drug allergy Flashcards
pseudoallergic (anaphylactoid):
immediate systemic rxn that mimic anaphylaxis but non IgE mediated - release mediator from mast and basophil
Drug intolerance vs
drug idiosyncrasy
: undesriable pharma effect - occur at low/usual dose - no underlying abn in metbaolism, excretion or bioavail - T and B cell not involved and cant understand mechanism - ie) tinnitus with aspirin
Drug idiosyncrasy: abn and unexpected effect unrelated t drug, and uknown why, not T or B cell mediated but is repdocuble - could be due to metabolism or bioavail - ie) fever from quinidine or g6pd and hemolytic anemia with dapsone
name gel and coombs types and subtype of 4
2-igg or igm directed at hapten coated _ autoimm anemia
3- tissue deposited of drug ab complex with complement activation and inflm (serum sickness, vasculitis)
4: T cell medaited MCH presentinh drtug
(1a - macro, 1b, eo, 4c T cell, iv d neotrphil)
type 4 reactions for gel coombs, subtypes and ex
4a- Macrophage, Infn gamma, TNFalpha Th1 medaited, APC presented ie) TB
4b: Eo, il5,/23, Eo and chronic AR and athma, dress?
4c: T cell perforin granzyme, contact dermatitis, and macolpop bullous
4d- No, ILbeta GMCSf
AGEP and bechets
what is pi concept
Pharmacologic interaction with immune receptors
Drug binds non covalantly to the TCR and this leads to immune rxn via interaction with major histocombatability receptor
No sensitization needed as its direct stimulation of the memory and effector T cell (like a superantigen)
name RF for drug allergy
patient: middle age adult more then infant, women more then men, genetic polymorphihsm , HIV herpeps, and prev rxn
Drug: HMW compound, topical>iv>oral, dose frequnt>single dose
give examples of drugs causing
1) Type 2 cytotoxic
2) serum sickness
3) type 4 contact dermatitis
hyoersensitivty vasculitis
pulm DRUG hypersensitve
1) Type 2 cytotoxic
penicilline, sulga
2) serum sickness
penicillin, thymo, inflixmab
3) type 4 contact dermatitis
0 neomycin, pen, sulfonamide
hypersensitivty vasculitis: hydralazine
pulm DRUG hypersensitve: bleo, MTX, nitrofuranton
SYSTEMIC sle: hydralazine, procainamde, isonazid
granuloma: PTU
: NSAID, sulfonamide,
neophropathy: gold, penicillin, sulfonamide
Contraindications for drug desensitization
SJS, TEN, interstitial nephritits, hepatitis and hemolytic anemia
what is in pen testing
major determinant (PRE-penicilloylpolylysine)
- pen G
- penicilloate and penilloate
List 4 types of reactions to NSAIDS
AERD, worsening of CSU, IgE mediated anaphylaxis/urticarial,
urticarial/angioedema to all cox-1 inhibitors (no hx of CSU)
Underlying mechanism of AERD?
aberrant arachidonic acid metabolism. Before administration of
aspirin, compared with non–aspirin-sensitive asthmatic patients,
patients with AERD have higher levels of both COX and 5-
lipoxygenase products, such as increased urinary leukotriene E4 and
throm- boxane B2, and increased leukotriene E4 and thromboxane B2
in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.602-604 Patients with AERD also have
increased respiratory tract expression of the cystei- nyl leukotriene 1
receptor and heightened responsiveness to inhaled leukotriene
E A number of genetic polymor- phisms involving the
leukotriene pathway have been reported to be associated with
AERD, including the leukotriene C4 promotor, cysteinyl
leukotriene receptor 1 promotor,606 prostanoid receptor related
genes,607 and thromboxane A2 receptor genes. Administration of
aspirin leads to inhibition of COX-1 with resultant decrease in
prostaglandin E2. Prostaglandin E2 normally inhibits 5-lipoxygenase,
but with a loss of this modifying effect, arachidonic acid molecules
are preferen- tially metabolized in the 5-lipoxygenase pathway,
resulting in increased production of cysteinyl leukotrienes.
name 5 ways to prevent drug reactions
1) careful hx for host factors
2) avoid of cross reactive drugs
3) use of oral abx
4) use predictive tests when u can
5) proper prescribing of drugs when needed
6) document thr ADR in the chart
name an example of using induction of tolerance with drug in an non-Ige drug reaction
imatanib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) for malignant tumors
gernally it is contraidncated tho - ie_ with SJS or TEN
Lupus (cutaneuso vs systemic) drug indue
more freq- 4-8w in onset, no systmic signs, photsensitive ertyhema, scaly anular plaques,
drug: CCB, HZT, ACE, antifungal
vs systemic is rare and take months to get tehre with photosensitivty and erythema nodosum as skin
(procainamide, minocycline, isonaizide, methldopa)
causes of elevated tryptase
Familial tryptasemia, AML, refractory anemia’s, myelodysplastic syndrome, SCF (stem cell factor) administration, ESRD with elevated SCF
myeloid HES
give three common drugs implicated in type 2 rxn
complement MEDIATED cytotoxi c IgM or IgG formed to drug altered cell surface membranes
pencillin, quinidine, and alpha methyl dopa - cause anemia
usu when treatment with pen for a long time
can get low plt with quinidine as well, and quinine, tylenol, PTU
low granulocyte anticonvulsant , sulfonamide
type 3 rxn example of drugs
remember from slight antigen excess
name 5 common topical allergic contact dermatitis antigegns
neomycin parabens bactiracin thimerosal lanolin formaldehyde
remmeber - photoallergic ones: sulfonamide, thaizide, quinidine, and chlorporamazine and fluoroquinolones
five risk factor for radiocontrast anaphylactoid reaction
usually ionic is worst
but female asthma hx of prec fxn beta blocker - higher risk
steps for pt who has possible anaphylactoid
Management: Determine if its essential Patient understands risk Hydration Use NON ionic, iso osmolar RCM Pretreatment regime that works
Lupus (cutaneuso vs systemic) drug indue
more freq- 4-8w in onset, no systmic signs, photsensitive ertyhema
causes of elevated tryptase
Familial tryptasemia, AML, refractory anemia’s, myelodysplastic syndrome, SCF (stem cell factor) administration, ESRD with elevated SCF
myeloid HES
name high risk drugs for EM/SJS
sulfonamide. cephalosporine, imidazole and oxicam derivative
name two drugs causing bllous pemphigoid
and two causing pemphigus
furosemide and penicillin and sulfasalazine cause bullous pemphifoid
THIOL group meds like captoprile and penicillamine
chamomile tea… it cross reacts with ?
ragweed and mugwort FYI
what are screening tests for
- drug induced vasculitis
- serum sickness
2. cryoglobylin or cold preictoable serum protein for immune complex
what is the advantage of LTA tests
also what do you look for marker wise on BAT
LTA - bypass need for knowledge of metabolic determinants as check for LTA to drug itself
CD63 for BAT
name 4 histologic findings with biosy of drug exantham
1) Eo
2) interface dermatitis
3) vacuolar alteration of keratinocyte
4) foci of spongiosis
name reasons why coombs are positive
presence of complement
drug on RBC membrane
Rh determinant autoanntibody