DOT Flashcards
DOT regulates what types of vehicles/passengers?
Gross vehicles weight >10,0001 lbs
Transport 8 passengers for profit
Transport 15 passengers
Carries HAZMAT
Which dept. operates within the DOT and oversees the medical cert of drivers?
Hearing test(s) absolutely required
Whisper and audiogram
Vision test(s) absolutely required
Distant, peripheral, color
Urinalysis components
Specific gravity, protein, blood, glucose
If the driver requires an exemption when do they see the ME?
The driver must see ME first. If eligible to drive except for exemption, driver certified at least 6 months
Components of a satisfactory ETT (exercise tolerance test)
Capacity of 6 METS
Resting HR>85% predicted
Rise systolic BP >20mm Hg w/o angina
No significant ST depression or elevation
Driver should not experience orthostatic symptoms upon standing
Myocardial infarction (MI) waiting period
2 months post MI. Must have satisfactory ETT prior to recert
Angina pectoris reasons to DQ
Resting/unstable angina
Abnormal ETT
Ischemic changes on ECG
Medication intolerance
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, stents, balloons) waiting period
1 week
Reasons to disqualify individuals with PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention)
Incomplete healing at access site
Resting angina
Ischemic changes on ECG
Monitoring after PCI
Wait 1 week
ETT 3-6 months post PCI
Then every 2 years
Certify for 1 year
Waiting period for CABG
3 months
Certify- 1 year
Post CABG requirements for certification
Complete 3 month period
LVEF >= 40%
Card clearance
Post CABG monitoring
ETT every 2 years for 5 years the annual
Stage 1 HTN
If driver has no history of hypertension and has blood pressure 140-156/90-99
No hx of HTN and no on trx certify for 1 year card
If driver’s BP is 140-159/90-99 with hx of HTN, on trx, or continues with stage 1 HTN after 1 year certificate how long do you certify?
One time 3 month certification
If patient returns after 3 month certification for stage 1 with BP > 140/90 how long to qualify?
Disqualify- must show BP control
Stage 2 HTN
Stage 2 HTN certification no hx of HTN or trx
3 months one time. At recheck must have BP <140/90 or disqualification until provides evidence of control
Stage 3 HTN
> =180/110
If driver presents with BP >180/110 how long to certify?
Disqualification until evidence of control < 190/90 the certify for 6 month. ME decides at recheck on case by case if longer recert is appropriate
General valvular hearts disease criteria
ECHO to determine severity
Pulmonary HTN (pressure >=50% systemic systolic BP)
Frequency and symptoms associated with arrhythmia
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Disqualify, ECHO required for diagnosis
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Cert requirements for Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and CHF
Asymptomatic, no ventricular arrhythmia, LVEF 40% to 50%
Cert for 1 year- must have cardiology clearance, echocardiography and holster monitoring
Symptomatic or
Ventricular arrhythmia with LVEF <50% or
LVEF <40%
AFib waiting period
1 month
AFib cert requirements
Tolerating meds with no SEs
Card clearance
RR controlled
No underlying disease
AFib monitoring
None unless on anticoagulant then required monthly INRs
Ventricular arrhythmia should be evaluated for what?
Underlying disease
Qualifying requirements for drivers with ventricular arrhythmias or coronary heart disease
Non sustained Vtach with LVEF>=40%
No symptoms
Card clearance
One month wait after successful drug therapy
Implantable cardiac defibrillator certification
Pacemaker monitoring
Documenting of pacemaker checks
DQ if no documentation of function
Neurocardiogenic syncope certification requirements
3 months after pacemaker implantation
Documented correct function by pacemaker center
Do not qualify if symptomatic
Congenital heart disease requirement
Annual should have evaluation by cardiologist knowledgeable in adult congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease-post surgical waiting period
Should have testing to evaluate cardiac fxn and note rhythm disturbances
Pulmonary HTN certification
Definition of pulmonary HTN
Pulmonary artery mean -
25mm Hg at rest
30mm HG with exercise
AAA 4.0-5.0cm certification standards
recommend yearly US
Not certified if surgical repair recommended.
AAA <4.0 cm certification standards
1 year certification if asymptomatic
What size thoracic aneurysm is disqualifying?
> 3.5cm
Can certify if at least 3 months after surgical repair and cleared by cardiovascular specialist.
