DP Flashcards
Berkshire, Slough
Major towns: Slough, Reading, Bracknell
Population increase of 6.4% from 2001-2011
Runs along M4
Key Points about Berkshire, Slough
Reasons for rapid population growth in Berkshire:
1960s: Baby Boom- strong economy and families having children
1960s: Post-colonial migration, adding workers
Slower inn 1970s due to emancipation (women chasing careers)
2000s - tertiary/quaternary sector
2010s - high migrant fertility rates
Political - Grammar school system= highly desirable education but raises house prices and creates social filtering
Economic - proximity to London, Heathrow, M4
Social - high Muslim population and other migrant groups
Technology - Heathrow/M4
Derry, Londonderry
2nd largest city in NI
Crucial role in the ‘Troubles’
In 2013, Derry was the inaugural UK City of Culture
Key Points about Derry-Londonderry
London Guilds and Old Walled city - tourist attractions
90,000 people live in Derry urban area
Derry Boys - 500 men in 9th, Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
N. Antrim coast has several major beach towns which attract golf tournaments
Post WW2 - Unemployment & economic stagnation and lots of failed attempts to locate key services away from Belfast. This widened inequality
Derry has significant political and historical significance, attracting international students
Early 20th Century - 1921: Partition of Ireland, divided loyalties in communities, is now an economic hub on N Antrim coast because of trade with Ireland
Sectarian, Troubles - Continued in 80s/90s, British Armed forces intervened to protect the protestant by putting Catholics into ‘Free Derry’, IRA respond with terrorism
Now: Good Friday Agreement introduced Power Sharing Executive, decommissioning of IRA and reform of police, withdrawal of army, redevelopment
Our Place, Langley
Slough’s Demography:
140,000m people
Birthrate 20.9/100
10,000 new school places needed
420 babies pm
Key points - Our place Demography
Proximity to London has led to counter-urbanisation, older families have moved away
Large-scale migration: 1960s Post Colonial migrants attracted workers from Asia, led to increase in birth rate, but Brexit might slow flow of migration
Long-term ethnic enclaves - areas with more recent migration have higher birth rates, but intergenerational attitudes to ideal family size reduce birth rates
Economic investnment - lower median age can attract investment, in turn attracts more migrants increasing ethnic mix and birth rate
Attitudes to work - Women delay childbirth to focus on career, birth rates fall
Economic change in Slough: 144,000 locals complain Slough known for 2 things - John Betjeman’s 1937 poem tarnishing slough, The office which portrayed mindless drudgery of the workplace
Factors causing Slough to grow: existing asian communities, proximity to Heathrow, cross rail project, M4/M25, Slough Trading Estate
Key Points - London
Does London Matter - Yes: Most economically important city in Europe, provided much economic growth, lots of investment, more jobs
But No - 2.9m moved within UK, tie shave high turnover, UK improvement is much faster, pay growing, income inequality falling
Overall: there is increasing regional disparity, the movement is slowing, but 45,000 people left England for Scotland, more people have left London that moved to it
Key Points - Uk Culture and Society
Threats post-2008 Recession - unemployment means resentment builds, rise of nationalism, curbs on migration, ongoing trafficking and illegal migration, Hugh birth rate increase
Accession 8 (2004) - A8 migration from newly joined EU countries, typically working in agriculture
Ongoing cultural change - confronting reality of colonialism, should school curriculum change?, is there racism in UK?
