Drama Terms Flashcards
Def: ordinary writing that is not poetry, drama, or song.
Def: central idea or insight about life which explains downfall.
Metaphorical Language
Def: comparison of unlike things.
Dramatic Foil
Def: a character whose purpose is to show off another character.
Round Characters
Def: characters who have many personality traits, like real people
Flat Characters
Def: one-dimensional, embodying only a single trait.
Static Characters
Def: Characters within a story who remain the same. They do not change their minds, opinions or character.
Dynamic Character
Def: characters that change somehow during the course of the plot. They generally change for the better.
Def: one person speaking on stage- may be other character on stage too.
Def: long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage.
Def: word spoken, usually in an undertone not intended to be heard by all characters.
Word: humorous use of words with two meanings.
Direct Address
Def: words that tell the reader who is being addressed.
Dramatic Irony
Def: a contradiction between what a character thinks and what the reader audience knows to be true.
Verbal Irony
Def: word used to suggest the opposite of what is meant.
Situational Irony
Def: an event occurs that directly contradicts the expectations of the characters, the reader, or audience.
Comic Relief
Def: use of comedy within literature that is not comedy to provide “relief” from seriousness or sadness.
Blank Verse
Def: unrhymed verse, iambic (stressed, unstressed), pentameter (5 “feet” to a line).