Doman 2 - Storage Flashcards
You are about to enter the Christmas sale and you know a few items in your website are very popular and will be read often. Last year you had a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException. What should you do this year?
Create a DAX cluster
You would like to react in real-time to users de-activating their account and send them an email to try to bring them back. The best way of doing it is to…
Integrate Lambda with a DynamoDB stream
What is the maximum number of fields that can be made a primary key in DynamoDB?
2, partition key + sort key
What is the maximum size of a row in DynamoDB?
You are writing an item of 8 KB in size at the rate of 12 per seconds. How many WCU do you need?
1 WCU = 1KB/s, so total 96 WCU
You are doing a strongly consistent read of 10 KB items at the rate of 10 per second. What RCU do you need?
30, strong consistent uses 1 RCU; 10/4 = 3
Note: eventual consistency is 0.5 RCU;
You would like to have DynamoDB automatically delete old data for you. What should you use?
1) Use TTL
2) Use DynamoDB Streams
3) Use DAX
4) Use a Lambda function
1) Use TTL
#S3 What is the consistency model of S3?
- Read after write consistency for PUTS of new objects;
Exception: if you did GET-PUT-GET, you will get 404 due to eventual consistency - why? - Eventual consistency for DELETES and PUTS of existing objects
#S3 What are the storage class/tiers of S3
Standard, IA, One Zone IA, Glacier, Glacier Deep Archive
#S3 What is the largest size you can store in the S3 or Glacier?
S3: 5TB; Glacier: 40TB
What are the 3 data retrieval
options for S3 Glacier?
Expedited: 1 - 5 min
Standard: 3 - 5 hours
Bulk: 5 - 12 hours
What are the 3 data retrieval
options for S3 Glacier Deep Archive?
Standard (12 hours);
Bulk (48 hours)
#S3 What is the minimum storage period for S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive?
S3 IA and S3 One Zone IA: 30 days
S3 Glacier: 90 days
S3 Deep Archive: 180 days
#S3 What is S3 LIfecycle Rules?
S3 Lifecycle rules can be used to define
- Transition actions, and
- Expiration actions
Rules can be applied to prefixes and tags
#S3 What is S3 Versioning?
- S3 versioning can be enbled at bucket level and can be suspended later
- Can be used to prevent unintended delete; you can restore a delete object to a previous versions