Dota 2 Hero Summaries Flashcards
Templar Assassin
An agility semi-carry and ganker. She is especially good at ganking because she can set them up from far away.
A strength support hero that has great initiation during the laning phase but has the potential to carry in the late game.
Spirit Breaker
A strength hero that is very good at coming out of nowhere to gank. He also has the possibility of carrying in the very late game.
A melee agility hero that can act as semi-carry or a ganker. His low cool downs on his skills allow him to enter and exit a fight quickly.
A strength hero whose strength is weakening tank heroes making them easier to kill.
Skywrath Mage
Is an intelligence hero whose main strength is nuking. With the right build he can deal a large amount of magical damage.
An intelligence hero that can be built as a semi-carry or support but is known for being able to disable enemies by preventing them from casting spells.
Shadow Fiend
An agility carry hero that has an unrivaled ability to farm which makes up for being extremely weak in the early-game.
Shadow Demon
An intelligence hero who is considered to be one of the strongest playing at solo mid.
An intelligence hero that due to his unique ability of mimicking other heroes’ ultimates with is own he can fill any roll on the fly.
A strength hero that does not rely on farm at all. He is a ganker that snowballs if he gains a level advantage.
A range strength damage dealer hero with a lot of aoe.
Phantom Lancer (PL)
An agility melee carry hero that pushes very well.
Phantom Assassin
An agility carry hero who deals an extreme amount of damage and is farm dependent and is famous for one-shotting heroes.
Outworld Devourer (Outworld Destroyer or OD)
Intelligence carry hero that needs to stack intelligence in order to be effective.
A strength support hero whose main job is to keep his allies alive with his defensive abilities.
Ogre Magi
A ganking melee intelligence hero that has high burst damage and strength gain.
Nyx Assassin
Not your average agility hero. He relies on burst damage to take down enemies quickly.
Is a level dependent hero that ganks very well and becomes more powerful as well as buffs heroes under the cover of night.
An agility carry/disabler that is hard to play as but as the potential to level faster than any hero in the game. What makes this hero unique is by leveling he is able to acquire clones that can receive gold and experience as well as proc skills with individual cool-downs.
An agility late game carry that needs farm in order to be affective. Her skills allow her to farm without being killed easily.
A strength initiation hero that deals a lot of damage to enemy heroes that are bunched up. If heroes are not bunched up he can make it so.
A versatile strength hero who is a pusher and has a potential to be a late game carry. He can also be put on the the suicide lane or jungle.
An agility carry that is strong in the early and mid game but can be devastating with auto attacks if given enough farm.
Lone Druid
An Agility hero that uses a summoned bear to help carry and push. What makes this hero unique is that his bear has six separate item slots allowing the hero to have up to 12 items at a time.
A burst damage hero that is versatile in the laning phase. She can be a part of a dual or a tri-lane as well as go solo mid.
Legion Commander
A melee strength hero that can buff herself as well as allies while dealing large amounts of damage. She also does a really good job in 1 on 1 situations which makes her good at ganking early on.
Keeper of the Light (KotL)
An intelligence support hero that pushes very well but can be used for a number of situations.
Io (Wisp)
A strength hero that has more intelligence than strength. The hero is used for utility purposes as she provides the team survivability as well as mobility.
An intelegence hero that is so versatile he can technically play any role. This hero also has one of the most difficult learning curves in the game.
An agility ranged hero that is a ganker and a semi-carry. He is especially good at chasing down heroes.
Is an intelligence hero that has many uses such as jungling and pushing but he is famous for his ability to help his allies in a team fight with his ultimate.
Ember Spirit
Is an aggressive agility hero that can carry but can also play the role of initiator in ganks and team fights.
One of the best initiators and team fight heroes in the game.
Earth Spirit
A strength carry hero whose skill-shot move set makes the character unpredictable
A strength hero that relies on solo experience, ganks, well and can be a semi-carry later on in the game. For these reasons he is usually played solo mid.
A versatile intelligence hero with nuke and disable skills that synergize with one another.
Crystal Maiden
An intelligence support hero that can help her team in a number of ways.
an agility carry hero who relies on mobility in order to get in the right position to devastate enemies with his autoattack.
Chaos Knight
A strength carry hero that has the potential to push. All of his moves depend on chance in some way.
Centaur Warrunner
A strength hero that tanks, deals burst damage, and can initiate from across the map.
a strength hero that tanks that has the possibility of dealing lots of damage if left alone.
A strength initiation hero that can tank and evade damage.