Dr. Pence - Anemia Clinical Diagnosis And Management Flashcards
Anemia : is what and can happen due to what
Low RBC mass
- TH : low
- ERP : low (chronic kidney disease)
- Testosterone : lower
- Fe+3 : low
- VIT B12 : low
- Folate : low
Anemia Sx
- fatigue
-Dyspnea - pre-syncopal sx
- pale conjunctiva
- Pale skin
- lines on nails
(Can be sleep deprivation)
In the cross that Dr. Pence has what is in leach space (X)
TOP : Hgb
Hct normal
Hgb normal
Reticulocyte count Index
Hct : 37%-54%
Hgb : 12-16 F, 14-18M
R county Index : > 2 means BM is responding to an anemia
Normocytic MCV
RDW is what and normal range
Variation in size of RBC
High variation is more in anemia (esp, in Fe+3 deficiency)
Lactate Dehydrogenase
= high inside blood and tissue
= high level if tissue damage or hemolysis
Indirect (unconjugated bilirubin)
Breakdown product of RBC
High is hemolysis
Plasma protein binding to free hemoglobin
= LOW if there is hemolysis
Iron Studies what it means :
Total Iron Binding Capacity
Ferritin : Fe storage , best way to measure amount of iron in blood
Transferrin : iron transporting protein (high during anemia = TIBC) = to confirm Fe+3 deficiency anemia
= low in Anemia of chronic disease
When can Ferritin be high
- high Fe*
- inflammation *
- autoimmune *
- infection *
Anemia + low reticulocyte count
What do I do now
Check MCV
Anemia and Reticulocyte count is high
What do I do now
Reason through if it is blood loss or consumption issue
- LDH, Haptoglobin, Bilirubin = hemolysis
- find bleed
EX of high reticulocyte count anemia
- chronic bleeding
EX of low MCV anemia
- Fe+3 deficiency (IDA)
- Thalassemia
- SC
- Sideroblastic
EX of normal MVC anemia
- renal disease
EX of anemia with high MCV
- Folate deficiency (megaloblastic)
- B12 deficiency (megaloblastic)
- Hypothyroidism
- EtOH
- MDS (macrocytic only)
CASE 1 : male 68yo, 3mo of easy fatigabilty, dyspnea on exertion Fingernails tear, looks skinnier, drinking pain used on car , nails are curled and lines PE : pale and conjunctiva pallor bilaterally, inflammation on corner of mouth - low Hgb - low Hct - normal WBCs and Plt - low reticular count -MCV LOW - high RDW - low ferritin, and high Transferrin - Transferrin saturation % = LOW = what is it and what do you do
= Fe+3 deficiency (IDA)
due to the high transferrin = high Total Iron Binding Capacity
Low T sat = stored/capacity
= find out reason, change in bowel habits, blood in stool, vomit blood, diet….
Male 68yo with IDA has blood in stool what do you do
Colonoscopy and colon cancer
35yo male fatigued started 60month before Wrist hand and knee swollen bilaterally = morning stiffness Takes NSAIDS don’t help - low Hct - low Hgb - normal WBC and Plt -low reticulocytes - MCV NORMAL - RDW : N - Fe+3 LOW - Ferritin HGIH - Transferrin Low - Trasnferrin Sat LOW
Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD) (malignancy, infection, autoimmune like RA)
How does inflammation increases Ferritin
Inflammation :
- Decreased absorption of Fe
- Decreases EPT production
- Increases HEPCIDIN : increases Ferritin and lowers Transferrin/Ferroportin
How to TX ACD
- TREAT cause of the anemia
(Don’t give Fe+3 supplements without knowing cause of problem)
** if there is CKD or malignancy = give Erythrocytes Stimulating Factor (ESF) , can give thrombosis however improves anemia