Peripheral vascular disease (lower extremity pain) certification
Waiting period after peripheral vascular surgery
3 months
No claudication
Annual certification
DVT certification standards
No waiting period
If anticoagulant therapy needs to meet monitoring guidelines
1 year certification
Intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage requirements
If ruptured aneurysm or AVM not surgically repaired- medically disqualified
waiting period cerebellar or brain stem strokes
1 year
Stroke disqualifiers
Incomplete waiting period
Residual impairment interferes with driving
Seizure medications
Hx of Seizures
Motor neuron disease certification requirements
Permanent DQ
Malignant tumors of the CNS
Permanent DQ
Huntington’s disease
Permanent DQ
Which neurological conditions are likely to be disqualifying but possible certification depending on disease state and course?
Peripheral neuropathies
Neuromuscular junction deficits
Benign brain tumors
Treatable dementias
Cerebellar ataxias
Symptom free waiting period for benign positional vertigo
2 months symptoms free
Benign positional vertigo
Meniere’s disease
DQ- very unpredictable
Acute and chronic peripheral vestibulopathy
Driver may be certified if symptom free for 2 months
Surgical repaired intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage waiting period
1 year after event
Cleared by neurology
No recurrent symptoms
No CNS meds
Waiting period cerebellar or brain stem strokes
1 year
waiting period cortical/subcortical stroke
5 years
Dementia certification
Permanent DQ
Wilson’s disease
Permanent DQ
Labyrinthine Fistula
Permanently DQ
Hx of epilepsy, seizure free and off meds for 10 years under doctor’s supervision
can be medically certified
Single unprovoked seizure
Can be certified if seizure free and off anticonvulsant meds for at least 5 years
Symptomatic seizure in presence of acute structural insult to CNS
Certify if seizure free for 2 years and off anti-seizure medication
Driver is actively psychotic
Amitriptyline use
DQ- drug is sedating- antidepressant and nerve pain SRI
Methadone use
DQ- narcotic
Usually disqualifying
Prescribed by PCP familiar with driver’s medical hx and has advised drug will not adversely affect machine operation
Alcohol consumption waiting period before driving
4 hours
Schedule 1 drug use- Cocaine, marijuana, meth etc
DQ even if legal in states
Alcoholism waiting period
Certify if:
Normal exam
Clearance from HCP
Completed treatment program
Fixed minimal defects that don’t interfere with ability to operate vehicle documentation
Document exact physical findings
Lack of interference with vehicle operation
Refer to SPE
Check box on long form and card
Certify for 2 years
Fixed deficit examples
Missing arm, leg, foot, hand, thumb and index fingers on the same hand.
Marked limitation ROM major joints, neck or spine
Suspicion of substance abuse
DQ and refer to appropriate psychologist, psychiatrist or SAP
Do not preform drug or alcohol test
Drivers are responsible for what types of duties?
Pre and post trip safety checks
Making sure the vehicle is properly loaded
Securing the load
Non fixed deficit
If they are not able to meet standards then DQ. No eligible for SPE
Stage 1 and 2 CKD
Certify for 2 years
Stage 3 CKD
Certify annually
Stage 4 CKD
With normal BP and EKG - Certify for 6 months
Elevated BP, Stage 1 or 2- Certify for 3 months
Stage 3 HTN- DQ
Hemodialysis and peroneal dialysis
General appearance check
Marked overweight
Signs of alcoholism or drug use
Eyes check
Ocular muscle imbalance
Eyes- ask patient about
Macular degeneration
Ears check
Scarring TM
Occlusion of external canal
Perforated eardrum
Mouth and throat check
Irremediable deformities likely to interfere with breathing or swallowing
Heart check
Extra sounds
Enlarged heart
Lungs and chest check
Abnormal wall expansion
Abnormal respiratory rate
Abnormal breath sounds
Abnormal findings may require further testing
Abdome and viscera
Enlarged liver
Enlarged spleen
Significant abdominal muscle weakness
Vascular check
Abnormal pulses
carotid or arterial bruits
varicose veins
Gentiourinary check
Pulmonary embolism waiting period
3 months after embolus
PE documentation
Oxygen use
If on anticoagulants - INR and frequency
DQ post PE
Hypoxemia at rest
Insufficiently anti-coagulated
Severe abnormal lung function
Visual acuity
Must have at least 20/40 in both eyes
What id the driver can’t tell the difference between red, green, yellow?
DQ no exemptions
Monocular vision
Obtain monocular vision exemption
Telescopic lenses
DQ- not allowed
Monocular vision
Requirements for FMCSA vision exemption
Driving with visual deficit for at least 3 years
Excellent safe driving record
CMV driving as the primary vocation
Yearly full examination by ophthalmology/optometrist who attest vision in better eye meets the standard
Must have annual exam. Vision exemption good for 2 years
Acceptable levels of glucose control
FBG: <200
2 hour postprandial <235
hgba1c <10%
Insulin use
Requires exemption
Hypoglycemic episodes DQ
Assistance from another person
Impaired cognitive deficit without warning
2 or more hypoglycemic episodes in the last 5 years
Loss of pedal or positional sensation
DM and resting tachycardia
DM and orthostatic HTN
What level of FEV1 requires additional testing?
