Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde Quote analysis. Flashcards
What does the Quote ‘Lawyer of rugged countenance…dusty, dreary…yet loveable’ suggests?
It suggests that Utterson is a man who us to argue a case of a client not to discover right from wrong but defend the person which money, this shows hypocrisy in his job. Also He is ‘loveable’ Stevenson is summarizing the duality of man very neatly portrayed in the description of Utterson.
What does the name Gabriel Utterson suggests?
His name suggests dual nature, Gabriel reminds us of the angel, a character clearly on the side of God, but this is contrasted with his surname. Indicating that he is completely human and will share the same thoughts as human nature. Stevenson is making the point to what human nature is about, between what is human about us and what is holy about us.
What does the Quote ‘Loathing…At first sight… only natural’ suggests?
Here you can see Hyde’s evil as easily overlooked, the most evil desire is to murder, this is the same feeling En field and the family have which is ‘only natural. This shows the Hypocrisy of the middle class men and women. Here Stevenson is alluding to human nature which is quite happy to fantasies murdering. Hyde will murder by why? is it expressing his evil nature of is it an attack on Victorian impulse to repress desires.
What does this quote suggests ‘Blackmail… youth capers’
Enfield describes that Jekyll must have done something in the past. When we look at this more closely there is an assumption that all gentlemen have committed crimes in the past which they have been blackmailed for, he implies they have escaped from this because of wealth and status. The use of the phrase ‘capers’ suggest that they should have no guilt over these.
What does this quote suggest ‘The man trampled over the child’s body and left her screaming on the ground…she was no more than frightened’?
The use of the adverb implies that there is something terrible about the man . the use of the oxymoron is an uncomfortable image which suggest how evil Hyde is, he has no feelings of wrongdoing. However the the fact that it says ‘she was nothing more than frightened’ shows he hasn’t done anything to the girl at all, nothing to get the hate he is receiving. Hyde is the victim here and because we don’t side with him as readers, we too are accused of this hypocrisy of Stevenson.
What does the quote suggests ‘The last reputable acquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of down-going men’
This suggests that utterson represents Victorian rationalism, always searching out for logical explanations and dismissing the supernatural. However although he is a good character he still is friends of men who have dual nature, suggesting he chooses evil over good.
What does the quote suggests ‘The last reputable acquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of down-going men’ about religion?
Religion is a mental illness, Characters use religion as a scapegoat to their dual personality, utterson reads the bible as a way of being a part of society, religion is his ego. The superego is the conventions of society and religion is your conscious self being accepted in society.
What does this quote suggests ‘I incline to Cain’s heresy, i let my brother go to the devil in his own way’
He is saying that he will not intervene in another mans business, this foreshadows events in the bible with Cain and able. The irony here is that Evil Cain kills his good brother,showing that Hyde’s wishes is to take over Jekyll. This suggests that mankind is more in-tuned with the devil than God. Utterson speaks in formal sentences and avoids simplistic to reflect his profession as a lawyer.
What does the Quote ‘little man’ suggests?
Our first introduction of Hyde is significant. We might expect Stevenson to create an evil alter-ego for Jekyll to show how powerful Jekyll’s instincts are . Instead he points out that his evil is easily overlooked as it is ‘little’ hidden away. Suggesting that Hyde isn’t evil at all, maybe Enfield is the most evil as he calls him a ‘damned Juggernaut’, suggesting that he should go to hell, but Hyde isn’t responsible for hurting little girl.
What could you say more about Hyde from this quote ‘little man’?
Hyde is described completely unmasked, he doesn’t worry about social conventions and people do not recognize because he does not have a mask on. Stevenson is criticizing Victorian social conventions, that you have to be perfect and act in certain ways because it is unnatural. I think Stevenson sides with Hyde because he never tries to stay repressed.
What does the quote ‘It wasn’t like a man, it was like some damned Juggernaut’ suggests?
The adjective Juggernaut is contrasted with adjective of damned emphasizing the power of Hyde’s evil to Enfield, this is ironic as Hyde is only ‘little.’ Stevenson is being ironic here, he has been portrayed as incredibly evil but all he has done is knock over a girl and it was insignificant as Enfield said it was ‘nothing to see’. Stevenson could be doing two things, he wants everyone to see how evil Hyde is or could be showing Hyde lacks sympathy but is not evil at all. The real evil is the reaction to Hyde.
What is the Christian interpretation of this quote ‘It wasn’t like a man, it was like some damned Juggernaut’
Through the christian allusion of damned, Stevenson suggests that religion is the problem. Instead of the world which is a battle between good and evil, perhaps he is implying that Hyde’s desires are simply natural. He implies evil is caused by christian suppression of natural desires.
