When did workshop theatre emerge in SA and name three groups that pioneered workshopped theatre.
Emerged in the 70s
The serpent players (Fugard, Khani and Ntshona)
Workshop 71’ - race relations project
Phoenix Players - adaptations and musicals with Barney Simon.
Explain the workshop theatre process.
1 - Idea/intention - process begins with an idea for the performance or a need for an issue or educational matter to be explored.
2 - Observation and research. This is the research section that draws on traditional research methods, interviews, observation, personal experience.
3 - Improvisation - the groups creates the skeletal structure or basic theme for the improvisation. Actors improvise within the structure drawing on their research observations to create characters and respond to situation. The rest of the group watch and respond giving advice.
4 - selection. Various scenes are selected, modified or rejected. Not everything from the improv can be used so they must choose what suits the content best. These scenes are then linked to form the performance. Approach can be DIRECTORIAL or COLLABORATIVE.
5 - Recording. The final phase is the recording of the play as either a script, audio recording or video. Allows the play to be preserved.
Name the topics for workshopped plays.
Community theatre (affects everyone in said community). Educational theatre (teaching the audience something). Worker’s theatre (matters arising from the workplace). Protest theatre (when something is deemed unfair by the community and they want to speak out against it, controversial.) Dramatic theatre (an experience someone wishes to share).
List advantages to workshop theatre.
Anyone can create or act in (no read or write)
No script needed
No costume or props
No special-venue
No special effects
Low cost
Everyone involved has a role in creation process
Can be made very quickly (on recent events).
Can be performed anywhere and are cheap.