Dr Asif Lang Flashcards
Phf gives rise to
Atria and lv
Shf gives
Rv, outfow tract
Shf laterality
Left for right
Dorsal aortae
Other than cardiogenic area thst gives lateral blood islands that unite to form da
Antidepressants are teratogenic
Distrupt serotinin pw, pitx.
Master gene for left sidedness
Initially heart tube connects to dorsal pericarfdial cavity by
D. Mesocardium
D mesocardium looses inner part and becomes
Transverse pc sinus
Cardiac jelly is rich in
Hyaluronic acid
Card tube begins to bend by and ends by
Day 23 ends by 28
Reason of loopin
Cells being added continuously, inc length, less space so bends
B. Cordis gives
Trab part of rv
C . Cordis gives
Outflow tract of both vent
Truncus arteriosus gives
Roots and proximal parts of aorta and pa
Proximal 3rd of bulbus yives
Prim rv while rest gives prim lv
Sonic hedge hog pathway
Elongation of outflow tract
S. Venosus veins
Vitellrne or omphalomesentric
Common cardinal ant and post
Left to right shunt in _____ weeks?
4th to 5th
Left horn shrinkage and right umbilical vein disappears
Remnants of left horn
Coronary sinus
Oblique left atrium vein
Right horn gives
Smooth part of RA= sinus venarum
Sinu atrial orifice has____ valves
Righ left venous valves
Crista terminalis
Sep smooth trab parts of ra
Septa formation tim3
27 to 37 days
Ostium primum
Opening btw R and L atria formed by septum primum
Before spt prim7m closure
Apoptosis leaves a hole, ostium secondum
Smooth part of ra is given by s. Venosus
While la is given by the pulmonary veins
Av valves derived from
Mesenchymal tissue
Common teratogens
Rubella, thalidomide,alcohol, insulin dependent diabetes
Hypoplastic sybdrome
Less cells in one chamber
Ebstein anomaly
Tricuspid valve moves to apex
Neural crest cells a.so contribute to facial development so heart and facial defects togethrr are common
Most common heart defects
1 pulmonary stenosis
2 iv septal defect
3 overriding aorta over the defect
4 right vent hypertrophy
TOF is commonky found in people with
Alagile syndrome
Pacemaker system development
First all cells have the ability then caudal end of heart tube yhen sinus venoaua then san
Aortic arches
Supply of corresponding pharyngeal arches
Aortic arches no
5 pairs, fifth almost never forms
Vasculoendothelial factor
Patterning of vascular sys
Remaining arches by day 29
3, 4, 6