Dr jekyll Mr hyde Flashcards
the more it looks like queer street the less i ask
Story of the door- enfield is talking about his attitude to gossip. Reflects how privacy and discretion were valued in victorian society
“If he be Mr hyde”, he had thought, “ I shall be Mr seek”
Search for Mr hyde - utterson thinks this puns. It shows his desire to solve the mystery and lightens the tone of the narrative.
if ever i read Satan’s signature upon a face it is on that of your new friend
Search for Mr hyde - Utterson is linking hyde to the devil. Victorian society was very religious so this would have shown the strength of Utterson’s concern.
This phrase uses sibilance to emphasise Hyde’s evil nature and association with the devil.
with ape life fury he was trampling his victim under foot and hauling down a storm of blows
The carew murder case - Hyde’s behaviour has suddenly and dramatically turned danvers carew without any provocation. This description makes Hyde seem like an animal suggesting he is evolved. His violence and uncontrollable rage add to this impression.
I am the chief of sinners , I am the chief of sufferers also
Shows that jekyll considers himself both villain and victim .
his face became suddenly black and the features seemed to melt and alter
Dr lanyon’s narrative - hyde is transforming into jekyll.
The description of the transformation uses grotesque imagery that shocks the readers. This emphasises Jekyll’s transformation are wrong and evil.
man is not truly one but truly two
Henry Jekyll’s Full statement of the case - Jekyll believes that every person has two sides : a moral side and an immoral side . This quote suggests it is inevitable that a person no matter how moral they seem will always have darker desires within them.