Drills 1 Flashcards
- The letter NEO stands for
Neuroticism, Extraversion, Opennes to Experience
- ____ was developed on the basis of Henry Murray’s need/press theory of personality
Personality Research Form
- Hans Eysenck proposed that the two poles on the neuroticism dimension were
Emotional stability and instability
- A personality inventory based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality types were devised by
Myers and Briggs
- Scales were designed by A.T. Beck to measure
- This is the performance data of a group of test takers to be taken as reference in evaluating or interpretation
Normative sample
- These are all considered reasons for norming
- As a methid of Evaluation
- As a way to derive meaning out of tests scores
- As a way to compare one test score to a group of test takers
- Jon is in the process of establishing clear and specified procedures for the administration and scoring of his test. He plans on doing so to a representative sample of testtakers. What is Jon in the midst of doing?
Standardizing his test
- Purposes of test standardization
- To establish Norms
- To establish uniform procedure of scoring and administration
- For establishing clear instructions for testaker
- These are the people reachable to you when you want to standardize your test and to establish norms
- They are whom you want to generalize your test to
- This sampling method helps prevent sampling bias, and aids in the interpretation of findings as it groups people
Stratified Sampling
- Bran wants to sample people who have been using drugs recreationally. He asks each of his participants if they can suggest other peers who use recreational drugs as well to participate in their study. Bran is using what sampling method?
Purposive Sampling
- Stanley Milgram performed his infamous experiment by posting for volunteers on a newspaper advertisement where they will be paid $4.50 for turning up to Yale. Milgram used what sampling method?
Incidental sampling
- Mr. Nob’s population for his study on the effectiveness of new teaching methods were third year college students. One of the universities he will get samples from has 5 sections for their third year HRM, and masscom programs, and 3 sections under the third year psychology and nursing programs. For each section under the programs, he plans to take an unplanned sample of 10 students to participate in his study. What sampling method will Mr. Nob use?
Stratified-Random Sampling
- You have finished collecting and analysing the data you have gathered from your pilot testing. If you intend to summarize the data you got, you must use
Descriptive Statistics
- Are the terms normative sample and standardization sample interchangeable for a group of people?
Yes, if you the same group of people have been used
- Dr. De Jesus wanted to revise an inventory he and his colleagues made a few years ago. He wanted to expand his sample by adding people from different provinces in Visayas and Mindanao. What will Dr. De Jesus ultimately change in the revision of his test?
Normative Sample
- Dr. De Jesus wanted to revise an inventory he and his colleagues made a few years ago. He wanted to expand his sample by adding people from different provinces in Visayas and Mindanao. What will Dr. De Jesus ultimately change in the revision of his test?
Raw Data
- Your friend wanted to perform a statistical analysis using the percentile rank of their data. What can you recommend?
Discourage her from doing any statistical treatments on it as the data is ordinal
- Arya earned a score of 40 at 50 item test on statistics. She also did better than 77 out of her class consisting of 85 students. What is Arya’s percentage correct, and her percentile rank?
80% and 91st percentile
- Your former classmate have reported that they are at the 100th percentile in their review class. What does this mean?
Nothing as there is no such thing as a 100th percentile
- A considered weakness of the percentile norm is that real differences between raw scores may be _____ near the ends of the distribution, and _______ in the middle
Minimized; exaggerated
- This type of norm has gathered some issues especially when comparing psychological characteristics as compared to using it for physical characteristics.
Age Norms
- Together these two form what is called as the developmental norms
Age and Grade Norms
- This/these type(s) of norms need to get the percentile norms first to do what is called as the equipercentile method.
- Kaya mo pa ba?
- These are considered to be supplemental or as aids as the samples are further segmented
Subgroup Norms
- These are norms made by the test user for reference for users who go to the institution they are in
Local Norms
- Which of the following is an accurate description of a personality inventory? A personality inventory:
Assesses long-standing patterns of behavior
- What test is specifically designed to assess if an individual has some psychiatric disturbance which needs intervention?
a. 16PF
- You are an HR practitioner and you gave a test to several applicants which can measure their potentials in terms of performing the duties and responsibilities of the position they are applying for. What kind of test did you most likely administer to these applicants?
Aptitude Test
- How many personality dimensions are there? A popular answer is
- The items on the Beck Depression Inventory represent symptoms of depression as
- You took a timed test in order to enter graduate school. The test measured different aspects like abstract reasoning, analytical thinking, number skills, memory capacity, problem-solving ability, and processing speed. What type of mental ability test did you most likely take?
Intelligence Test
- Sandor was found to have an overly rigid personality. His tantrums burst when his demands were not met. Those who work for him call him a perfectionistic person. When he was interviewed he plainly tells the interviewer that he hates things when they are not in their proper order, and he believes that there is nothing wrong with him. You would administer which test?
- JFC is looking for an employee who can market their product by means of advertisements. They have found out in their research that the customers are not interested in their products because they see the same thing again and again in the product ads. A psychometrician administered the NEO PI R, which scale should be high for those appearing applicants?
Opennes to Experience
- Ben was found guilty for committing a crime. He was wound to have done numerous crimes other than the present. As an effect, he does not feel any guilt feelings for doing a certain offense. Inside detention, he was also seen to be the cause of many fights. What test battery should we give to Ben?
- You created a clinical test to measure anxiety. You planned to give it out to a sample of people who consistently experience anxiety. You decided to give out the test to the people diagnosed in the health center in your town. Your method of sampling can be classified as:
Purposive Sampling
- After you asked one participant to answer the test you created, you asked the participant about other like them who could possibly answer your test. You were then referred to people whom the participant knows are capable of answering your test. This sampling method is called
Snowball Sampling
Oh, ano?