What does this Quote suggests ‘I am naturally helpless name your figure’
He speaks just as a gentleman would, in Victorian society he is incredibly honest, he is helpless and he is the victim here and the men are taking advantage over him. Hyde here is exposing the hypocrisy of the gentleman surrounding him, this is why he says ‘ name your figure’, he is asking them to put a price on their hypocrisy, a price on their capacity of evil, which in this case is £100, which is a huge figure then.
What does this Quote suggests ‘A certain sinister block of building thrust forward’?
This shows signs of neglect, Stevenson uses personification to imply the house as evil within Hyde.
What does the Quote ‘Coming home from some place at the end of the world about three o’clock of black winter morning’ suggests?
Clear biblical reference to judgement day, the idea here is that he has been in a place where we might expect sins to be committed, he has done it far away from the upper class area to get away with it. Exactly what Enfield is doing hasn't made clear but sounds far from innocent. The fact that it is very late and isn't drunk suggests what he has done is purposeful. The use of the adjective 'black' links to evil, the fact that it is winter makes it seem deliberately cold, all these words are symbolic for how the apparent upper class men are evil.
What does the quote ‘Let us make a bargain to never to refer to this again’
Utterson and Enfield do not speak about this again because of reputation of the upper and middle class men. Utterson wants to protect Jekyll’s reputation.
What does this quote suggests ‘Something of downright destable’?
This is a metaphor to show Victorian disgust to homosexual practices, his physical appearance provokes disgust, this is why people cannot name what is wrong with his appearance, there isn’t something wrong with his appearance, its the reaction to him, the men are homophobia to him, this is the same type of language used in law, with the idea of gross indescency, we cannot describe it, because their isn’t a lot at the time, its our perception of it.
What does this quote reveal about Stevenson message ‘Something of downright destable’?
There are so many unmarried men in the novella, showing that Stevenson is possibly suggesting that being homosexual is normal. This is a subtle way for Stevenson to say yes as society we require it to be hidden.
What does this Quote suggests ‘There is something more, if i could find a name for it’
Hyde doesn’t resemble any normal human being and therefore people find his appearance disconnecting, however What makes everyone so uneasy is that he is a reflection of themselves, it is this refuseful to recognize what they are seeing which is apart of themselves which causes them such disgust.
What does this quote suggest ‘this creature Hyde stealing like their to Harry’s bedside’
This is a peculiar nightmare utterson is having of Jekyll in a sexual way, by standing beside harry’s bedside, shows reference to homosexual desire. One the one hand it reflects Utterson’s thoughts about homosexual relationship between Jekyll and Hyde but also it could be an insight of his own sexual desire.
What does this quote suggests about Utterson’s homosexuality ‘this creature Hyde stealing like their to Harry’s bedside’
This is Utterson’s dream and he is placing himself at the bedside, he is the own calling Jekyll, harry, perhaps, Utterson’s desire for Jekyll himself. Hyde is a thief, he isn’t a thief because Utterson thinks he is blackmailing Jekyll , he is a thief because he is taking Utterson’s place, Utterson wants to be beside ‘Harry’s bedside’ but that place has been stolen from him by Hyde. Homosexuality is thinly veiled theme throughout the novella, the reason why Stevenson expects his reader to work it out because he cannot spell it out because of Victorian morality at the time.
What does this quote suggests ‘If he be Mr Hyde, he had thought i shall be Mr seek’
This refers to the homophone of Hyde. Utterson is determined to find Mr Hyde, because he wants to be with Jekyll.
What does this quote suggests ‘too fanciful’ ?
Lanyon is angry at Jekyll’s research because Jekyll has gone further than him, there is a sense of jealousy, but he is narrow-minded with religion.
What does the quote ‘A great air of wealth and comfort’ suggests?
The front aspect of Jekyll’s house presents a ‘great air of wealth’, meanwhile Mr Hyde house is described as ‘sordid negligence’ There is a deliberate contrast of the mask of respectability provided by wealth and the reality of what is hidden behind ‘sordid (dusty). Stevenson was influenced by John hunter. He was a surgeons and did dissections through illegal practices. he was rich and made respectful. This is what motivated Stevenson, he wants to show the hypocrisy, Jekyll is happy to break the law for science.
