Dr. Wayne Dyer Flashcards
Go beyond the ideas
Go beyond the ideas of succeeding and failing. These are judgements. Stay in the process and allow the universe to handle the details. Stay on purpose and let the universe handle the details.
Stop looking
Stop looking for our purpose. Be it.
The process of
The process of surrendering, focusing, and living on purpose, leads to ecstasy.
It is more important
It is more important for you to Be, than to have a goal. Be in this moment. There has always only been now.
There is nothing to
There is nothing to worry about ever. Either you have control or you don’t. If you do, then take control. If you don’t then dismiss it. Don’t waste your energy on worry. There is nothing to worry about.
The ancestor
The ancestor to all action is a thought.
You cannot always
You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside. What goes on inside is your corner of freedom.
You are the sum
You are the sum total of all your choices, up until this moment.
There are 3 things
There are 3 things that clog your soul. Negativity, Judgement, and Imbalance. Work today at eliminating being negative, and eliminating judging someone else, and being out of balance inside. If you can eliminate these 3, you can really tune your life to a higher and more beautiful frequency.
I recommend being
I recommend being gentile with yourself unconditionally, regardless of what comes your way.
Apple Seed
It is a simple procedure to calculate the number of seeds in an apple. But who among us can ever say how many apples are in a seed.
I will fill myself
I will fill myself with love, and I will send it out into the world. How others treat me is their path. How I react is mine.
You will be trapped
You will be trapped emotionally and physically, until you learn to forgive
In God’s eyes,
In God’s eyes, no one on this Planet is better than you.
Conflict is a violation of Harmony. If you participate in it, you are part of the problem.