Dosimeters & Detectors Flashcards
What is a radiation dosimeter?
“A radiation dosimeter is a device, instrument or system that measures or evaluates, either directly or indirectly, the quantities exposure, kerma, absorbed dose or equivalent dose, or their time derivatives (rates), or related quantities of ionizing radiation. A dosimeter along with its reader is referred to
as a dosimetry system.”
To function as a radiation dosimeter, the dosimeter must possess at least
one physical property that is a function of the measured dosimetric quantity
and that can be used for radiation dosimetry with proper calibration.
List some desirable characteristics of dosimeters.
(1) Accuracy
(2) Precision
(3) Linearity
(4) Dose / Dose Rate dependence
(5) Energy Response
(6) Spatial Resolution
(7) Directional dependence **
Which dosimeter is commonly recommended for beam calibration in clinical reference dosimetry?
Ionization Chamber
Which dosimeter is commonly recommended for detecting radiation leaks?
Geiger-Muller Tube
Explain what is meant by ‘accuracy’ and ‘precision’ of a dosimetry system.
“The precision of dosimetry measurements specifies the reproducibility of the measurements under similar conditions and can be estimated from the data obtained in repeated measurements. High precision is associated with a small standard deviation of the distribution of the measurement results. The accuracy
of dosimetry measurements is the proximity of their expectation value to the ‘true value’ of the measured quantity. Results of measurements cannot be absolutely accurate and the inaccuracy of a measurement result is characterized as ‘uncertainty’.”
Explain ‘uncertainty’ of a measurement.
” Results of measurements cannot be
absolutely accurate and the inaccuracy of a measurement result is characterized as ‘uncertainty’.
The uncertainty is a parameter that describes the dispersion of the
measured values of a quantity; it is evaluated by statistical methods (type A) or
by other methods (type B), has no known sign and is usually assumed to be
Explain ‘error’ of a measurement.
“The error of measurement is the difference between the measured value
of a quantity and the true value of that quantity.”
What is a type A standard uncertainty?
“The standard uncertainty of type A, denoted u_A, is defined as the standard deviation of the mean value
The standard uncertainty of type A is obtained by a statistical analysis of repeated measurements and, in principle, can be reduced by increasing
the number of measurements.”
The standard deviation of the mean value is standard deviation divided by the root of the number of measurements, N.
Explain ‘linearity’ of a dosimeter.
” Ideally, the dosimeter reading M should be linearly proportional to the dosimetric quantity Q. However, beyond a certain dose range a non-linearity
sets in. The linearity range and the non-linearity behaviour depend on the type of dosimeter and its physical characteristics. “
What is a type B standard uncertainty?
“Type B standard uncertainties cannot be estimated by repeated measurements; rather, they are intelligent guesses or scientific judgements of non-statistical uncertainties associated with the measurement. They include influences on the measuring process, application of correction factors or physical data taken from the literature.”
Explain ‘dose rate dependence’ in dosimetry systems.
Integrating systems measure the integrated response of a dosimetry system. For such systems the measured dosimetric quantity should be independent of the rate of that quantity. Ideally, the response of a dosimetry system at two different dose rates should remain constant. In reality, the dose rate may influence the dosimeter readings and appropriate corrections are necessary, for example recombination corrections for ionization chambers in pulsed beams.
Explain ‘energy dependence’ in dosimetry systems.
The response of a dosimetry system M/Q is generally a function of radiation beam quality (energy). Since the dosimetry systems are calibrated at a specified radiation beam quality (or qualities) and used over a much wider energy range, the variation of the response of a dosimetry system with radiation quality (called energy dependence) requires correction.
Ideally, the energy response should be flat (i.e. the system calibration should be independent of energy over a certain range of radiation qualities). In
reality, the energy correction has to be included in the determination of the quantity Q for most measurement situations. Ιn radiotherapy, the quantity of interest is the dose to water (or to tissue). As no dosimeter is water or tissue equivalent for all radiation beam qualities, the energy dependence is an important characteristic of a dosimetry system.
Explain ‘directional dependence’ in dosimetry systems.
The variation in response of a dosimeter with the angle of incidence of radiation is known as the directional, or angular, dependence of the dosimeter.
Dosimeters usually exhibit directional dependence, due to their constructional details, physical size and the energy of the incident radiation. Directional dependence is important in certain applications, for example in in vivo dosimetry while using semiconductor dosimeters.
Therapy dosimeters are generally used in the same geometry as that in which they are calibrated.
Explain ‘spatial resolution’ and ‘physical size’ of a dosimeter.