What else does Stevenson present about human nature about the quote ‘A great air of wealth and comfort’
the reputable front and rundown rear (the back) form two sides of the same property. Stevenson deliberately makes this difficult for other characters such as Utterson to work this out, therefore Stevenson is making the point that as society we find it difficult to make the point that we find it difficult to see beyond the mask of wealth back to reality that might be hiding. He isn’t only making the point that respectable and disreputable exist in close proximity, but the respectable facade (face) is no guarantee of dark secrets lurking within.
What does this quote suggests ‘A large, well-made, smooth-faced men of fifty’?
Dr Jekyll would not conform to the theory of Criminology, Jekyll and Hyde are the same, this leads to the uncomfortable possibility that one could pass a monster. Such as jack the ripper on the street and yet only see a respectable, civilized gentlemen exhibiting absolute no trace of a killer, lurking within j&H and jack the ripper. Stevenson is clearly tapping into the idea that animals could look more respectful than normal people, suggesting many are hypocritical and likely to be criminal.’smooth’ face are links to hypocrisy he has got an exterior and doesn’t want people to see his exterior.
What does this quote suggest ‘A hide-bound pedant…. igornant’
The repetition of pedant is really reveling it is someone who holds on to a believe or idea, Jekyll is suggesting that Lanyon’s science is outdated, he deliberately uses religious language, to talk about science, Lanyon has diminished what Jekyll is doing going against God, whereas this idea is rejected by Jekyll because he sees it as proof that there is no God. Also we are forced to wonder if Hyde is always on his mind, with the play on of words.
What does the quote ‘Stylish cast’ suggest?
Shows the mask theme throughout the novel. This shows he puts on a face out, he has a different Hyde under his face, he is creating a mask but underneath it is Hyde.
What does this quote suggest ‘Cannot be mended by talking’
All the hypocrisy described her is a male impulse, it is men who are going soHo for their criminal desires, women are seen as completely innocent.
What does this quote ‘With an ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot’ suggest?
Stevenson appeals to the readers sense of hearing as well as sight by describing how Carrew’s bones crack, they were audibly shattered, makes the attack even more horrific and vivid as you imagine how terrible this is. The use of the formal language makes it seem more shocking. Could be suggesting all the mannerisms of Hyde is contained within us.
What does this quote suggest ‘With a transport of glee, I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow’
We can see the over exaggerated description of how much Hyde loves what he is doing. The intensity of the attack mirrors the intensity of Jack the ripper’s murders. Which happened after Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The animal like verb ‘mauled suggests he is an evolutionary throwback. Stevenson creates a character who can get away with murder because he commits a criminal act because Jekyll can experience it as well and love it.
What does the Quote ‘Accosting with a very pretty manner’ suggest?
The description is given by the maid, she describes him of having a’ very pretty manner’ language to show his femininity, giving a hint that Carrew is homosexual and thats why Stevenson has him killed off. Hyde kills him off because it reminds him of his own state as a outcast because he is homosexual. Accosting suggest you want something from them so this suggest a homosexual encounter, where carrew is propositioning Hyde, his reaction is a mirror of the violent reaction of the Victorians to homosexuality. They are trying to stamp it out in the same way as Hyde is trying to kill carew.
What is Stevenson reaction to homosexuality in the novel ‘Accosting with a very pretty manner’
Stevenson would not of found homosexuality disgusting, but would of thought the reactions to Homosexuality was disgusting. The Victorian society thought the homosexual character should be punished, that’s why Stevenson has him killed off because he is suggesting if a person is not able to be really themselves, they cannot truly exist, Jekyll has to hide this because of the hypocrisy of society.
What does the quote suggest ‘A great chocolate colored pall lowered over heaven’
Duality is shown here, instead of this being a black pall which we would expect it is described as a chocolate colored pall, which is deeply attractive in imagery, Stevenson is suggesting that SOHO is deeply attractive to people in London. People are drawn into Soho for pleasures and thrills, Soho is attractive to the hypocritical. Also could suggest people want to hide themselves from heaven, because they don’t want God to see what they are doing, showing that everyone knows they are made of Hyde but not bare public display
What does this quote suggest ‘Sat Dr Jekyll looking deathly sick.’
This shows how agitated he is about the murder, he is determined to be rid of Hyde swearing to God that he’ll never see him again
What does this quote suggest ‘dingy windowless structure’
Utterson goes to see Jekyll in his lab but this is very unusual because Utterson hasn’t visited his friend there before. The lab is ‘dingy which is associated with Hyde
What does this quote suggest ‘For Gods sake… in Gods name’
He clearly gives a religious perspective, but this doesn’t save him, he ends up dying of desire complete absence of hope. You could say that Dr Lanyon realizes that God doesn’t exist when he sees the transformation into Jekyll, he realizes mankind is at the root of an animal and doesn’t have a soul and isn’t created by God, also realizing that God stopped evil society by conventions in society.
