What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
KPIs provide data that can measure how well a business is performing in different areas. If performance is unsatisfactory in certain areas, this may indicate a need for change.
Where does this business have to be before implementing change?
- Is it meeting it’s desired goals or set targets? Effectiveness?
- Is it using resources well to achieve those objective? Efficiency?
- To evaluate the business, managers use KPIs that provide information about how a business is performing in specific areas.
- Measure individual performances or overall business performance.
Business needs to bench mark.
What is benchmarking? (NOT A KPI)
Setting a standard to measure against. (Industry standard).
- Identify whether a business is performing well, or if adjustments and/or radical change is required.
- Whether you have improved or not.
What is the use of KPIs after change has been implemented?
Managers can use KPIs to evaluate the success of the change.
What is percentage of market share? (KPI)
The percentage of sales that a business has compared to its competitors, expressed as a %.
Common objective:
- Market share increases = taking business from competitors.
- Market share decreases = business losing competitive advantage.
What is net profit? (KPI)
The amount of money that is left after expenses have been deducted from revenue earned.
- Revenue - Expenses = NET PROFIT.
- Increased revenue or reduced expenses.
- Determines a business’s long-term success.
- Redistributed to shareholders, retained for business.
What is the rate of productivity growth? (KPI)