FEV1 <65% normal
What are the next steps after an abnormal FEV1?
Pulse Ox (must be >92%)
Arterial PO2 <65 below 5,000 ft or 60mm above 500 feet
PCO2 45 mm HG = DQ
Temporary disqualification advised in patient with asthma who:
Status asthmaticus
Severe coughing spells
FEV1 <65%
pO2 <65mmHg
Frequent hospitalizations
Cor Pulmonale
DQ until lung disease is resolved/successfully treated
Pulmonary HTN
What is the next step if driver has experienced excessive sleepiness driving
DQ and require sleep study/review compliance
What is the next step if driver has experienced crash associated with falling asleep?
DQ and require sleep study/review compliance
What is the next step if driver has had ENT surgery and the findings of a post op sleep eval are pending
DQ or review compliance
What BMI does the expert panel recommend for sleep study?
What neck circumference is a referral for obstructive sleep apnea?
Females: 15
Minimally acceptable use of CPAP for certification?
4 hours per night, 70% nights
ENT surgical post op waiting period (OSA)
1 month
Individuals should have no excessive daytime sleepiness and should have a post op sleep study with an AHI <= 10 at 30 days or more after procedure
After ENT surgical procedure for OSA what is needed for recertification?
Yearly sleep study with AHI <= 10 or negative maintenance of wakefulness test
Bariatric surgery for OSA waiting period
Certification without use of CPAP = 6 month
May still be certified if they are complaint with CPAP
Oral appliances for OSA
TIA waiting period
1 year
TIA requirements for certification
Completion waiting period
Clearance from neurology
No seizures during waiting period
DQ if using anticoagulant or anti seizure meds
Same for thrombotic and embolic infarction
Myocardial infarction waiting period
2 months
Requirements for initial post MI certification
Card clearance
ETT 85% predicted HR OR Echo LVEF >= 40%
No ischemia on ECG
Post MI recertification requirements
Card clearance
ETT every other year
Pneumothorax waiting period
None- must have documented XR showing recovery
documentation needed for pneumothorax
Onset and number of pneumos
Which side
Spontaneous or traumatic
Symptoms at rest or with exertion
Lack of oxygen use
providers name and location
How long to certify a driver with hx of pneumothorax who is stable and asymptomatic?
Up to 2 years
If a driver has a history of pneumothorax and has hypoxemia at rest
If a driver has a hx of pneumothorax and has cough syncope
If a driver has a history of a pneumothorax and uses oxygen
If a driver has a hx of a pneumothorax and has abnormal lung function
What happens if a driver has had 2 or more pneumothoraces on the same side without pleurodesis?
DQ until procedure is done and driver has recovered
Waiting period non psychotic major depression without suicide attempt
6 months
Waiting period severe depression, manic episode, suicide attempt
1 year
Waiting period brief reactive psychosis
6 months
Waiting period brief reactive psychosis
6 months
Waiting period following ECT
6 months symptom free
waiting period anxiety disorder
One year with caution depending on medications
Waiting period for schizophrenia
Waiting period for bipolar disorder
1 year
Abnormal PFT
FEV1 <65%
FEV1/FVC <65%
FVC <60%
Abnormal ABG
PaO2 <65mm HG
PCO2 45mmHg
Aortic Regurgitation monitoring
Echo every 2-3 years. Certify for 1 year
Aortic regurgitation guidelines
Certify if:
Mild or moderate with normal LV function
No LV dilation
Aortic Stenosis Monitoring
Echo every 5 years if mild
Echo every 1-2 years if moderate
Do not certify if- Angina, HF, Syncope, AFib EF<50%, Thromboembolism
Severe aortic stenosis
Mitral regurgitation monitoring
Mild- none
Moderate- Annual echo
Severe- Echo every 6-12 months
Do not certify if
can’t achieve >6METs
LV disfunction
Ruptured chorade
Flail leaflet
Pulmonary HTN
Mitral regurgitation monitoring
Mild- none
Moderate- Annual echo
Severe- Echo every 6-12 months
Do not certify if
can’t achieve >6METs
LV disfunction
Ruptured chorade
Flail leaflet
Pulmonary HTN
Mitral stenosis monitoring
Mild- none
Moderate- Annual Echo
Must be asymptomatic
Severe mitral stenosis
Waiting period for repair valvular disease
3 months
Must get card clearance