DR2 Flashcards
Civil cases - who does burden of proof lie with and any exceptions?
- defendant also convicted of criminal offence (related to the civil case)
and arguing they were wrongly convicted
(D must prove on balance probs) - con neg - D must prove
- mitigation of loss - D must prove
Standard of proof in civil cases?
Balance of probabilities
(i.e. more than 50% chance)
General rule on how evidence must be proved at trial in civil cases?
Theory vs practice?
By oral evidence
In practice a lot of the evidence is in writing
What does CPR require of a party wishing to call a witness?
Serve witness statement on other parties setting out facts witness would be allowed (ie admissible and relevant) to give orally at trial
What happens if witness statement not served on other parties? (civil trial)
Witness only allowed to speak with court’s permission, which court would rarely give
What can you do if a witness statement cannot be obtained from witnesses seeking to rely on?
(other than summons)
How to apply?
Apply to court WITHOUT NOTICE for order to serve a witness SUMMARY, containing:
- W’s name and address
- Evidence the witness can provide (if known);
or if not known
- Matters on which witness would be questionned at trial
Think ignore the below:
evidence = have docs etc. questionned = have knowledge
If granted, can compel to attend trial by serving witness summons
(e.g. abroad / doesn’t want to give)
Form and content of a witness statement in civil law?
- Title of proceedings, statement number, date and name of witness
- Address, occupation, whether witness on behalf of employer or own business, and if so name of the business and whether they are a party to proceedings
- Paragraphs should be numbered and all numbers in numbers not words (e.g. 5 people instead of five people),
EXCEPT dates (16 January instead of 16 01) - Chronological
- Set out evidence want to provide
- Should be in first-person/own words as far as possible
- Indicate what evidence is from own knowledge and which is based on information and belief, naming source if appropriate
- How they came to make the witness statement (e.g. face to face with solicitor)
- not just made it with solicitor, but HOW - Formally exhibit any attachments
- Statement of truth (signed by witness)
Can witness statement’s statement of truth be signed by a legal representative?
(civil cases)
E.g. of what statement looks like:
“‘I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth’.”
What happens if witness statement cannot be provided in English?
(civil cases)
Draft in own language, with translation (and date of translation) included within the statement
When are witness statements usually delivered?
A few weeks after disclosure
What will witness do at civil trial before giving evidence?
- stand in witness box
- take the oath or affirm
- be shown a copy of their statement
- confirm contents are true
How does examination of witness in civil trial work?
Witness gives evidence
- if witness statements exchanged in accordance with court directions, evidence itself IS the examination-in-chief
So it is v important that their statement is comprehensive!
Court may permit additional examination in chief
Sometimes re-examination
Can a witness give evidence that is not in their witness statement at civil trial?
General rule no
Unless court permits
- rare and only if good satisfied that good reason why evidence not dealt with in statement itself
(eg new relevant matter arose after statement served)
What are affidavits?
Are they the same as witness statements?
When are they used?
Sworn statements of evidence
Not same as witness statements.
Swear or affirm before solicitor (not their own) or other authorised person
Applications for freezing injunction or search order
When is evidence relevant (and therefore admissible)?
Evidence inadmissible if irrelevant
Relevant if:
- addresses facts which are in dispute; or
- have to be proved by party calling witness
Is opinion evidence admissible at civil trial?
General rule - no
e.g. couldn’t admit “I imagine it is faulty but not seen it” (speculation so not perceived and no expert)
- ok if only give opinion to bring together relevant facts personally perceived by them
- should really just list the facts which led them to reach conclusion
- must not draw conclusion from their evidence as this is role of court
- could give evi that was “driving around 60 mph” or was “drunk”
(but better to say “was stumbling and appeared drunk”)
- couldn’t say “too fast”
- e.g. could not say heard someone say the D was “stupid” conclusion drawn but from what we cannot say - not based on a perception. -
Expert evidence
- permitted to express opinions on matters qualified in
What is hearsay evidence (civil)?
- a statement made outside court;
- which is repeated in court;
- to prove the truth of the matter stated.
- must be relevant fact or admissible opinion
- oral or written
- main thing is whether reason asking trial judge to rely on the evidence is to reach a decision in the case
- trying to include evidence that the other driver said “I’m sorry, I just didn’t see you”
- trying to adduce evidence that holiday maker told would be “quiet and peaceful”, not hearsay because not repeating to show truth of statements - adducing to show she was lied to.
Criminal vs civil hearsay
Criminal = statement (fact or opinion) not made in oral evi relied on as evi matter within it
Civil = out-of-court statement repeated in court to prove truth of matter stated
First-hand vs multiple hearsay useful example (just for understanding not to revise)
First-hand: Mary keeps a diary and record what she sees one day.
Her diary is used at trial to prove truth.
Multiple hearsay: Mary records what she was told by Lucy. Her diary is used at trial to prove truth of what Lucy said.
Is hearsay evidence admissible in civil proceedings? Any requirements of party relying on it?
As long as serve witness statement (which contains the hearsay) on the other party
What may opponent do if been told hearsay evi being relied on (civil)?
- ask court to order maker of original statement attends for cross-examination; and/or
- serve notice of intention to attack the credibility of the hearsay evidence
(ie if witness does not attend, will attack credibility of statement)
Is it hearsay if a witness isn’t attending trial?
What must be done here by party using that witness’ evidence?
Yes - if not attending and just adducing their written statement, that is hearsay evidence.
Serve ‘hearsay notice’ at same time serve WS
- where inform W not being called oral evi and why.
Other side can still then apply to court for order that attend or serve notice of intention to attack credibility
Think can ignore this
Unless hearsay statement is within exchanged WS and will be calling witness, do not needs a separate hearsay notice (implied).
If party does not comply with hearsay notice requirements, is the statement still admissible?
Any other implications?
But the failure may be taken into account in costs order or when considering how much weight to give to statement itself
How much weight will be attached to hearsay statements compared to other forms of evidence and why?
Less weight because out-of-court statements not made on oath and more times repeated, more room for error.
Because maker not present, can’t be cross-examined too.