Dr. Brignal said on test Flashcards
Pregnant Women
Pregnant women have high risk in influenza infection, up to 20% mortality from severe infection.
Influenza Diagnosis
- In absence of a local outbreak, clinical sx positive predictive value ~0.
- WITH virus in community, 1 resp sx + fever >100.2F => over 80% sensitivity and specificity
- can confirm with rapid flu test, but likely unnecessary
-most common cause of chronic cough in adults?
*Post nasal drip (PND)
Sinusitis and post nasal drip – Frequent sinus infections can cause post-nasal drip, (sometimes called “a tickle in the back of the throat”), and drainage can trigger chronic cough.
-most common cause in children
Chronic Cough DDx (most common)
90% of non-smokers with a cough will either be PND, Asthma, or GERD
smoking 90% of cases=>Chronic Bronchitis
smoking causes 90% of cases
Chronic Bronchitis
Biopsies of Solitary Pulmonary Nodule (2)
a) Bronchoscopy
- less invasive, but often inconclusive especially with smaller lesions
b) Transthoracic needle aspiration
- more likely to get a definitive dx, but still frequently misses
- rate of pneumothorax is 25%
Pulmonary Embolus->Indications of Shunting?
- Decreased VQ ratio (ventilation/perfusion) indicates shunting
- COPD, asthma, atelectasis, respiratory distress
Arterial Blood Gases:
Metabolic vs Respiratory Acidosis/Alkalosis:
Is there alkalosis or acidosis-PH?
Is there alkalosis or acidosis? pH < 7.35= acidosis, pH > 7.45= alkalosis
Respiratory - the pH and PaCO2 change in which direction?
Respiratory - the pH and PaCO2 change in opposite directions
- *Respiratory acidosis - pH is low, PaCO2 is high
- *Respiratory alkalosis - pH is high, PaCO2 is low
Metabolic - the pH and HCO3- change in the which direction?
Metabolic - the pH and HCO3- change in the same direction
- *Metabolic acidosis - pH is low, HCO3- is low
- *Metabolic alkalosis - pH is high, HCO3- is high
Respiratory Compromise occurs at what Hg PaO2?
Respiratory Compromise occurs at <60mmHg PaO2
Restrictive lung diseases?
Restrictive lung diseases are a category of extrapulmonary, pleural, or parenchymal respiratory dz’s that restrict lung expansion equal:
- Decreased lung volume,
- Increased work of breathing,
- Inadequate ventilation and/or oxygenation.
*Pulmonary function test demonstrates a decrease in the forced vital capacity.
- Definitions of Intrinsic Restrictive vs Extrinsic Restrictive Dzs
- Causes of each
Restrictive lung dz’s mb d/t specific causes which can be intrinsic to the parenchyma of the lung, or extrinsic to it.
- TB
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Pneumoconiosis
- Radiation fibrosis
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Extrinsic: Nonmuscular diseases of the upper thorax such as: -kyphosis, -pectus carinatum -pectus excavatum
Diseases restricting lower thoracic/abdominal volume: -Obesity,
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Presence of ascites
- Pleural thickening
-Warn patients to notify you if there is a change of >5 lbs in a week
NAC in removing mucus side effect?
-gas and bloating
Supplements for Exercise Induced Asthma (EIA)
-Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, Lycopene, Caffeine
Spirometry obstructive vs restrictive lung disease
The FEV1 is decreased in obstructive lung diseases and normal or minimally decreased in restrictive lung diseases.
In obstructive lung disease, the FEV1 is reduced due to an obstruction of air escaping from the lungs. Thus, the FEV1/FVC ratio will be reduced. …
In restrictive lung disease, the FEV1 and FVC are equally reduced due to fibrosis or other lung pathology (not obstructive pathology).
Lung Infections Pharmacology:
Pneumonia: beta-lactam (like amoxicillin 500 TID or 875 BID)
—–> Empiric therapy: should always treat bacterial pneumonia aggressively w/ antimicrobials
Treat early, treat most likely pathogens (Strep/HiB/Staph), consider atypical agents
Community acq. Pneumonia (CAP) empiric therapy:
- **Healthy outpatient macrolide or doxycycline
- **Outpatient at risk (like COPD) fluoroquinolone or beta lactam + macrolide
Lung Infections Pharmacology:
Tx: antipseudomonal beta lactam + cipro/levofloxacin
Lung Infections Pharmacology:
Tx: linezolid or Vancomycin
Positive findings for pneumonia on PE
*Rales in lateral decubitus position is most predictive sign
Pulmonary Imaging:
CXR views
PA: standard
LAT: see lesions behind heart & mediastinal structures
AP: only for those bedridden or in hospital
LD: to evaluate pleural effusion, pneumothorax, cavity lesions
EE: to see focal air trapping
CXR Density?
- Air= black
- Fat & soft tissue= gray
- Bone & metal= white
Wells PE scoring:
Clinical signs--->3 Alt. Dx Unlikely-->3 Hrt rate >100-->1.5 Immobilization prev. 4 days--->1.5 Prev. DVT/PE--->1.5 Hemoptysis--->1 Malignancy (tx last 6 mo)--->1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PE less likely = less than 4 pts PE likely = More than 4 pts
Should pneumonia pt be admitted to hospital?
Predictive factors:
Predictive factors for hospitalization over 50, co-morbidity, abnormality in labs/visits.
Should pneumonia pt be admitted to hospital?
PSI calculator
PSI calculator (<70 0 tx outpatient, >130 ICU dt 28% mortality)
Should pneumonia pt be admitted to hospital?
CURB65: 1pt ea - confusion, BUN>7 mmol/L, RR>30, BP<90/60, 65+; 2 pts: maybe inpat, 3+ def inpat.
Acute vs. chronic cough
Less than 3 weeks = Acute
More than 3 Weeks = Chronic
Action plan Asthma
Green, yellow, red
Green zone: breathing good, no early warning signs, PEF >80%, can play & seep take recommended daily medication
Yellow zone: feel tired, chin or throat itches, cough, wheeze, tight chest, play interrupted, wake at night, PEF 50-80%
Red zone: very SOB, can’t do usual activities, medications not helping, PEF 50%
Pleural effusion:
Normal vs Pathologic sign of effusion
Normal fluid amount is 10mL.
Pathologic sign of effusion is 100 mL.
Check for fluid in lateral decubitus position*