donning/doffing of gloves Flashcards
-To enable the nurse to handle or touch sterile objects freely without contaminating them
-To prevent transmission of potentially infective organisms from the nurse’s hands to clients at high risk for infection
Review the client’s record and orders to determine exactly what procedure will be performed that requires sterile gloves. Use non latex gloves whenever possible especially when latex allergy is suspected
Think through the procedure, planning which steps need to be completed before the gloves can be applied. Determine what additional supplies are needed to perform the procedure for this client. ALWAYS have an extra pair of sterile gloves available.
1st thing to do?
Ensure the sterility of the package of gloves
Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection prevention procedures
Provide privacy to the client
Open the package of sterile gloves and place the package of gloves on a clean, dry surface.
(Any moisture on the surface could contaminate the gloves)
Put the first glove on the DOMINANT hand first.
(The hands are not sterile. By touching only the inside of the glove, the nurse avoids contaminating the outside)
Leave the cuff in place once the unsterile hand releases the glove. (Attempting to further unfold the cuff is likely to contaminate the glove.)
Put the second glove on the NONDOMINANT hand. (In this position, the thumb is less likely to touch the arm and become contaminated)
Remove and dispose of used gloves
Perform hand hygiene
Document that sterile technique was used in the performance of the procedure
Conduct any follow-up indicated during your care of the client. Ensure that adequate numbers and types of sterile supplies are available for the next healthcare provider.
Procedures that needs to be performed in sterile gloves:
-Bedmaking (Soiled linens)
-Parenteral medications
-Intravenous and Blood therapy
-Various Surgical procedures