Down's syndrome Flashcards
Define DS
A common genetic disorder caused by defect in chromosome 21
what is DS aka
Trisomy 21
What are the risk factors of DS
Increased age of mother (over 35)
Previous child with DS
Both parents being carriers for the genetic translocation of DS
What are the causes of Ds
Most commonly: Non-disjunction - failure of chromosome 21 to separate properly resulting in 3 copies of the chromosome rather than the normal 2
Chromosomal translocation - swapping of part of the chromosome 21 with part of chromosome 14
List the signs/symptoms of DS
Small head and neck Abundant neck skin Wide hands with short fingers Protruding, large tongue Flat facial profile Upwards slanting eyes Flat ears which are positioned lower than normal Simian crease (1 crease during flexion) Growth stunt Umbilical hernia Low muscle tone
List some complications of DS
Congenital heart defects e.g. AV or ventricular septal defect
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Hirschsprung’s disease - failure of nerves around anus to develop properly
Duodenal atresia - failure of first part of intestine to develop properly
Alzheimer’s risk
epilepsy risk
infertility (males)
List the processes that occur in the first 4 weeks of organogenesis
week 1: fertilisation, cleavage, morula formation, blastocyst formation, blastocyst enters uterine cavity and hatch out of the zone pellucida
Week 2: blastocyst implant on endometrium and implants, bilaminar disc forms as inner cell mass becomes the hypoblast and epiblast layers.
week 3: gastrulation occurs and three germ layers form, notochord, neural tube and heart tube forms
Week 4: 4 limb buds appear, heart begins to beat, neural tube CLOSES
List the processes that occur in the first 5-8 weeks of organogenesis
week 5-7: heart separation occurs
week 5-10: physiological umbilical hernia of midgut (out on week 5, back in week 10)
week 6: circulation system appears, clavicle begins to ossify, Sertoli cells appear in gonad, heart and lungs descend into thorax
week 7: limb buds rotate
week 8: bone ossification occurs, foetus looks human, all component of upper and lower limbs are distinct.
list the physical changes that occur during pregnancy
Weight gain of around 12.5 kg
Enlargement of the uterus which pushes the intestines, stomach and liver superiorly.
Diaphragm is elevated ad thoracic cavity widens.
Compression of the ureters and urinary bladder = frequent urination
Increased cardiac output (by 40%)
Heart enlarges to accommodate large blood volume
Pituitary gland enlarges (by around 50%)
Thyroid gland increases due to increased activation by hCG
During pregnancy, what makes oestrogen and list its roles
First trimester: corpus luteum
Rest of pregnancy: placenta
Enlargement of uterus, breast and mammary glands
Contraction of uterus
Increases blood supply to uterus - provides nutrients
Stimulates growth and development of mammary glands
Improve immune function
Relaxes pelvic ligaments
During pregnancy, what makes progesterone and list its roles
First 10 weeks: corpus luteum
Rest of pregnancy: placenta
Inhibits contraction of uterine smooth muscle
Inhibits lactation
Maintains endoemtrial lining
Reduces maternal immune response to allow acceptance of pregnancy
Boosts thyroid function
During pregnancy, what makes Human Chorionic gonadotropin hormone and list its roles
Produced by placenta
Prevents involution of corpus luteum to prevent menstruation. (keeps it viable)
Causes corpus luteum to continue secretion of progesterone and oestrogen.
List the 3 antenatal screening tests and when they are carried out
10 weeks: BLOOD TEST - sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia and infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and syphyllis.
11-14 weeks: COMBINED - checks for chromosomal abnormalities e.g. Down’s, Edward’s and Patau’s syndrome.
18-21 weeks: ULTRASOUND – checks for physical abnormalities e.g. Spina Bifida
What is the process of checking for Down’s syndrome (what they check for in screening test and what the tests are for diagnostic test)
Screening tests: checks fluid at the back of the baby’s neck to determine the nuchal transparency. iF there are higher levels than normal it is suggestive of DS risk.
Nest step:- Diagnostic test: Chorionic Villus sampling Amniocentesis Quadruple test
Describe chorionic villus sampling and when it happens
WEEKS 11-14:
Needle is inserted into villus of the chorion and small sample of tissue is taken from placenta.
Describe amniocentesis sampling and when it happens
needle is inserted and amniotic fluid from amniotic sac is sampled.
Describe quadruple SCREENING test - what does it measure ?
If the combined test was not possible.
Measures levels of alpha fetoprotein and unconjugated estriol (LOW), hCG and inhibin A (HIGH)
What supplements should be given to pregnant women, how much and why?
Folic acid: (400 micrograms/day) given to prevent neural tube defects e.g. Spina Bifida
Vitamin D (10 micrograms/day) given - regulates calcium and phosphate in the body, which are needed to keep ones and teeth healthy
What supplements should be avoided during pregnancy ?
Vitamin A as they can harm the baby
what risks do DS diagnostic tests pose?
risk of miscarriage