Domains Flashcards
Determine Reading Level
Assess students reading performance as they read from benchmark book.
Running record
Determines Reading Level
Identifies cueing system used by the reader.
Focuses on what the student is doing right to build on existing strategies and improve the reader as a whole.
Miscue Analysis
Phoenmic Awareness
Segments words into individual sounds and phonemes.
SH | EE | P
Elkonin boxes
Determines Reading Level
Determines what level of instruction to begin at. Usually uses materials read/to be read in class. Informal diagnostic reading test.
4 levels: Independent Instructional Frustration Hearing capacity
IRI: Informal Reading Assessment
Phonemic Awareness in lower elementary
pl + ate
Phonemic Awareness in lower elementary
Rhyming, poems, songs, books, etc
Teaches phonemic awareness
Teaches words from WHOLE to SMALLEST.
Teaches words from SMALLEST to WHOLE
Is statistically more successful. Form of decoding
letters + sounds + blending + syllables + words
Concepts About Print
Needs to be modeled and reviewed Lower elementary EL learners Read alouds Small group book work Shared reading!
Reading Comprehension
lower elementary
reading - sort beginning, middle, and end of story
Reading Comprehension
lower elementary
Story Retelling
Always ask open ended questions
Make predictions
Reading Comprehension
lower & upper
Graphic organizers
Construct meaning
Asses understanding & observe thinking process
Reading Comprehension AND Fluency
lower & upper
Move beyond word-by-word reading.
Divides text into chunks at clauses, phrases, and sentences.
Reading Comprehension
upper elementary
Students are the teacher in small group reading sessions.
Teacher MODELS and then guides with 4 strategies:
-Question Generating
Reciprocal Teaching
Sight Words
Teacher reads aloud, modeling correct prosody, rate, accuracy. (e.g., students don’t learn from bad readers and need it MODELED for them)
Students participate in reading process
Shared Reading
Sight Words
Uses child’s own words to learn to read.
Turn experiences into learning opportunity.
LEA: Learning Experience Approach
Content Area Instruction
lower elementary
Activates prior knowledge (APR) to prepare for new content.
Predicts and informs what will be learned
KWL Chart: Know, Want to Know, Learned
Content Area Instruction
upper elementary
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
More advanced KWL
encourages concepts about print, overview, prediction, etc
SQ3R Survey Question Read Recite Review
Literacy Response
lower elementary
Model prosody, rate, fluency, etc through shared reading.
Ask open ended questions
Discuss and lead
Make predictions together
Model/thinking aloud = thinking processes
Read Alouds
Literacy Response
lower elementary
Oral conversational skills
Exchange ideas and perspectives
Authentic, lively talk about text
Grand conversations
Literacy Response
upper and lower
Both a reading and speaking activity
Practice questioning, evaluating, summarizing, and clarifying information while modeling for others how to think in these ways.
Investigative Questioning
Literacy Response
upper and lower
EL friendly
Small groups
Reader-response-centered with grand conversation
Hones oral language and conversational skills/investigative questioning
Guided by student questioning (flexible and never the same)
Literature Circles
Literacy Response
upper elementary
Journal entries written from character’s perspective
Hits POV standards and character development
Investigative questioning & predictive thought processing
Assessment of student understanding
Simulated Journals
EL friendly
Learn vocabulary prior to reading
Identify the words, define the meaning, THEN place them in text
Pre-teach Vocabulary
Increases reading fluency and comprehension
Works to combat word-by-word reading through familiarity
Gain confidence through practice
Very effective
Repeated Reading
lower elementary
Alphabetization, by prefix/etc
Visually represent words by category and makeup
Spelling - cutting out words and putting them in orders based on beginning, prefix, suffix, etc.
Word Sorts
lower and upper
Use of graphic organizers
Visually arrange
Can be used for word formation as well as sentence structuring and paragraph structuring to better lay out, visualize, and compose appropriate responses
Semantic Mapping (graphic organizers)
upper elementary
EL friendly
Small group work
Read a text selection and then each student chooses words they can’t define to discuss and work together to find a meaning to
Vocabulary Self-Selection (VSS)
WR: 97-100%, C: 90-100%
Independent Level
WR: 92-96%, C: 70-85%
Instructional Level
WR: 92% and below, C: 70% and below
Frustration Level
Spelling Stage:
Students produce scribbles. No scribbles look like words. Undecipherable. At the end of this stage, some markings begin to resemble letters. Begin to recognize left to right sequence in letters. Ages 1-7
Spelling Stage:
Students understand letters represent sounds. Students find matches between spoken word and letters. Find matches between letters and sounds. Ages 4-9
Spelling Stage:
Can sight-read 200-400 words. Show good accuracy with words influenced by R such as “far” and “bird.” Recognize common Latin suffixes such as “inspection.” Ages 6-12
Spelling Stage:
Students use short and long vowel patterns and can use consonant doubling as found in “shopping” and “cattle.” Can use the double and e drop as found in “stopping” and “amazing.” Ages 8-18
Can be used for ELL and lower elementary readers
Uses street signs, logos, labels, candy wrappers, etc.
Domain 2: developing phonological and linguistic processes
environmental print
Planning/Organizing Reading Instruction is Domain #___
Developing Phonological and Linguistic Process is Domain #___
Developing Reading Comprehension and Promoting Independent Reading is Domain #___
Supporting Reading Through Oral and Written Language is Domain #___
Student writes a story and answers questions from the class based on story
Author’s Chair
In this lesson, students develop scripts, perform in groups, and practice using their voice to depict characters from texts.
Reader’s Theater
Daily entries in journal based on stories being read in the class. Can be used for shared reading, as well as SSR.
Learning Logs
Short prompts given to students based on enjoyable subjects that students are familiar and often enthusiastic about. Can be used to assess student writing level, as well as to hone writing skills and assess progress.
Quick writes
Modeled, shared reading when the teacher guides the reading of the text, but periodically pauses for students to fill in words. Good for all learners, including beneficial for EL learners.
Drop-in reading/cloze reading
Reading Stage:
Gains control of oral language, relies heavily on pictures in text, pretends to read, recognizes rhyme
Emergent Readers
Reading Stage:
Grows aware of sound/symbol relationships, focuses on printed symbols, attempts to break code of print, uses decoding to figure out words
Decoding Readers
Reading Stage:
Develops fluency in reading, recognizes patterns in words, checks for meaning and sense, knows a stock of sight words
Confirmation & Fluency Readers