Dosimetry Flashcards
What is ionizing radiation?
radiation that has enough E to produce directly or indirectly ion pairs while absorbed in the matter
Differentiate btw direct and indirect effect
- direct effect: ionizing radiation causes directly damage in biologically important macromolecules
- indirect effect: ionizing radiation absorbed in H20 and causes indirectly damage in biologically important macromolecules via free radicals
Differentiate btw stochastic and deterministic effect.
stochastic effect: probability of damage is proportional to dose (no threshold!)
→ e.g. cell mutations -
deterministic effect: probability of damage increases abruptly above threshold dose, above this level severity proportional to dose
→ e.g. erythema
Give the formula for absorbed dose (D) and its unit.
It is valid for… ?
energy absorbed by mass Δm
D = ΔE/Δm
in Gray = [Gy]
- valid for any ionizing radiation
Give the formula for exposure (X) and its unit.
What is the conversion factor to absorbed dose?
It is valid for… ?
positive charge produced in Δm of air by ionization (at e- equilibrium)
X = Δq/Δm
in [C/kg]
- conversion factor = 34
- valid for X-rays and γ-rays smaller than 3 MeV (α- and β- doesn’t propagate long distances in air)
Give the formula for dose equivalent (HT), its unit and explain what it is.
It is valid for… ?
What happens in case of more than 1 type of radiation?
absorbed dose DT, R * radiation weighting factor (wR), ⇒ characteristic for the type and energy of the radiation
HT = DT, R * wR
in Sievert = [Sv]
- wR = 1 refers to X-rays, γ-rays
- HT must be added in case of more than 1 type of radiation
Give the formula for effective dose equivalent (E), its unit and explain what it is.
It is valid for… ?
What happens in case of affection of more than 1 organ?
equivalent dose * tissue weighting factor (wT)
⇒ characteristic for the sensitivity of the organ for the radiation damage
E = HT * wT
in Sievert = [Sv]
- E must be added in case of affection of more than 1 organ
Give the formula for the dose rate and some examples for possible units
Strength of the ionizing radiations
dose rate = D/t = dose per unit time
in [Gy/h], [mGy/h], [Sv/h], etc.
How can the dose in case of γ-radiation be calculated?
Give the formula.
What about other types of radiation?
Dair = Kγ * At/r2
- Kγ = characteristic for the type of isotope [(µGy*m2)/(h+GBq)]
- other types of radiation not considered, because they cannot rly penetrate deep enough into the body
Explain the ALARA-principle w/r/t workplace security and medical applications.
Give some interesting numbers.
As low as reasonably achievable = ALARA
- received dose must not exceed effective dose limit
- limit for whole body irradiation:
- 100 mSv/5 years
- 50 mSv/year
⇒ expected benefit of diagnostic/therapeutic procedure should outweigh estimated risk of radiation damage
How does a film dosimeter work?
Are energy and type of radiation measurable?
measures darkening of the photographic film that was exposed to ionizing radiation
→ filters used to determine type and energy of the ionizing radiation
Explain how an ionization chamber works.
What can be measured? Give formuals.
Name some types of ionization chambers.
- ionizing radiation produces charges (ion pairs) in air btw the charged plates of a capacitor
- charges Q move towards the electrodes, and produce an electric current, which is proportional to the dose rate
- → change of the charge of the capacitor = dose
→ change of charge of the resistor = dose rate
⇒ according to Ohm’s law:
- dose measurement: U = Q/C ~ X
- dose rate measurement: U = I * R = Q/t * R ~ X/t
Types of ionization chamber:
- thimble ionization chamber
- pocket chamber dosimeter
- GM-tube
What is the difference btw a “normal” ionization chamber and a GM-tube.
It is sensitive to what kind of radiation?
GM tube:
- filled with noble gas instead of air
- high voltage accelerates e- → avalanche of ionization → current pulse without amplifier
- value shown proportional to no. of ionizing particles (dose rate!)
- extremely sensitive to α-, β-radiation, but no information about type/energy of radiation
How does a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) work?
It is sensitive to what kind of radiation?
- e- produced by the ionizing radiation are trapped on the impurity E levels of the insulator crystal
- Evaluation = heating the crystal, to allow the e- to get back to the conduction band
- e- back down to the valence band → fluorescence
- sensitive to every kind of radiation
⇒ no. of emitted photons is proportional to the absorbed dose
How does a semiconductor diode dosimeter work?
What is their advantage?
In the impurity semiconductor diode ionizing radiation generates e--hole pairs which produce a current pulse → proportional to the dose rate
because of larger density sensitivity is much larger