Drug induced neuro-behavioural plasticity Flashcards
What neurons project to the nucleus accumbens?
Dopamine neurons from the VTA project to the NAc - involved in rewarding effects of drug, sex and food
Also receive excitatory transmission from glutamate - crucial for expression of reinfrocement learning
What input does VTA receive?
Excitatory glutamate input from other brain areas (inc PFC)
Define neuroplasticity
Structural and functional changes in neurons or synapses following experience
What is non-contingent drug sensitization?
Increased behavioural response with repeated adminisistration (sensitization)
Long-lasting behavioural change
What is contingent drug sensitization?
Associating certain behaviours with the drug
Called cue induced drug seeking
Creates very robust pattern of use
What do dendritic spines tell us?
Spine head size correlates with AMPARs
Spine density correlates with connectivity (more spines = more input)
How can we assess changes in neuronal morphology?
Golgi-Cox staining -
What are the limitations of morphology analysis? (Robinson & Kold, 99)
We can observe structural changes but not functional ones
Some synapses could be silent
What are neuronal ensembles?
Sparsely activated brain areas
Thought the ensembles in the NAc mediate learned associations between drug and administrtion environment