Since the dose is a point quantity, the dosimeter should allow the determination of the dose from a very small volume (i.e. one needs a ‘point dosimeter’ to characterize the dose at a point). Τhe position of the point where the dose is determined (i.e. its spatial location) should be well defined in a reference
coordinate system.
Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) come in very small dimensions and their use, to a great extent, approximates a point measurement. Film dosimeters have excellent 2-D and gels 3-D resolution, where the point measurement is limited only by the resolution of the evaluation system. Ionization chamber type dosimeters, however, are of finite size to give the required sensitivity, although the new type of pinpoint microchambers partially overcomes the problem.
What is ‘readout convenience’ and ‘convenience of use’ in dosimeters?
Direct reading dosimeters (e.g. ionization chambers) are generally more convenient than passive dosimeters (i.e. those that are read after due
processing following the exposure, for example TLDs and films).
While some dosimeters are inherently of the integrating type (e.g. TLDs and gels), others
can measure in both integral and differential modes (ionization chambers).
Ionization chambers are reusable, with no or little change in sensitivity within their lifespan. Semiconductor dosimeters are reusable, but with a
gradual loss of sensitivity within their lifespan; however, some dosimeters are not reusable (e.g. films, gels and alanine).
Some dosimeters measure dose distribution in a single exposure (e.g. films and gels) and some dosimeters are quite rugged (i.e. handling will not influence sensitivity, for example ionization chambers), while others are sensitive to handling (e.g. TLDs).
Dosimetry Principles:
Give the radiation weighting factors for the following:
(i) X-rays
(ii) Gamma rays
(iii) Beta particles
(iv) Protons
(v) Neutrons
(vi) Alpha particles
(vii) Fission products & Heavy nuclei
(viii) Muons
(ix) Charged pions
(i) X-rays : 1
(ii) Gamma rays : 1
(iii) Beta particles : 1
(iv) Protons : 2
(v) Neutrons : 5-20 (depends on energy)
(vi) Alpha particles : 20
(vii) Fission products & Heavy nuclei : 20
(viii) Muons: 1
(ix) Charged pions: 2
What is RBE?
Relative Biologic Effectiveness: defined as the ratio of the doses required by two radiations to cause the same level of effect. Thus, the RBE depends on the dose and the biological endpoint
Discriminate between an ‘ideal’ and ‘real’ detector/dosimeter.
Ideal: Responds to one radiation type only Includes radiation quality factor Uniform energy response Gives equivalent dose (H) or equivalent dose rate
Real: Need to discriminate between particles and gamma radiation using probe - shield • Non-uniform energy response • Often gives exposure rate (X / t) only (Milli-Roentgen per hour)
Summarize differences between various types of gas detectors.
Ionization chamber has relatively low
sensitivity, good for high radiation fields, has
energy info.
• Proportional counter as neutron detector
with BF3
as filling gas (slow neutrons
undergo n-alpha reaction). Has energy info.
• GM has large dead time (~100 micro-sec),
saturation in high radiation field, very
sensitive, no energy info.
What is a radiation detector?
A radiation detector is a sensor that upon interaction with radiation
produces a signal that can preferably be processed electronically to give the
requested information.
Explain the three modes of operation of radiation detectors.
In radiology and radiotherapy, radiation detectors are operated in current
mode. The intensities are too high for individual counting of events. In nuclear
medicine, on the contrary, counting mode is primarily used. Observing individual
events has the advantage that energy and arrival time information are obtained,
which would be lost in current mode. In the case of a personal dosimeter, the
detector is used in integrating mode. The dose is, for example, measured monthly.
Furthermore, instead of real time observation, the information is extracted at a
much later time after the actual interaction.
What are two major differences between the three types of gas detectors?
(1) Applied Potential Difference
(2) Sensitivity
Give essential features of an ionization chamber.
- Use of inert gases like air , oxygen, nitrogen, helium, argon, hydrogen, methane etc..
- No saturation
- Low sensitivity due to low p.d. (small events may not be counted)
- Operates in current mode or pulse mode
- Can be used for neutron detection if inside wall of chamber is coated with thin layer of boron or if the chamber is filled with BF3.
- Pressure within chamber can be controlled
- Provides energy information
- May show differences between particles and photons
- measures exposure rates up to 1000 R/min
- Operates in the full ionization region of Pulse Height vs Voltage curve
- Can measure very high dose rates
- Reusable
- Little or no loss of sensitivity in lifespan
- No dead time, no saturation due to no charge amplification
- Preferred for beam calibration
- Neutron detection
- Uniform response to gamma radiation
- Low energy dependence
- Simple to use
- Has some energy info
- No charge amplification (low pd)
- Relatively low sensitivity
- Relatively slower response time than proportional chambers
- Requires a thin window for the detection of alpha and beta radiation.
