Dose Flashcards
Public Annual Limit
Uncontrolled Area
0.02 mSv/hr
Lens of eye (Annual) - Public
15 mSv
Shallow Dose Eq Skin (Annual) - Public
50 mSv
Occupational Annual Limit
50 mSv
Controlled Area
0.1 mSv/hr
Lens of eye (Annual) - Occupational
150 mSv
Shallow Dose Eq Skin (Annual) - Occupational
500 mSv
Occupational for minors
10% of adult
Fetus declared pregnancy
5 mSv total / 0.5mSv/month
Radiation Area
0.05 - 1 mSv/hr @0.3m - signs required
High Radiation Area
> 1 mSv/hr @0.3m - restricted access - caution sign
Very High Radiation Area
> 5 Gy/hr @1m - alarms, signs and double interlocks
Average total effective dose per person
6 mSv
Average Background Effective Dose
3 mSv
Types of Background Radiation
Cosmic, terrestrial and internal exposure
Low level radiation
<10rem (100mSv)
High level radiation
> 10rem (100mSv)