibitors commonly cause rash, asthenia (weakness or lack of energy), mucositis, nausea, edema, anorexia, anemia, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, elevated liver enzymes, elevated serum creatinine, and low platelet and WBC counts.
What are monoclonal antibodies?
Unlike small molecule inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are considered large molecule drugs and exert their effect outside the cell. mAbs recognize and bind to specific proteins (antigens), such as transmembrane receptors or extracellular growth factors, on the surfaces of cells. Once the mAb is attached to the protein on the cell surface, it locks that receptor from being activated, which prevents whatever action the receptor controls.
How does hormone therapy work?
Hormones are chemical messengers that act on certain cells. Some cancers are hormone-sensitive or hormone-dependent for growth. Hormone therapy blocks or reduces the number of hormones in the body, which leads to a slowing or stoppage of tumor growth for cancers that rely on hormones for growth. Hormone therapy is often referred to as endocrine therapy.
Hormone therapy can do the following:
Interfere with the release of hormones
Block other hormones that trigger the production or release of target hormones
Block hormone receptors
Destroy the hormone entirely
What are two of the most commonly used hormone therapies in cancer treatment?
Antiestrogens and androgen
Antiestrogen hormone therapy
These cancers will be noted as estrogen receptor-positive and/or progesterone receptor-positive. Antiestrogen therapy helps to reduce the concentration of estrogen and progesterone to deprive the cancer cells of these hormones, which help the cancer to grow. Treatment with antiestrogen therapy can be highly dependent on whether the patient is pre- or postmenopausal.
Androgen hormone therapy
Androgens are hormones (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) that are required for prostate function. These hormones also play a role in prostate cancer growth. These hormones bind and activate the androgen receptor, which activates genes that promote prostate cell growth. In some cases, patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy can become resistant to hormone therapy and have what is called “castration-resistant” or “hormone-refractory” prostate cancer.
Antiestrogen therapies may cause the following side effects
Changes in menstrual cycle
Decreased libido
Hot flashes
Mood changes
Vaginal dryness
Weight changes
Androgen deprivation therapies may cause the following side effects
Bone loss or weakening
Decreased libido or ability to have sex
Enlarged breasts
Hot flashes
How does immunotherapy work?
Immunotherapy uses the patient’s own immune system to control or eliminate cancer. Immunotherapy is a type of therapy that uses substances to stimulate the immune system to help the body fight cancer. Immunotherapy can either target specific cells of the immune system or affect the immune system in a more general way. Immunotherapy is very different from chemotherapy, which targets the cancer cells more directly. Immunotherapy uses the body’s own immune system to attack the cancerous cells.
Innate Immunity
Innate immunity is the first line of defense. The response to a foreign invader is rapid and non-specific and only lasts for a limited amount of time. This response also does not form memory to aid in response to future invaders of the same kind.
Innate immunity includes the skin, hair, mucous membranes, and phagocytes which engulf and destroy any non-self substance they encounter. Think “innate” because these are processes or structures that our bodies just “innately” have all the time; they don’t need to be created as the result of exposure to the foreign substance.
Adaptive Immunity
The adaptive immune response is the second line of defense and is a specific response that develops more slowly and forms a memory response. Adaptive immunity includes humoral (B cells and antibodies) and cell-mediated (T cells) responses.
The adaptive immune response is dependent on the presentation of an antigen to trigger the response. Think “adaptive” because the response adapts to the specific foreign substance to create a specific response and memory.
The concept of immunoediting describes the interaction of the immune system with cancer. The following are the three phases of immunoediting:
Elimination: The immune system recognizes the cancer cells as foreign and destroys them.
Equilibrium: The immune system recognizes the cancer cell as foreign and keeps the growth of the cancer cell in check, but does not kill it completely. Over time, the immune system is no longer able to identify the cancer as foreign.
Escape: The equilibrium of the immune system is disrupted, and the cancer is allowed to grow and “escape” the immune response.
For the anticancer immune response to lead to the killing of cancer cells, a series of events occur called the cancer immunity cycle. These steps include the following:
- Release of cancer cell antigens as cancer cells die
- Cancer antigens presentation by antigen-presenting cells
- Effector T cells are primed and active to respond to the tumor antigens presented
- Trafficking of T cells to cancer cells
- Activated T cells infiltrate the tumor
- T cells recognize the cancer cells
- Killing of cancer cells, which releases more tumor antigens and the cycle starts over again
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
These downregulate (put the brakes on) T-cell signaling to halt over-proliferation of T cells. Although this system can help to prevent the immune system from attacking healthy tissues, cancer calls can hijack these checkpoint receptors and evade the immune system, allowing them to proliferate and metastasize.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors block these checkpoints, which allows the immune system to mount a stronger response to kill cancer cells.
Although immunotherapy can share common side effects with other cancer treatments, such as fatigue, some immunotherapy agents also have a distinct profile of side effects. What can these include?
These side effects often occur as the result of the immune system working too well or going into “overdrive” and causing the immune response to attack healthy tissues. This can occur through a variety of mechanisms and depends on the specific immunotherapy. irAEs can occur in any organ system of the body and occur simultaneously in multiple systems. These side effects tend to be less predictable than those occurring in patients receiving chemoptherapy, making identification difficult.
Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) are defined as
discrete toxicities caused by non-specific activation of the immune system
It is important to know that irAEs can occur months, or even years, after the patient has stopped immunotherapy. A good phrase to remember is, “Once an immunotherapy patient, always an immunotherapy patient.”