Drug Design_L3 Flashcards
What steps are involved in the drug design?
(1) clinical need
(2) cell-virus molecular biology search
(3) relevant mechanism(X-ray, NMR and computation)
(4) library: natural products, compound collection, combinational chemistry
(5) mechanism-based/high-throughput screen
(6) hits
(7) lead compound
(8) 1. medicinal chemistry
2. analog synthesis(either for reduction of side effects or improvement in the affinity)
3. combinatorial chemistry
4. rerturn to hit step if the lead compound modification is not successful
(9) drug candidates
1. animal phamacology
2. toxicology
3. metabolism
4. pharmacokinetics
if the drug candidates do not fit in these criteria, last step will be repeated
(10) preclinical development
(11) clinical testing
How to identify new hits?
(1) High Throughput Screening (HTS):
1. Expensive: need robust cell-based assays
2. False positives
3. Assay variability or errors in data
4. based on wet-lab setup
5. Even the largest libraries of compounds in major pharmaceutical corporations (10 to the 7 power) are miniscule in comparison with the possible chemical diversity space, estimated to be over 1060 possible compounds for molecules based on up to 30 non-hydrogen atoms
(2) Virtual Screening (VS)
(3) Combination of HTS and VS
what are the techniques in seeding compounds exploratory unit for drug discovery platform?
(1) HTS dispenser
1. single line dispenser
2. microplate washer
3. multichannel dispenser
(2) biological activity meter
1. microchip electrophoresis(Caliper assay)
2. chemically amplified luminescence(alpha assay)
3. high content screening automatic microscopy
4. multi microplate reader
5. chemical bank unit for the drug dicovery platform
(3) interaction analysis
1. yeast genetic interaction analysis
2. isothermal titration calorimeter
3. SPR analyser
4. X ray crystallisation
5. docking simulation
What two classes can the computer-aided drug design be falling into?
CADD methods are classified into ligand-based methods (LBDD) and structure-based (SBDD):
(1) Structure-based methods require the 3D information of the target to be known. The conformation of protein and ligand is known.
(2) Ligand-based methods are used when the 3D structure of the target is not known. They use information about the molecules that bind to the target of interest. Hits are identified, filtered and optimized to obtain potential drug candidates that will be experimentally tested in vitro. The conformation about the inhibitor and substrate is known.
what methods can be used in the following situations:
(1) ligand and protein structures are both known
(2) ligand structure is unknown but the protein structure is known
(3) protein structure is unknown but the ligand structure is known
(4) neither of the structures are known
(1) structure-based drug desgin: docking&scoring, virtual screening
(2) de novo drug design: virtual screening
(3) library design: HTS, combichem, virtual screening
(4) ligand-based drug design: (dependent more on the hypothesis, therefore, greater possibility of false positives) pharmacophores, (2D/3D) similarity QSAR, virtual screening
What parameters can be applied for filtration?
(1) SBDD:
1. docking and ranking
(2) LBDD:
1. Lipinski’s filter
2. phamacophore’s filter
3. protein-receptor interaction analysis
4. not solely rely on the LBDD but in combination with the other methods
What is LBDD? How can the strategy be applied for drug design?
LBDD strategies used in drug design studies, taking into account different kinds of molecular information, such as 3D molecular shape, molecular and electronic properties and 3D pharmacophore. A ligand is uncovered for mimicing the behaviour of the drug or inhibitor by searching the library.
the cycle of optimising the drugs?
(1) buy or synthesize the hits
(2) test activity
(3) activity data
(4) general pharmacophore(fit the spheres with atoms to match the physical/chemical properties
(5) search compound library for actives: optimise/modify the structure/conformation of the ligand
(6) the cycle goes on from the first step
What three stages can the LBDD be divided into?
(1) Similarity searching
(2) Pharmacophore mapping
(3) Machine learning
What is the similarity searching?
(1) Structurally similar molecules tend to have similar properties
(2) Given an active reference structure (known molecule) rank order a database of compounds on similarity to the reference
(3) Select the top ranking compounds for biological testing
(4) Requires a way of measuring the similarity of a pair of compounds
(5) Requires a quantitative basis for ranking structures
(6) change other functional group to improve the binding
What is the similarity measure?
(1) Molecular descriptors:
1. Physicochemical properties, e.g., MW, logP, MR, etc: logP measures the hydrophobicity(how well the molecule integares into the lipid environment) of the molecule by mimicing the molecular environment(octane acts as the hydrophobic phospholipid bilayer)
2. 2D properties: fingerprints, topological indices, maximum common substructures
3. 3D properties: fingerprints, molecular fields
(2) Similarity coefficient: A quantitative measure of similarity between two sets of molecular descriptors
define the 2D fingerprinting
(1) Each bit in the bit string (binary vector) represents one molecular fragment
(2) The bit string for a molecule records the presence 1 or absence 0 of each fragment in the molecule: 1 or 0 represents the presence or absence of an atom, the searched ligand and the library ligand can be compared.
(3) Similarity is based on determining the number of bits that are common to two structures
(4) no information about the location of the functional group
define the hashed fingerprinting
(1) The chemical hashed fingerprint of a molecule is bit string (a sequence of “0” and “1” digits) that contains information on the structure (topology).
