Dragon Tarot Deck Flashcards
Meaning: A New chapter opening in one’s life. Eccentricity
Reversed: Dispersion of energy
Meaning: Putting across your message to a much wider audience. Reason
Reversed: Compulsive commmunication; overly intellectual
Meaning: Be guided by your intuition
Reversed: Superstitious, Deluded
Meaning: The need to cultivate your own creativity
Reversed: Too easy-going. Not sticking up for your own rights
Meaning: The struggle for personal independance
Reversed: Unacle to recieve from others. Bossy
Meaning: Power behind the scenes. Also, teachings and teachers entering one’s life.
Reversed: Stuck in tradition. Unable to keep up with the times.
Meaning: Intensity in relationships
Reversed: Obsessive relationships. Refusal to learn from relationships
Meaning: Caring, Nurturing. Concentrate on you robjectives, don’t get sidetracked
Reversed: Not finishing anything off. Incomplete cycles
Meaning: intention is cause, energy follows thought. Power without control is nothing
Reversed: Too emotional; Not thinking things through
Meaning: Withdrawal, reconsideration.
Reverse: Isolation, Alienation
Meaning: Abundance, faith, opportunity
Reversed: Exaggerated expectations
Meaning: Achieving a new sense of balance; harmony
Reversed: Imbalance
Meaning: Suspended activity, a period of delay
Reversed: Seeing the world as if it were upside down. Topsy-Turvy
Meaning: The clearing away of negative conditions in order to make way for new, more positive influences.
Reversed: Not being able to let go.
Meaning: Reflection on one’s life, maturation
Reversed: Stuck in the past. Too intropspective.
Meaning: Don’t let your own negativity hold you back. Enter into the swing of things a bit more.
Reversed: Lack of vision. Blocked sexual energy.
Meaning: The need to establish very strong foundations in life.
Reversed: Unsafe foundations for any project. Things precariously built up
Meaning: Realization, hope, inspiration
Reversed: A false sense of security
Meaning: Completion, Fulfillment, the end of a major cycle. The world of dreams
Reversed: Holding back reality by living in a dream world
Meaning: Growth and harmonious development in all aspects of life.
Reversed: The danger of “burn-out” getting yoru fingers burnt
Meaning: Powerful transformative energies. Immense pressure
Reversed: Phonetcisms, phobias, obsessions.
Meaning: Success Attainment
Reversed: Fears, Carrying the world on your shoulders
A new Doorway opening up workwise
Element: Earth
Same line of work, in a different place
Learning new skils, Developing new abilities
Wanting to get money together
Unforseen Expenses
Wanting to be more generous, but the need to be more discriminating.
Hard work, but approaching your harvesting time.
The craftsman at work. Abilities being demonstrated.
Gaining recognition in the eyes of others