DP and Incorporation of portions of BOR Flashcards
Though the 14th amendment P&I was held not to include the bill of rights, nonetheless, what rights under the bill of rights apply to the states?
- 1st amendment freedom of speech and press, the right to assemble and petition the gov’t for a redress of grievances, freedom of religion2. 4th amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures3. 5th amendment protection against double jeopardy, protection against self incrimination, and requirement for just compensation when private property is taken for public use4. 6th amendment right to speedy trial, confront and cross-examine Ws, counsel, jury in crim cases5. 8th amendment against cruel and unusual punishment6. 2nd amendment right to bear arms
What are major BOR rights not applicable to the states?
- 5th amendment right to grand jury in crim cases;2. 7th amendment right to jury in civil cases3. excessive fines clause of the 8th amendment
What is meant by Procedural Due Process?
The 5th and 14th amendments protect against the deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process of the law. Where there is deprivation of these, the individual is entitled to procedural safeguards.
Examples of deprivation of liberty
freedom from bodily restraints, physical punishment, and commitment to a mental institution
What are examples of property interests?
- Public Education2. Continued Welfare benefits3. Retention of Driver’s license (can’t revoke without a hearing)4. Public Employment (where there is a tenure system or where someone can only get fired for “cause”)5. Prejudgment Garnishment6. Forfeiture of property7. Business Licensing
What kind of procedure does the gov’t have to follow in order to be able to deprive a person of life, liberty or property?
- Adequate Notice2. Hearing in which you can contest the basis of the deprivation
What factors are balanced to determine adequate notice and/or hearing?
- How important is the individual interest that is protected2. What is the risk that the gov’t will make mistake in taking away this interest3. Gov’t’s interest in the streamline procedures, including the function involved and the fiscal and admin burdens that the additional or substitute procedural requirements would entail
Substantive Due Process and Economic Regulation
SDP rights are NOT economic. Economic regulation by the states or the federal government only has to meet rational basis review (i.e., challenger has the burden to show that a regulation lacks a rational connection to a legitimate government interest).
What must the gov’t show in order to regulate personal rights?
Strict Scrutiny: the GOV’T must show that the regulation serves a COMPELLING gov’t interest and is NECESSARY to achieve that interest.
Abortion - Pre-Viability
A woman has a protected privacy interest in choosing to have an abortion before the fetus is viable. During this time, the gov’t may regulate abortion in the interest either of the mother’s health or of the fetus. The regulation must not impose an UNDUE BURDEN on the right to abort.
In abortion cases, what has been held as UNDUE BURDENS?
total ban of pre-viability abortions, spousal consent requirement, spousal notification requirement, recording of names of those who seek abortions, requiring minors to get parental consent w/o a judicial bypass
What has been held not to be undue burdens on the right to abortions?
parental consent requirement w/a judicial bypass, 24 hour waiting period, requiring doctors to provide truthful info, refusing public funds for abortions, prohibition on certain methods
What must post-viability abortion regulations allow for?
must allow abortions when necessary to protect the life and health of the mother
SDP - Family Relations
fundamental right exists for related persons to live together; this does not extend to unrelated persons
SDP - Sexual Orientation
Gov’t cannot criminalize homosexual sodomy and other forms of homo intimacy and autonomy without meeting RATIONAL REVIEW. However, SCOTUS has already held that the state has no legitimate interest in regulating deviate sexual intercourse b/w gays (i.e., it did not pass RR).
SPD - Obscene material
right to possess obscene material in your own home is protected. However, the gov’t can severely restrict the sale, purchase, receipt, transport, and distribution of obscene materials. Child porn is illegal, duh.
SPD - right to die
There is a right in denying unwanted procedures, though there is no liberty interest in assisted suicide (State has interest in preserving life).
SPD - right to travel
14th Am P&I clause allows every citizen to travel freely from state to state and to set up residency in a new state. Right to int’l travel is not an absolute right the gov’t can restrict in the name of nat’l security.
P&I Clause of 14th v. Commerce Clause, DP and EP; Right to travel
almost all the P&Is are protected by the commerce clause, the DP and EP clauses. P&I is an alternative to EP clause protection w/regard to right to travel.
SPD - Right to vote
the right to US citizens over the age of 18 to vote extends to all federal, state and local elections, as well as to primaries. Strict Scrutiny is used to judge restrictions of this right. 15th - can discriminate w/respect to race and the right to vote19th - no gender discrimination24th - no poll taxes for fed elections26th - citizens 18 and over have this right
Can gov’t restrict ballot-access by candidates?
Yes, by age/duration of residency/payment of filing fees. These only need to meet the RR Standard.
Voter Registration Requirements
voter registration requirements and regulation of the time, place and manner of casting ballots are valid so long as they do not impose an UNDUE BURDEN on the right to vote.
Takings Clause of the 5th Am
provides that private property shall not be taken for public use w/o just compensation. Applies to the states via DP of the 14th.
What are the two kinds of takings?
- Direct Gov’t Appropriation 2. Regulatory Taking
Direct gov’t appropriation
where the state validly regulates for health, safety or welfare purposes under its police power, the gov’t action merely amounts to a regulation, and payment of just compensation is not required. However, a taking does occur where there is an actual appropriation of one’s property.
Regulatory Taking
- Any permanent, physical invasion, no matter how minor, will constitute a taking2. a land-use regulation is a taking if it denies an owner all reasonable, economically beneficial uses of his land.3. if the reg just decreases the value of prop, court will use a balancing test to determine if there was a taking.
“Public Use” as used in the Takings Clause
SCOTUS interpreted “public use” to mean “public purpose”. The standard is easy to meet; only something extraordinarily abusive will not be a public purpose.