What does the quote ‘‘Deep seated terror of the mind’ suggests?
Lanyon is a doctor and sees nasty thinks all the time, so what must of scared him must of been physical to the extreme, like a distortion to the body, that has shocked him more than anything. If other people see people taking drugs they will want to do the same, so this is what is happening to Lanyon but he isn’t taking anything, that’s how powerful the effects of drug taking is. Implying what has happened to Jekyll could be contagious because Jekyll’s appearance changes when he turns into Hyde and now Lanyon’s appearance changes, Stevenson is trying to exaggerate the danger of drugs.
What does ‘To the cheval glass, into whose depths they looked with an involuntary horror’ suggests?
The glass is a mirror, Stevenson deliberately picks on the idea of looking into a mirror, because when we look into the mirror we will find that evil character like Hyde, which is suppressed. Poole and Utterson look at this Glass with horror because it might be that ‘depth there might be a stronger character. A clue for this is the cheval glass which is french for horse. Stevenson is highlighting our animalistic identity. The idea that we evolve from animals. We are not this glorious species of human which is distinct from animals.
What is an Alternative interpretation for the quote ‘To the cheval glass, into whose depths they looked with an involuntary horror’
We do have souls, when they look inside the mirror, although they have this horror, they don’t see there horrible selves.
What does the Quote suggest ‘Jekyll… i demand to see you; then by brutal force’
The language of rape is used here he is desperate.He is told it is Hyde behind the door but he still calls out Jekyll
perhaps this desire for another man which wasn’t spoken at the time and prohibited, Stevenson doesn’t allow Utterson to see Jekyll again, instead the body he confronts is Hyde’s. The very thing Utterson wants he is deprived.
What does this quote suggest ‘When we heard him cry out upon the name of God’?
Hyde is a character associated with devil but he is prating to God. you could infer he acts like an animal acting out his animals instincts as he doesn’t know right from wrong, or you could say that he is a morally weak character, realizing he is in danger and prays to God, he turns to God to save him showing his evil asking for salvation when he doesn’t deserve it.
What else does the quote ‘When we heard him cry out upon the name of God’ say about God?
Stevenson could be showing how ridiculous christian faith is, there is no faith for a character such as Hyde being redeemed because he is holy evil and therefore appealing to God is ridiculous, perhaps suggesting any appeal to God is equally ridiculous as God doesn’t exist.
What does this quote suggest ‘Blasphemies’?
Utterson sees Blasphemies written on the wall of Jekyll’s wall, this shows how Hyde takes pleasure in Jekyll’s personality.
What does the Quote ‘‘Blood red’ suggests?
The adjective red suggests the violence which is going to happen when taking the potion. The color hint at the sinister nature of Jekyll, the fact that Lanyon cannot recognize the chemicals show how far Jekyll’s strayed from traditional science. Science is very worrying for the Victorians in the chemical side, all of the potions is a warning to the Victorian society.
What does this quote suggest ‘new avenue to fame and power… stagger the unbelief of satan’
Hyde tempts Lanyon, When Jekyll takes the potion he doesn’t have a conscious which gives him power. This gives him power because he can hurt people and not feel guilty about it. Stevenson is showing the that curiosity which is reputed will damage you. Stevenson is suggesting through Hyde that science is greedy and curiosity isn’t a good thing, because it is proving at God doesn’t exist. The ‘unbelief of Satan’ suggests that if Lanyon watches he will stop believing in God. Doctors are curious both J and L curiosity has led them to be dead.
What does the quote ‘And Hyde alone, that was guilty’ suggests
Stevenson portrays Jekyll as a huge hypocrite because he fails to accept that evil is a natural part of himself because he uses Hyde to take out his evil. Instead of accepting its apart on himself he blames it on Hyde. However you could say he uses Jekyll to express his own opinions and uses him to contrast with Utterson as well because it seems that Utterson has dealt with his personality and that is why he is probably narrator.
What does this quote suggest ‘It was only because i was radically Both’?
Jekyll is observing everyone has this inside them God has created us like Adam and eve therefore this is still a christian novel, however you could argue that Stevenson rejects the christian view. Hyde overcomes Jekyll’s christian view, his experiment reveals whether our animal like desire are more powerful, then our christian faith and this is because Hyde is more powerful. Stevenson could be arguing our animal instinct is our more dominant force and what is holding us back is our education which we teach each other in society. It is only fear getting court, that J makes Hyde.