drug immuno II Flashcards
empiric ABX for nocardiosis ไล่ตามอาการ
- mild disease (e.g. skin infection), immcpt host: TMP-SMX monotherapy
- immcpm or those w disseminated but no brain involve: TMP-SMX+amikacin / imipenem+amikacin ถ้าเยินมาก
- isolated cerebral disease: TMP-SMX+imipenem (เพราะเข้าสมองดีกว่า ami)
- life-threatening disease ยมแบบจะม่องเท่ง: TMP-SMX+imipenem+amikacin (or ceftri in renal failure pt)
ABX for actinomycosis (ในเคสเป็นเชื้อ: actinomyces meyeri)
- extensive successful clinical experience: penicillin, amox แต่ถ้าแพ้ penicillin อาจใช้พวก erythro, tetra, doxy, clinda แทนได้ ๆ
- anecdote นิด ๆ: ceftri, imipenem-cilastatin, pipe-tazo
- agent predicted to be efficacy based-on in vitro: vanco, linezolid, ertapenem, azithro, tigecycline
- AVOIDE using: metronidazole, cephalexin, dicloxacillin, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones
febrile neutropenia & septic shock
- definition of febrile neutropenia: fever ≥38.3c or ≥38.0 sustain over 1hr period / neutropenia - absolute netrophil count (ANC) <500 or expected to decrease to <500 during next 48hrs
- risk for MDROs in febrile neutropenic host: prolong hospitalized, presence of medical device, fluoroquinilones prophylaxis ให้หลายครั้ง risk เพิ่ม เสี่ยงติดกว่าไม่ให้อีก, previous expose w broad-spectrum ABX, previous infect MDROs เหมือนมัน colonization พี่จะอยู่!
emperic ABX for febrile neutropenia
- antipseudomonal beta-lactam: pip/tazo, carbapenem (ไม่นับ erta), ceftazidime, cefepime
- in combined w
- anti-gram negative ABX (if in high prevalence of MDR gram neg): amikacin, colistin
- anti-methicillin-resistant staphylococci (esp pt w device e.g. c-line, pneumonia, skin and soft tissue infection): vanco
ในสไลด์ใช้: meropenem + amikacin or colistin +/- vanco ที่กลัวดื้อยาจัด
how sepsis affecting plasma ABX conc
- increase Vd
- augmented renal clearance (ARC): increase drug clearance by kidney ทำให้ plasma drug conc ลด
แก้ด้วย: larger 1st dose (loading) → ละค่อยดูอีกทีว่าจะเพิ่มหรือลด maintenance dose
antifungal รวม ๆ
- target of antifungal agent: ampho B and other polyenes (e.g. nystatin) → bind to ergosterol and increase membrane permeability / azole → inh 14-$a$-sterol demethylase for prevent ergosterol synthesis and lead to accumulate toxic (14-$a$-methylsterol) / echinocandins → inh 1,3-β-D-glucan formation in cell wall / flucytosine → disrupt fungal RNA DNA synthesis
- ampho B (IV): broad spectrum, many ADR ∼ เคแม้กไตไข้สั่นซีด / เค้าเลยมี form ใหม่คือ lipid formulation ซึ่ง less nephrotoxic
- azole — ทุกอัน affect CYP หมด มากน้อยต่างกันไป
- fluconazole (PO IV): tx invasive candidiasis, crypto / high level in CSF
- itraconazole (PO): tx dimorphic fungi / vary oral absorption
- voriconazole (PO IV): แพง / tx invasive candidiasis, invasive asper / CYP2C19 inh and substrate / ADR visual disturbance, photosensitivity
- posaconazole (PO): แพง / tx invasive candidiasis, invasive asper, mucormycosis / take w high-fat meal
- echinocandins (caspofungin micafungin anidulafungin): tx invasive candidiasis, salvage therapy for invasive asper and invasive mucor / IV form, well tolerated, minimal unchange drug recover in urine, poor CNS penetrate
- flucytosine: ไม่ใช่ยาหลักในการรักษา / tx crypto (only combine w ampho B or fluco) / ADR bone marrow toxic w anemia leukopenia thrombocytopenia
antifungal therapy in neutropenia pt
- empirical: neutropenia expected to be >7 days AND persistent or recurrent fever after 4-7 days of ABX
- prophylaxis: in high risk group such as allogeneic HSCT recipient, acute leukemia undergoing intensive remission-induction or salvage-induction chemotherapy
