DPD Flashcards
Organism causing infective exacerbations in CF
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Hospital acquired pneumonia
Staph aureus
Non pathogenic organism causing pneumonia in immunosuppressed individuals
Pneumocystis jirovecii
Raynaud phenomenon
Hands turn white, blue, red painful
Normal after several minutes
Triggered by cold
Raynaud phenomenon associated with autoimmune syndromes eg
Progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma 90%)
Mixed connective tissue disease (85%)
Non autoimmune disorders
Early pathological feature in young post-mortem specimen
Fatty streak:
first grossly visible (to the naked eye) lesion in the development of atherosclerosis, irregular yellow-white discoloration on the luminal surface of an artery.
Most atherogenic particle
Small dense LDL
Enzyme carried on LDL
Majority if STEMI
Plaque rupture
GI disease patient may be deficient of which dietary mineral required for the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids?
Within a few days following extensive traumatic wound
ill and fever
Redness and swelling over wide skin area
crepitus (fine crackling sensation) upon pressing
Sensation bpm
Ulcers distant to original infection
Treat with surgical debridement
Eyelid muscles
Obicularis oculi (by facial n.) —> Closes eyelid
Levator palpebrae superioris (by oculomotor n. & sympathetic nerves)
—> raises upper lids
Extrinsic eye muscles
Superior rectus
Inferior recuts
Medial rectus
Lateral rectus (makes cornea look laterally, by abducens n.)
Superior oblique
Inferior oblique
Red streaks (typical of watermelon) on antrum ot stomach +
Iron deficiency anaemia
Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (GAVE)
Severe upper abdominal pain
Very high serum amylase
Acute pancreatitis