(2) Stereochemistry(cis- or trans-conformation) is not considered
(3) Each fragment is processed using several different hashing functions, each of which sets a single bit in the fingerprint
(4) Bit collision:
1. same bit is set by multiple patterns.
2. This phenomenon is called bit collision.
3. Few bit collisions in the fingerprint is ok, but too many may result in losing information in the fingerprint.
define similarity (Tanimoto) coefficient
(1) Tanimoto/Jaccard coefficient:
1. c bits set in common in the reference and database structure
2. a bits set in reference structure
3. b bits set in database structure
(2) T(a, b)=Nc/(Na+Nb-Nc)
(3) usually the filtering range for T should be above 70 or 80
What is the scaffold hoping?
Find a molecule that is as active as query one but with different core structure; usually requires 3D searches. Based on the structure of the ligands, a variety of the scaffolds with similar functions are discovered to overcome the limitation of single structure but still able to bind to the ligand.
define the 3D fingerprinting
(1) Pairs of atoms at given distance range
(2) Triplets of atoms and associated distance, e.g. look at atoms distancing 4.8 Amstrong
(3) Pharmacophore pairs and triplets (donors, acceptors, aromatic centres,etc): : identify to triplets -> fingerprinting -> convert to digits
(Pharmacophore is the substructure of a molecule that is responsible for its pharmacological activity)
(4) Valence angles
(5) Torsion angles
(6) guarentee both structural and physical/chemical properties are taken into account
define the 3D shape search
Molecules are aligned in 3D
- Similarity score is based on common volume
- conformational plasticity of compound (usually low energy conformer): the molecular dynamics should also be considered
How does the scoring function in the optimising prcedure?
For a reference compound of known activity, search against a database that contains other actives and decoy compounds(decoy compound refers to a 100% binder but not appear in the ranking list):
- Do known active compounds appear in the ranked list?
- A good similarity measure will cluster the known actives at the top of the ranking
- Not ideal for scaffold hopping
What is the pharmacophore generation and searching?
(1) Pharmacophore is the substructure of a molecule that is responsible for its pharmacological activity
(2) A set of geometrical constraints between specific functional groups that enable the molecule to have biological activity
(3) Protein structure is not required
(4) Assumes that all (or the majority) of the known actives bind to the same location(may have false positives)
(5) Pharmacophore generation:
1. Identify pharmacophoric features (hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, lipophilic groups, charges)
2. Find a geometrical arrangement of pharmacophoric features that all actives that match with a low-energy conformation
(6) Pharmacophore searching
1. Given a pharmacophore, find all molecules in a database that can match it in a low-energy conformation
2. Scaffold-hopping possible
Doesn’t require structural similarity
Just needs to match the pharmacophore
What is the database search?
(1) Select a ‘representative’ set of actives
1. Most methods assume similar binding modes
2. One or more rigid molecules are preferred: not too much flexbility/rotation
3. The ligands should be diverse (otherwise too many common features that are not involved in binding)
4. Prepare molecules (e.g. tautomeric form, protonation state), generate 3D structure and conformations (if required)
5. Use pharmacophore software/tool to generate pharmacophores (biased or unbiased?): exceptions may be involved.
6. Select preferred pharmacophore model(s) and validate them: visual and experimental validation
(2) Visual inspection
1. Do the “actives” fit the pharmacophore?
2. Can the pharmacophore separate actives from decoys?
(3) Pharmacophoric features in each ligandare identified(Donors, acceptors, hydrophobic groups, etc)
(4) Ligands aligned so the corresponding features are overlaid
(5) Conformational space explored
(6) Scoring system:number of features, goodness of fit to features, conformational energy, volume of the overlay, etc.
(7) Database search should be “compatible” with parameters used to generate the pharmacophore:
1. The same pharmacophore feature definitions should be used to describe the database structures as were used to generate the pharmacophore
2. The database should be generated using the same protocol as used to generate the pharmacophore
3. What tolerance should be used to allow a match?
e. g. If two pharmacophore features are separated by 5Å what distance range is acceptable: 4.5-5.5Å; 4-6Å?
Case study: Inhibition of Human Thymidylate Synthase and Dihydrofolate Reductase Enzymes. What parameters should be considered?
(1) IC50: the concentration of the inhibitors required to reach 50% activity
(2) 2D fingerprinting to discover the molecules with higher potency
(3) dihydrofolate in combination with the scaffold protein
(4) generate the pharmacophore model and search against the database
What is QSAR and what is its benefit?
(1) Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationships(QSAR) tries to establish quantitative relationships between descriptors and the target property capable of predicting activities of novel compounds: give information about the cell-based assay
(2) QSAR models require descriptors that accurately convey chemically-relevant information to the machine learning models
BLC: Chemoinform suit
(1) the input comes from the molecules
(2) molecules’ features are described
(3) data set is generated from the features collected
(4) train cross-validated machine learning
(5) quality measurement assessment
(6) virtual screening
(7) similarity comparison
active compounds can enter in three different fates: (1) pharmacophore molecule; (2) QSAR(fiind the overlapping between the prediction and experiment); (3) ligand-based virtual screening(pharmacophore, QSAR, substructure, physichemical property), all the three ways are useful to the biological and synthesis evaluation