- Low density, therefore gamma radiation deposits less energy in the ionization chamber.
- Easily affected by moisture
- Need electrometer external circuit for measuring current (unless it has a capacitor which is the case for direct reading dosimeters)
Give essential features of a GM counter.
- High sensitivity due to high p.d.
- Large dead time for high dose rates- saturation effect
- Measures low exposure rates
- Provides no energy info
- Use of inert gas
- Operates in GM region of Pulse height vs Voltage curve
- Operates in count mode
- Can measure low exposure rates (0.1 mR/hr)
- High sensitivity ( around 100%)
- High Amplification: large output signal
- Portable
- Measures low exposure rates
- No particle identification
- No energy resolution
- Large dead time
- Saturation in high exposures and so cannot measure high radiation rates accurately due to large dead time.
Give essential features of a proportional counter.
- Intermediate p.d.
- Provides energy information
- Particles yield larger pulses
- Operates in the proportional region of the Pulse height vs Voltage curve.
- Can distinguish between different types of radiation
- High sensitivity but not as high as GM
- Operates in count/pulse mode
- Important to keep voltage constant
- Argon and helium frequently used as filling gases.
- Can be used for neutron detection with BF3 gas.
- gives energy info
- distinguish between alpha and beta particles
- Amplification
- relatively high sensitivity
- faster response time than ionization chamber
- can be used for spectroscopy due to energy info
- can be used for neutron detection
- voltage must be kept constant
- must apply quenching techniques/methods.
- anode wires can lose efficiency over time
Give essential features of a condenser-type dosimeter/ direct reading dosimeter eg. quartz fiber dosimeter.
- Basically consists of a small ionizing chamber with a capacitor for storing charge
- Greater charge on the electrode, larger deflection on quartz fibre
- Measures cumulative dose of ionizing radiation over time
- Detects x-rays and gamma-rays
- determine dose easily & quickly
- provides immediate reading
- reusable
- personal dosimeter
- charge leakage from capacitor affects reading
- must be periodically recharged
- low accuracy, reading errors
- small dynamic range ; limited range of exposures
- no permanent record
- can be discharged if dropped or bumped
Give essential features of a scintillation detector.
- phosphor crystals like thallium-activated sodium iodide NaI(Tl) , CsF , CsI(Tl)
- crystal optically coupled to a photomultiplier tube (PMT) which converts light emissions to electrical signals
- PMT has photocathode at its entrance. In the tube there is a focusing grid which focuses the initial electrodes unto a dynode. The gain in kinetic energy of the initial electrons causes further ionization at the dynode. The electrons produced are directed towards another dynode and so on until the electrons have multiplied greatly . The electrons then arrive at the anode where they are collected and the signal is measured.
- predictable number of photons emitted based on energy deposited
- some detectors replace the PMT with a photodiode
- good for detection of gamma rays
- classified as solid-state detectors
- plastic scintillators mostly used for beta particle detection
- fast response time with comparison to gas detectors
- high efficiency; high light yield
- high sensitivity
- able to distinguish energies
- good energy resolution
- used for spectroscopy
- high accuracy
- fragile crystal
- expensive
- sensitive to temp. changes
- not recommended to expose to normal light ; need to be in an air-tight, light-sealed container
- limited/no beta and alpha response and poor low energy gamma response
Give essential features of film dosimetry systems.
- Two major types of film: radiographic film and radiochromic film
- Radiographic film have a thin plastic base and are coated on one or both sides with Ag-Br suspended in gelatin.
- Radiochromic film: the most common is the GafChromic film.
- both operate as relative dosimeters in that they compare the measurements with and without irradiation
- optical density is measured using densitometers
- OD= log (I_0/I) with I_0 being the initial incident intensity and I being the intensity after passing through film.
- The OD vs Exposure curve of a film system is called the H&D curve.
- Regions of the curve include the fog, toe, linear and shoulder region.
- The fog density of a film is the background OD when no or little radiation is incident on the film
- excellent 2D spatial resolution
-in a single exposure, provides spatial distribution of radiation field
-can be used for dose evaluation with proper calibration
-cheap, widely-available
-provides a permanent record
-can be worn for a few months
-relatively easy processing, however dark room facilities needed
- OD of film not just dependent on radiation but other environmental conditions.
- humidity affects darkening
- need dark room facilities for processing
- not reusable
- limited lattitude, i.e. useful dose range
- energy dependence is pronounced for low energy photons
Radiochromic -colourless turns blue upon irradiation -a precision of less than 3% may be achieved -less sensitive than normal film ADVANTAGES -tissue equivalent -self-developing -very high spatial resolution since grainless -easier to use than normal film -no dark room, film cassettes etc -dose-rate independence -reduced sensitivity to ambient conditions
Give essential features on TLD systems.
