Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Chapter 9 Flashcards
Who does the chapter start with?
The chapter starts with Lanyon
Who gave Lanyon a letter after Jekyll’s dinner party?
Who was waiting for Lanyon when he went to Jekyll’s house?
Poole and a locksmith.
What does Jekyll order Lanyon to do when he gets the letter?
Jekyll begs Lanyon to go to his home as soon as he gets the letter no matter what.
What was the letter of the drawer that Lanyon forced open?
The letter was “E”
What was inside the drawer?
Lanyon found some salts, a peculiar red liquid, and a notebook
What were the contents of the notebook?
It recorded Dr Jekyll’s previous experiments
What does Lanyon conclude after looking through the materials?
He concludes that Jekyll might be fighting some mental illness, and so he arms himself with a gun
When does the visitor arrive?
Shortly after midnight
Did Lanyon recognize the visitor that came in?
No, he looked at the visitor as a small, evil looking man with clothes too large for him
Who actually was the visitor?
It was Mr Hyde
What does Hyde ask for after receiving the materials
He asks for a graduated glass
What does Hyde ask Lanyon before taking the potion?
He asks if Lanyon wants to see him drink the potion or if Hyde should take the potion home
What is Lanyon’s reaction after seeing Hyde turn into Jekyll?
The words he said were “My life is shaken to its roots!”