Domestic Reforms 1919-1922 Flashcards
19{#} LG set up [#] C who were mediators of D over W and W C
1917 LG set up Whitley Councils, mediating disputes over wages and working conditions.
A campaign - 19[#] Ministry of [#] = reforms in N H, H , L G, B & I
Addison campaign 1917 Ministry of Reconstruction.
Housing, national health, local government, banking and industry.
E A 19[#] required LEA’s of propose M L A of [#] and plans for all stages.
Education Act 1918 required Local Education Authorities. to propose a mininum school leaving age f 14.
The M and C W A of 19[#] updated benefits first introduced in 19[#] B.
The Maternity and Child Welfare Act of 1918 updated benefits introduced in 1909 Budget.
H I 19[#] was extended for people earning to [#] a year
Health Insurance 1911 was extended for people earning up to £250 a year.
I C A 19[#] improved L to help employees to gain back for industrial injuries from 18[#] to 19[#]
Industrial Coruts Act 1919 improved legalisation to help employees … 1896 to 1908.
Measures to win WC support?
- A of P 19[#] contuined R C
- 19[#] A to prevent W R untill {#] 1920
- Miners W F = [#] working day
- Ex-servicemen received U B till M 19[#]
- Act of Parliament 1920 continued rent controls
- 1918 Act prevent wage reductions until September 1920
- Welfare Fund 7 hrs
- Unemployment benefits for ES unitl March 1921
Reforms major social issues:
- U E A 1920 had a surplus of [#] million meaning
- U I A 19[#] & U D A for families
- A A 19[#] subsides to build [#] houses at low rents.
- Unemployment Act 1920= surplus of £22 million = big over spent considering gov debit.
- Unemployment Insurance Act 1921 + Unemployed Dependants.
- Addison Act 19[#] - 70,000 houses