- Thermoluminescent dosimeter
- like LiF:Mg, Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P commercially referred to as TLD-100 and GR-200 respectively
- traps energy from ionizing radiation.
- thermal stimulation causes electrons in electron traps to migrate to the conduction band and holes in hole traps to return to valence bands
- Electrons and holes may then combine in recombination centers and release energy in the form of light.
- This recombination is assisted when thermal stimulation releases holes from hole traps and electrons from electron traps.
- Basic components of a TLD reader system include a planchet for placing and heating the TLD, a PMT and an electrometer.
- The PMT gives a signal that is proportional to the detected photon fluence from the TLD.
- The intensity of the signal is however proportional to the temperature of the heater
- if the heating rate is constant then intensity becomes proportional to the time of heating
- The curve produced is called a glow curve.
- The peaks represent trap depths
- Area under the graph can be correlated with the dose through proper calibration
- relative dosimeter
- comes in many forms (powder, chips, rods, ribbons etc)
- small: point dose measurement
- some are tissue equivalent
- not expensive
- linear dose response over wide range of doses
- wearing period up to 1 year
- reusable?
- signal erased during readout
- easy to lose reading
- no instant readout
- readout and calibration time consuming
- not recommended for beam calibration
- fading of signal occurs before it may be read
- need to be calibrated before use
Give essential features on semi-conductor detectors.
- A p-n junction diode
- typically doped Si or Ge or hyperpure Ge.
- acts like a solid-state ionization chamber
- formation of electron-hole pairs when irradiated.
- Typical energy required for creation of e-h pair is 3eV.
- The charge collected is proportional to the dose.
- A MOSFET is a type of semi-conductor detector. It stands for metal oxide semiconduction field effect transistor.
- high sensitivity since low E required for e-h pair creation
- high energy resolution
- useful in spectroscopy
- small size: point measurement
- instant readout
- no external bias
- simple instrument
- MOSFETS: excellent spatial resolution, small in size
- change in sensitivity with accumulated dose
- not recommended for beam calibration
- temperature dependent
- needs to be calibrated for in vivo dosimetry
What are the major contributions of radiation to humans?
- nuclear fallout from bomb testing in the past: 1 mrem/yr
- nuclear power plants- 0.05 mrem/yr
- radon: 200mrem/yr
- cosmic radiation: 27 mrem/yr
- terrestrial: 28 mrem/yr
- internal- 40 mrem/yr
- medical X-rays- 39 mrem/yr
- smoking: 200-300 mrem/yr
- 10 h flight: 31.5 mrem
What is a radiation detector?
“A radiation detector is a sensor that upon interaction with radiation produces a signal that can preferably be processed electronically to give requested information.”
Explain what is damage track neutron dosimetry.
- a method for detecting fast neutrons
- consists of three layers: a top and bottom layer of fissionable material like Th or Np and a middle layer consisting of a thin plastic.
- Neutrons passing through fissionable material causes release of hydrogen. carbon, oxygen and helium nuclei .
- These charged particles create tracks in the plastic.
- Tracks do not fade
- Insensitive to gamma and UV rays
- cheap
- Track counting
Explain what is bubble neutron dosimetry.
- AKA superheated drop detector
- elastic polymer with suspended droplets of superheated liquid placed in a glass or plastic tube with a cap and built in thermometer.
- number of bubbles proportional to the neutron dose equivalent
- cannot be disturbed by electromagnetic forces
- direct readability
- low cost
- permanent visual record
- high sensitivity
- strong sensitivity to change in temperature
- dependence on pressure
- depends on energy of neutrons
Give essential features of neutron area survey monitors.
Neutron area survey meters operate in the proportional region so that the photon background can be easily discriminated against.
● Thermal neutron detectors usually have a coating of a boron compound on the inside of the wall, or the counter is filled with BF3 gas.
● A thermal neutron interacts with a 10B nucleus causing an (n,a) reaction, and the a particles can easily be detected by their ionizing interactions.
● To detect fast neutrons the same counter is surrounded by a moderator made of hydrogenous material (Fig. 4.3); the whole assembly is then a fast neutron counter. The fast neutrons interacting with the moderator are thermalized and are subsequently detected by a BF3 counter placed inside the moderator.
● Filter compensation is applied to reduce thermal range over-response so that the response follows the ICRP radiation weighting factors wR (see Chapter 16). The output is approximately proportional to the dose equivalent in soft tissue over a wide range (10 decades) of neutron energy spectra.
● Other neutron detectors (e.g. those based on 3He) also function on the same principles.