Drone Moves Flashcards
pull out both sticks < >
Straight down camera movement
Tilt camera straight down - gimbal wheel (left front wheel).
Hit record on drone.
Right stick - up, down, left/right < >
Overhead spin
Tilt camera straight down - gimbal wheel (left front wheel).
Hit record on drone.
Left stick - left/right < >
Can also raise or lower altitude (same stick).
Start with camera pointing down - scroll wheel.
Right stick forward ^
Slowly twist scroll wheel (gimbal dial) - moving up.
Fly Over Focus
Right stick to fly over
Slowly adjust gimbal wheel to keep subject in frame.
Can also do this with left stick adjusting altitude.
Sideways with Rotation
Start by pressing Right Stick to Right >.
Move Left Stick to left SLIGHTLY <.
Proximity Shot
Obstacle avoidance turned ON.
Flying close to something (forest - tree top).
How to Hand Launching
Hold drone with back facing you (hand Position).
Wind blowing towards your back.
Height little above your head.
Press take off and it will lift off.
How to Hand Land
palm open.
use left stick to land in palm (move stick down).