And now - Post Brexit (2020) - work and study visas easy to obtain, less skilled labour harder to access from overseas
Hypersegregation - Ferguson, St Louis
Aug 2014 - white police office shoots dead Michael Brown (AfAm) not found guilty
Growing civil unrest about relationship between AfAm community and law-enforcement
Conservative, white middle class society think other racial groups dont share same values
How migrants concentrate in enclaves - need for shelter, momentum established, 2 models of growth ( filtering and invasion succession)
Negative reasons - helps protection against attack, lack of trust, discrimination, language barriers
Positive reasons - accommodating difference, helps keep cohesion between different social groups, keeps cultural values,
Measuring Segregation
Dissimilarity, Isolation, Clustering, Centralisation, Concentration
Built environment - shops, restaurants, places of worship, leisure
Evolving environment - as communities change in their ethnicity so does the use of buildings
Encapsulated environments - areas with fewer grants may experience little change
Enforced environments - due to pressure to maintain a place’s heritage, planning laws used to restrict changes to built environment
Establishing Environment - As ethnicities become wealthier and established so their ability to build substantial structures changes
Tottenham, London
Cheap housing/ lower middle-working classes
Industrial mini-hub
Bombed heavily in WW2, and post-war housing blocks, associated gang crime
Same Majority (African-Caribbean)
Key Points - Tension in Tottenham
Historic Situation - Harringey has seen decline since 1970s, riots linked to economic and social inequality, some experiencing of racial profiling
What is being done ? - £28m investment, Peacock Industrial Estate created 5000 jobs, New design companies taking apprentices from local schools, 10,000 new home around Tottenham
Threats? - loss of traditional businesses, Afro-Caribbean churches closing, new homes out of budget, loss of stadium
Types of Conflict - Priorities, Political, Economic, Social, Tourism
Saville Town, Dewsbury
Large Asian community
Savile town and Ravensthorpe
White flight
Controversy from: sharia court, Madrasa failing ousted
Key Points - Saville Town, Dewsbury
Towns/Cities: pre-existing high numbers of in-migrants creates support, safety but also tension ?
Remote Rural areas - have few in-migrants and communities experience little change
Invasion? some areas have been directed to take migrants who are forced to relocate there, white flight has occurred
Migration brings wealth creation - wealthy migrants invest, in other areas migrants can take jobs and create poverty
Host population has positive attitude - racist attitudes can persist creating tension whilst others celebrate assimilation of cultures and build understanding
Budapest, Hungary
Became a landlocked state I 1920: end of WW1
Joined EU in 2004
2018: Eu votes Hungary to be a systematic threat to democracy
Budapest - Controversy ?
Building of mega-mosque would be change to built environment
Syrian refugees who’d study at uni would benefit
Hungarians feel hostile - perceive it as a threat to their culture
Consequently become hostile towards Syrians
Long-term context - Hungary has been invaded a lot
Triggering - Kaleti a major train station has become a Syrian refugee camp, Hungarian survey shows that 60% of Hungarians would be resentful of foreign immigrants, government’s message is perceived to be legitimised hate to ethnic minorities
Consequences - President Urban declared it would take responsibility of world’s Christian communities, Eu has threatened Hungary to strip it of its voting rights if it does not stop victimising Syrian refugees
AikSaath, Slough
Evidence of Success - immigration brings economic growth, diversity days, cohesiveness, diverse high street
Ongoing concerns - asian attitude to Romanians ?, lack of affordable housing, lack of diversity
Key strategies to help with cohesion - Build cross rail, build new schools, fund trading estate, funding for thames valley police, BBC documentary. health activist programme, First Sikh MP
Causeway Coast
County Antrim
UNESCO World Heritage Site
National Nature Reserve
Managed by National Trust
Causeway - Idyllic ?
Negatives - Elderly marginalised, community services in decline, traffic congestion and pollution, seasonal unemployment, overlapping traditions and sectarian divides
Assets - Beautiful rugged coastline, Giants Causeway, increasingly prosperous but still marginal agriculture and fishing , small active historic plantation towns
Object Idyll ? - Housing is a major issue as costs are high and wages low, older/long-term residents may realise change is necessary as community aged, hunting and fishing may be part of way of life and some may be resentful, more recent retired arrivals may be unwilling of change, recent arrivals object to mud, smell and tractors in early morning and slow wifi, ethnic groups may be small and be secluded