- Dany is a hard worker. Her boss often compliments her organized work, her punctuality, the efficiency of the activities she does, and the thoroughness of her plans. If she took the NEO-PI—R, Dany would most probably have
A high core on conscientiousness
- Clark is an extremely negative person. He would often have many negative thoughts about future events, have a negative attitude about things coming into his life, and would sometimes think of self-destructive behaviors. Among the tests listed below, which test would you most likely give to Clark to assess his condition?
Beck Hopelessness Scale
- This test was designed to assess the handicapped and non-handicapped persons in their personal and social functioning. It was organized around four behavior domains: communication, daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills. This is the
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
- It’s a broad-based test designed to assess a number of major patterns of personality, emotional, and behavioural disorders. It consists of 567 statements that a subject mark true or false. This is the
U still alive?
- Friedman and Rosenman are cardiologists who described a certain set of behaviors and characteristics of people to have a potential risk of heart disease. This certain set can also be defined as a constellation of traits that is similar in pattern to one identified category of personality within a taxonomy of personalities. What is this term?
Personality Types
- You interned in a university’s counselling services department. You were tasked to find a test for the students that will help them match their occupational choice with their personality and self-perception of abilities. What test should first come to mind
SDS (Self-Directed Search Test)
- Spielberger and associates created a test where items consist of short descriptive statements and subjects are indicated either how they feel right now or at this moment (and its intensity), and how they generally feel (and its frequency). This test is
STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory)
- Sam, a 5 year old has been showing a set of concerning disruptive behaviors in class. What could be an appropriate test to use to know more of his behavior or symptoms?
CBCL (Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist)
- _____ is the tendency to respond to a test item or interview questions in some characteristic manner regardless of the content of the item or question; _____ is “the selective exposure of some information (it may be false info)… coupled with suppression of other info”
Response style; impression management
- To avoid encountering the answers in the previous items, we use these scales
Validity Scales
- These are generalized biases to rate in a particular direction. ____ is rating someone in higher than what their performance warrants while ____ is rating someone lower than what their performance warrants
Leniency error; severity error
- This instrument is considered as “the epitome of an atheoretical, ‘dust bowl empiricism’ approach to the development of a tool to measure personality traits”
- The EPPS is a classic test to have this kind of item format
Forced-Choice Format
- This technique is a representative example readily applicable to different frames of reference. This was also advocated by Carl Rogers to help evaluate the discrepancy between the perceived actual self and the ideal self.
Q-Sort technique
- The ______ is a method of scoring and interpretation of personality tests where we try to learn how a limited number of personality traits can be applied to all people, and that certain personality traits exist in all people in varying degrees. While the _____ tries to understand the specific traits unique to the makeup of the individual with an example method of case studies.
Nomothetic approach; idiographic approach
- The 16PF and the NEO-PI-R are tests considered to be tests developed using
Data reduction methods
- The Ten Item Personality Inventory or TIPI and the FF-NPQ are examples of variations of what test?
- The use of logic and reason, ample clinical experience, research, and/or correspondence to SMEs in terms of developing test items for instruments assessing personality is sometimes referred to as
Content-oriented approach
- The MMPI 567 used this method as a way to derive diagnostic insights by comparing a testtaker’s response pattern to that of testtaker’s in the normal group
Empirical Criterion Keying
- The MMPI 567’s scores are reported as t scores. Paul Meehl proposed a 2-point code derived from the numbers of the clinical scales on which the testtaker achieved the highest. Each score in Meehl’s 2-point code type exceeds 2 standard deviations away from the mean. What is the t-score corresponding to an elevated score that could be considered pathological?
- This approach to psychological assessment focuses more on deep-level inferences about what attributes one has more globally, to uncover deep-seated problems to be put into the client’s awareness and be dealt with, and needs a lot of clinical creativity, skill, and perceptiveness.
Sign Approach
- The ______ approach to psychological assessment expects behavior to be consistent across time and settings, while the _____ approach thinks of behavior as specific to a situation only
Sign approach, behavioural assessment approach
- The 16PF can be considered under what type of instrument
- Self-monitoring as a variety of behavioural assessment can be considered as both a tool for assessment and as a tool for intervention. But professionals who opt to use this way of assessment should be wary of the possibility of an assessee to change their behavior, thinking, or performance as it arises in response to being observed, assessed, or evaluated. What is this psychometric issue to be always kept in mind?
Reactivity (Self)
- Abbey was put in a group where they were instructed to carry out a certain task. She notices that they were given minimal and vague instructions. With some of her group-mates scrambling about on their own, she initiated plans with them and then proceeded to delegating tasks to members. Abbey and her group has been observed using what technique under a situational performance measure of behavioural assessment?
Leaderless Group technique
- Men convicted of rape demonstrate more sexual arousal to descriptions of rape and less arousal to consenting sex-stories than do control subjects. Sexual arousal was probably measured using what instrument?
Plethysmograph (Volume of blood flow)
- In using behavioural assessments, there must be an acceptable level of inter-rater reliability among behavior observers or raters. But bias can easily creep in like contrast effects where one gives excessively positive ratings because a prior rating was excessively negative. To counter this, this approach can be used to minimize error and improve interrater reliability.
Composite Judgement
- Projective techniques can be considered under this philosophy of test design and use as it relies heavily on the clinician’s judgment and intuition
Clinical Approach