Domain_3 Flashcards
Secure design principles
Principles like least privilege, defense in depth, secure defaults, fail securely, separation of duties, keep it simple, zero trust, privacy by design, trust but verify, shared responsibility
Quantum cryptography
Relevant and expanded information versus the official study guide for selecting and determining cryptographic solutions
Cryptanalytic attacks
Brute force, ciphertext only, known plaintext, frequency analysis, chosen ciphertext, implementation attacks, side-channel, fault injection, timing, Man-in-the-Middle (MITM), Pass the hash, Kerberos exploitation, Ransomware
Purpose of a security model
Provides a way for designers to map abstract statements into a security policy, determines how security will be implemented and what subjects/objects can access the system
State machine model
Describes a system that is always secure no matter what state it is in based on the computer science definition of a finite state machine
Information flow model
Focuses on the flow of information, includes Biba and Bell-LaPadula models
Non-interference model
Concerned with how higher security level subjects affect lower level subjects, ensures different subjects/objects don’t interfere with each other
Lattice-based model
Based on the interaction between objects and subjects, used to define security levels
Simple security property
Describes rules for read operations (no read up)
Star * security property
Describes rules for write operations (no write down)
Invocation property
Rules around invocations (calls) to subjects
No read up, no write down
No read down, no write up
Access control triple (principal
Brewer and Nash (Chinese Wall)
Prevents conflict of interest problems