Drug and Alcohol Abuse Flashcards
What are Tranquilizers made up of ?
Barbiturates and Benzdiapizines like Valium and Diazepam
Which plant is Opium extracted from?
Papaver Somniform in the form of Latex
Another name for Morphine
Smack/Brown Sugar
How are morphine drugs taken in by an individual?
Intravenous route
How are Amphetamines used?
They are used as Syphatomimetic amines
What are they used to treat?
Narcolepsy,Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity
What is the addictive form of amphetamine
What are the harmful effects of Amphetamines
- Paranoia
- Delusion
- Anxiety
- Convulsion
- Insomnia
Which ingredient is highly present in Cannabinoids?
What are the harmful effects of Cannabinoids?
- Respiratory problems
- Reduced sperm count
- Reduced testosterone
- Loss of memory
- Reduced attention span
What are the Harmful Effects of Hallucinogens
- Rapid Pulse
- Respiratory problems
- Tremors
- Impulsive behaviour
- Tiredness
- Sleepness
What are the harmful effects of consuming tobacco?
Smoking is associated
with increased incidence of cancers of lung, urinary bladder and throat,
bronchitis, emphysema, coronary heart disease, gastric ulcer, etc. Tobacco
chewing is associated with increased risk of cancer of the oral cavity.
Smoking increases carbon monoxide (CO) content in blood and reduces
the concentration of haembound oxygen. This causes oxygen deficiency
in the body
What receptors does it bind it?
GABA in brain and gastrointestinal tract
What does alcohol abuse lead to?
Wernicke-Korsatoff Syndrome
Symptoms of Wernicke-Korsatoff Syndrome
Impaired memory
Harmful effects of Alchohol abuse
Myocardiopathy Arithmysis Steotasis Hepatitis Cirrhosis Fibrosis