Drinking Water Regulations Flashcards
Maximum Contaminant Level and Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
Contaminants that are not regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act and have no specific health effect.
Secondary contaminants (secondary MCL’s)
Drinking water contaminants regulated because of health concerns.
Primary Drinking Water Contaminant
Radio active gas in drinking water.
Most of the lead in drinking water comes from this source.
From corrosion of plumbing materials
Methods used to measure flurried concentration in drinking water.
- Fluoride specific ion electrode
- SPADNS method
These situation require the water supplier to make public notification.
- Violation of MCL
- Sampling or reporting violation
- Water system is operating under variance or waiver
This entity must approve a water system bacteriological sampling plan.
The state or other government body having jurisdiction
Total coliform MCL
- More than one positive sample per month (0-40 samples/month)
- More than 5% positive samples per month (more than 40 samples/month)
The health concern for excess fluoride in drinking water.
- Mottled (discoloration) teeth
- Fluorosis (misshaping) of the bones
Plumbing code prohibits this connection.
Potable water connection to a sewer connected waste
The surface water treatment rule requires inactivation of giardia and viruses at this level.
- 3 log inactivation of giardia cysts
- 4 log inactivation of viruses
Maximum contaminant level: Nitrate
- MCL is 10 mg/L
Maximum contaminant level: Fluoride
- MCL is 4 mg/L
Action level: Lead
- 0.015 mg/L or 15 parts per billion
Action level: Copper
- 1.3 mg/L
Health concern for lead in drinking water.
Nervous system impairment that can affect mental development, especially in children.
Health concern for nitrate in drinking water.
Met-hemeglobinemia or blue baby syndrome
Authority for state to implement and enforce a federal regulation such as the Safe Drinking Water Act
Bacteriological samples that test positive for total coliform bacteria must also be tested for this.
Fecal coliform or E. coli
This indicates an “acute” coliform violation.
- Fecal coliform or E. coli positive sample followed by a total coliform positive repeat sample
(or) - Total coliform positive sample followed by a fecal coliform or E. coli positive repeat sample
Contaminants indicated by the following.
- Synthetic Organic Contaminants
- Volatile Organic Contaminants
- Inorganic Contaminants