Domestic Violence Flashcards
Who says domestic violence occurs due to challenging authority?
Dobash and Dobash
What does Yearnshire say?
On average woman suffered 35 assualts before reporting
Who found women suffered roughly 35 assaults before reporting?
Cheal found what?
Police are reluctant to investigating domestic violence as family is private
Feminist therefore say we only see the tip of the iceberg
What are two explanations for domestic violence?
- challenging patriarchy
- lack of resources (materially deprived)
What dors firestone argue?
Society us founded on patriarchy so when it’s challenged it causes violence.
Elliot says what
Rejects firestones radical view, says not all males are aggressive and majority are opposed to domestic violence
Crime survey for england and wales 2013
18% men have suffered domestic violence
Crime survey for england and wales 2013
widespread DV
2 million reported DV
Crime survey for england and wales 2013
Gender gap
Small gap, 7.3% women and 5% of men experience DV in one year.
2 counters of official stats for researching DV
- vitcitms wont report it all (link to yearnshire)
- Wont report due to fear (Dar)
Wilson and Pickett
DV is caused by stress caused by material deprivation
Counter for Wilson & Pickett
Doesn’t explain why women are more likely to be victims