- drug of choices: ampho B (ไว้เกิดไรขึ้นค่อยสวิตช์ไปตัวอื่น), ตัวอื่นที่พอได้ก็พวก fluco itra vori
crypto meningitis tx and crypto prophylaxis in PLWH
tx guideline for crypto meningitis
- induction phase [recommend]: liposomal ampho B (1 dose) + flucytosine (2wk) + fluconazole (2wk)
- consolidation or maintenance phase: fluco
crypto prophylaxis in PLWH - using fluconazole
- primary: start when CD4<100 / stop when initiate ART
- secondary (maintenance): start after consolidation tx finished / stop when CD4>100-200 and viral suppress on ART
antiparasite รวม ๆ
mechanism of all drug คือ inh folate metabolism (ยกเว้น pentamidine ที่ไม่รู้ mechanism)
- TMP/SMX (PO IV): tx PCP toxoplasma / ADR hemato disorder, G6PD, dermatologic
- dapsone (PO): tx PCP toxoplasma / ADR hemolysis, methemoglobinemia
- pentamidine (IV): tx PCP / ADR infusion related ∼ hypotension tachycardia headache, hypogly, nephrotoxicity
- pyrimethamine (PO): tx PCP toxoplasma / ADR dermato hemato anaphylaxis
PCP tx and PCP prophylaxis in PLWH
PCP tx
- mild-mod (A-a gradient≤35, PaO2>70): TMP-SMX / alternative → TMP+dapsone
- mod-severe (A-a gradient>35, PaO2≤70): TMP-SMX / alternative → primaquine+clindamycin, OR pentamidine / adjunct steroid within 72 hrs after tx initiate
PCP prophylaxis in PLWH (ภูมิต่ำอื่น ๆ ที่ไม่ใช่ HIV ก้ใช้ได้): TMP-SMX / alternative → dapsone
- primary: start when CD4<200 or 2-4wk after ART
- secondary: start after rx finished
other OIs prophylaxis in PLWH: talaromycosis, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis
talaromycosis (T) / histoplasmosis (H): itraconazole
- primary: start when CD4<100 (T) or CD4<150 (H) / stop after initiate ART
- secondary: start after tx finished / stop when CD4≥100 for≥3mo and undetected VL
- primary: TMP-SMX / start when CD4<100 / stop when CD4>200 for≥3mo OR CD4≥100 but undetected VL for≥3-6mo
- secondary: pyrimethamine+sulfadiazine+folinic acid / start after tx finished / stop when CD4≥200 for≥6mo and undetected VL
antiviral รวม ๆ
anti-CMV agent — all drug inh herpesviral DNA polymerase
- ganciclovir (IV) valganciclovir (PO): tx CMV / ADR bone marrow suppression esp myelosuppression, CNS ∼ headache to behavior change to convulsion and coma, nephrotoxicity
- foscarnet (IV): tx CMV, acyclovir-resistant HSV, VZV / ADR nephrotoxicity, hypocal, CNS ∼ tremor irritability seizure hallucinosis
- cidofovir (IV): tx CMV, papilloma, polyoma, pox, adenovirus / ADR nephrotoxicity
- acyclovir (IV): ADR nephrotoxicity (crystalline nephropathy) ค่อย ๆ ดริปจ้า / ห้ามใช้ PO มันห่วย
- valacyclovir (PO): ADR well-tolerated, headache, nausea, diarrhea, nephrotoxicity, CNS symptom ∼ confusion hallucination
NRTIs: lamivudine, emtricitabine, abacavir
- lamivudine (3TC): ADR → nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue
- emtricitabine (FTC): ADR → headache, diarrhea, nausea, rash, hyperpigmented
- abacavir (ABC): ตรวจ HLA-B*5701 ก่อนเสมอ / ADR → rash, hypersen, nausea ซึ่งพวกนี้อาจ increase in MI pt
NtRTIs: tenofovir ~ TDF, TAF (แทฟดีกว่า)
- tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF): ADR → n/v, diarrhea, flatulence, headache, renal insuff, bone loss
- tenofovir alafenamide (TAF): ADR → GI symptom, headache, increase SCr, proteinuria, bone loss, weight gain
TAF ดีกว่าเพราะเข้าไปใน HIV target cell เต้ม ๆ และจะเหลือใน plasma น้อย while TDF ต้องใช้โดสเยอะกว่ามากเพราะเข้า cell น้อย เหลือใน plasma เพียบ
nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inh (NNRTIs): efavirenz, rilpivirine
- efavirenz (EFV): take on empty stomach, at bedtime / ADR → neuropsychiatric, rash, liver enz สูง, headache, nausea
- rilpivirine (RPV): take w food แบบจานใหย่ / ADR → headache, insomnia, depression, rash, liver enz สูง